I got my reactor up and running four days ago. I'm dripping one drop a second. Here's what I'm confused about. My tank read 50ppm nitrates but when I test the effluent it reads higher at 100+. Is this right? Am I doing something wrong? Should I raise the drops to 2-3 per second or leave it alone at 1 drop per second?
leave it alone, the reacto rneeds time to cycle, thus having a lot of nitrate coming out of the effluent, then nitrite will hit a high value then they will drop....
IME sulfur denitrifiers really work, i used one for almost 2 years and was fascinated that my nitrate dropped from 20ppm to 0 ppm, but as time passed by i noticed that my tank stayed at 5ppm, i came to the conclusion that the denitrifier was going thru a vicious cycle, this means that the denitrifier was keeping my nitrate in the tank at 0ppm, this caused the bacteria inside the denitrifier too die because it did not have any more nitrate in the water to feed on and this put back nitrate into the tank, when the nitrate got back up in the aquarium the denitrifier cycled again and started working again, i notoced this because every week i would test my denitrifier at the outlet and one week it would be 0ppm then another it would be 10-15ppm, and so on, so my tank always stayed at ~5ppm, it wasnt that bad but i opted on removing the device, since then i installed an algae scrubber (i am not trying to promote it or nothing, just a personal choice) and my tank has been running at 0ppm for almost 3 months now, BTW when i removed the dnitrifier 2 things happened, i got a lot of green cyano al over the walls, its like my tank went thru a mini cycle, i removed the algae and it hasnt came back since, second, my corals started to look better, i think it was due to the fact that i wasnt putting any more sulfate into the tank, i did water changes when i removed the denitrifier too, so take that on account....
This is by personal experience and please dont take it out as i am bashing denitrifiers, i used one and really liked it, i just wanted to share my story, thanks