DML08 115g


Time for the upgrade..

tank is Leemar Built 48x30x18tall eurobraced.

8x54w bulb T5 Retro fit kit driven to Spec

Skimmer SWC160 (until I upgrade to ATB)

I'll be using Zeovit for Nutrient reduction, I also Built my Zeovit reactor..

Flow will be 2 Vortechs MP40w ES..

I got the tank a couple of months ago, built my stand and started the tank, 2 days after getting water in it, I put the lights on only to see that the tank had a chip with a small hairline Crack, I contacted Leemar and they took care of me.. I picked up the tank last weekend and got it back up and running...

Day 4 of the 14day Zeovit cycle...

Left side looking left.
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I'm now on day 17 off zeovit, and added a couple frags.. One STN'd on me on the base but that has stopped...

Right side looking left..

Some sump shots, still need to clean up the cords but I still have to add ATO Res, Balling containers and Profilux SA Doser..


And some T5 Bulbs...
Looking good Dom. Loved your last tank - was very much inspired by that tank and so I can only imagine that this one is going to have similar awesome coral colours.

Is it possible to post some photos of your retrofit T5's? I assume you are using individual reflectors, but how are you cooling them?

Good luck.
Tagging along, your previous tank was amazing.

BTW - I like your definition of a "frag."
Very nice D. How long before corals?
Thanks Mark.. I can if I wanted to add them now.... But I would like to wait at least another week or two.. Losing stuff is my biggest concern but the 45 is packed and things need Space and more light Bad....

Looking good Dom. Loved your last tank - was very much inspired by that tank and so I can only imagine that this one is going to have similar awesome coral colours.

Is it possible to post some photos of your retrofit T5's? I assume you are using individual reflectors, but how are you cooling them?

Good luck.
Thank you Sahin, your current tank thread is awesome also, very clean my friend... T5's do have individual reflectors, and are being cooled via Azoo fan unit, you can see the fans in the above pic of the T5's, they are on the bottom.. as of right now the ambient temperature is 90*(95* is ideal for better par) in the canopy so the cool spot of the bulb should be around 100*, I need a better thermometer(the laser pointing kind) to confirm this and would need a par meter to check for best output, right now the fans are being ran at 9v and bulbs are driven to spec...

Best of luck with her.. Subscribed!

Tagging along, your previous tank was amazing.

BTW - I like your definition of a "frag."


love those dims, tagging along:spin3:

Looks great so far, I can't wait to see progress. Your last tank was one of my inspirations.

Thanks Gents.. :beer::beer:
Couldn't help it. Added a few more frags..
DD Deepwater
500$ Efflo
ORA Pearlberry
ORA German blue polyp Acro
Steve Elias stag
MP's red stag..
Meh.. couple of the above frags don't look so hot, the red stag is bone white already, and the SE stag is showing signs of some stress but will recover... Ironically both of these frags were left in a dip of Revive for over 14Min. Opps!!! :hmm2:
You should have made me a couple frags of the above mentioned frags so you would have backups. When you are ready for frags, LMK.
How high from the water's surface is the T5's mounted? I have mine 5inches above the water line and I am not sure if this is too low. Thanks.