DIY "Stream" Style Pump

Did you see the video I posted of it? It is in the IceCap forum in a current thread. It won't be cheap, but should be less than a Tunze Stream.
still not cheaper than a sturdy DIY PROP powerhead, lol. i'll someday get around to making some of these, and if i'm not happy i'll buy those vortech pumps.
melev said:
Did you see the video I posted of it? It is in the IceCap forum in a current thread. It won't be cheap, but should be less than a Tunze Stream.

That was an impressive demo. Were you as awed in person as I was with the video?
Everyone loved it. One thing that concerned me was the heat coming off the motor. It ran very hot at the time, but later I was told that they were able to fix that (at the conference!) so that it wasn't as hot to the touch. They even had some type of infared thermometer to test the temperature of the glass near the pump, and alway from it. It only varied by 1 degree.

I really like the size of it, and how it doesn't eat up a bunch of space. The motor won't be an eyesore to me either, if it stays close to the prototype we saw.
Yea those little pumps are awesome way better than our mods as theres almost no parts to wear out and no motor in the tank. Very impressive. I wouldn't worry about the heat issues right now with the little motor because like you said Marc they are prototypes. If you noticed at the show the wires were wrapped in electrical tape very prototypeish :)
Great great thread!

Lot's of people tagging along adding their valuable 2c daily...

After reading all the pages, most in great detail, I still fail to understand if anyone has managed to keep the power heads (Maxi Jet or New Jet in my case) from spinning 'backwards' occasianly as a healthy AC motor is customed to?

Thanks for everyones input, this is what forums are best at!!...
There was some questions about longevity. Here's a pic of mine after about a year. It's hard to see the inner workings - glance at my gallery to look at the way I build the things.

The mesh is cut from a roll of plastic mesh used to keep leaves out of rain gutters. You can see how I hot glue it against a cleaning magnet to mount the thing.

One thing that I've found is that the 'loose impellor reverse spin' works when it's new, after a few months crap builds up on the axel, and it'll reverse spin and not slide forward. So I've had to manually pick it up out of the water, let it flutter and put it back under water until it spins the right way. I think I had to do one of the last month (horrors!!!!!) Big deal.

That's old news (the backspinning nub). What I can't believe is how much this guy is charging for it @ $59.99 with just the impeller and guard. Crazy...

What would be the point of spending THAT much when you can buy a brand new SEIO for so much less?

a rio seio, haha. you would put a rio in your tank?

the thing I like about this one is it looks nice. to me performance counts for about 25%, style 25%. and the last half would be price and power consumption. realisticly if its going in my display tank it beter not look cheesy. if it was a frag tank I wouln't care what it looked like.

im not selling these so I can't speak for the price, but I would love it if these where half price, but what can you do. labor costs money. if these where mass produced im sure you could save a lot in production costs.

after all is said and done, would I buy another? yup.

btw, where can you get a seio cheaper? marine depo has these:
TA3713 Taam Seio Super Flow Pump M820 $52.95
TA3715 Taam Seio Super Flow Pump M1100 $62.95
TA3717 Taam Seio Super Flow Pump M1500 $69.95 <------

and how about tunze? Tunze TurbelleÃ"šÃ‚® Stream 6000 $259.96 <---holy cow
Well I WOULD put a SEIO in my tank. I think it's unfair to compare the SEIO against the Rio as these are not he same pumps at all. Even the newer Rio's design have changed as Taam is no longer using oil but rather epoxy resin in the motor now.

But as far as pricing goes. You just answered it.

TA3713 Taam Seio Super Flow Pump M820 $52.95

This guy's maxi-mod - $59.99 (and that is without the MJ powerhead even).

The one thing I do like about these mods is that the size. The SEIO is HUGE and can be quite unsightly whereas this one can be made quite small (not much larger than the stock MJ design)

My 0.02 for what it's worth.

I noticed your mod earlyer in this thread. its interesting that you can use the original inpeller and change the flow patterns.
dhnguyen said:
That's old news (the backspinning nub).
Yea, and it needs maintenance (regular cleaning) to work. Otherwise the impellor will spin in same place no matter which way it's turning after a period of time. No slidey - no wacky into something.

So faced with: fiddle-as-necessary or fiddle-on-a-schedule - well guess which option I choose. Personal opinion.

I LOVE the personal expression in quangtam7's thread. (Seeing the design genius - can he be anything but Italian? Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m not worthy.)

I could do that, if I wanted to. :D But I make mine ugly - so that your average Joe can say "Crap I can do better than that" and digs out his hot glue gun to prove it.
Well if the name Quangtam7 is indicative of who he is I'd say he's Vietnamese (or at least Asian) and not Italian :)

Agreed though, the guy can work magic with a PVC pipe and tile saw.

But what the hell do I know LOL
"But I make mine ugly - so that your average Joe can say "Crap I can do better than that" and digs out his hot glue gun to prove it."

:lol: :lol: