Th pH would be reduced by the lower alk as 4 units of carbonate alkalinity are consumed per the cited reaction.
The more sulfur you run at high flow the more alk will be consumed via aerobic activity without the benefit anaerobic nitrate reduction. Higher sulfate production than necessary to the process also results. The amount of sulfur needed is realted to the amount of nitrate present .
Based on your quote that the quantity of sulphur is related to the nitrate present can you please answer to the questions: how much sulphur is needed when 30ppm nitrate is present and how much when the level is decreased to 2ppm? How much sulphur will be used to keep the level at 2ppm?
The quantity of sulfhur used has no markable influence on the PH or alkalinity. Only the daily removed quantity of nitrate may change the PH. I suspect ll is compensated by the calcium reactors and passing the effluent true a skimmer. There is not much difference between a reefaquarium with or without BADESS concerning PH, KH and sulphate. The difference in nitrate and phosphate may be noticeable.
Quality brands of salt-mixes contain between 1.8 and 3.3 sulphate. if one has doubts about the sulphate production, use a low sulphate saltmix. I do not bother.
The quantity of sulfur needed is based on the daily to remove quantity of nitrate and the desired nitrate level in the system. It is
NOT possible to build a sulfur denitrator that is manageable based only on the present nitrate level in the system.
The basic rule to use a 1% reactor till 50ppm and a 2% reactor above 50 ppm will give a good working and easy manageable sulphur reactor though.
All this was already discussed in previous threads.
What happens when carbon carbonate dissolves in an anaerobic nitrate free environment with a lot of N, H+ and sulphate present ? I do not know, i am not a chemist and I have not the means or the skills to find out.
What I do know is that after many years of use no problems where experienced, not with sulphate production ( probably held back in the calcium reactors), not with alkalinity ( compensated).
Corals where kept in good health for over two years without a water change,
Problems may occur when
NOT ENOUGH SULPHUR is used and/or due to mismanagement. Only then H2S formation is possible and/or the reactor will not function satisfactory.
BADESS means a reactor filled with sulphur followed by (a) reactor(s) filled with calcium/ calcium carbonate media and an aeration device ( skimmer) in line.