DIY the female way!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6509526#post6509526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
bah that's horrible... any guy can do better!

You built the tank also? All glass?

i tink i will be band for this but i cant help it i hate guys like this man BeanAnimal

he can stand a lady can do beter then him i love to DIY and work with anyting and if my wife was like this ill love her alot more he make me :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
Dude, I'm sure it was sarcasm. Get over it. I'm sure there was no offense meant and it doesn't call for getting upset. However, since sarcasm is hard to identify by our foreign guests, as well as in type print, it is usually customary to follow your sarcastic comment with a nice explaination.
Thanks for the comments folks. My camera is at repairers (under warranty, thank God). Will post some more detailed pics when I can.