DML08 115g

seems daily I gotta clean this thing.. here is 24hrs of skimmate..
That's very good skimmate. I had to clean daily for the first couple of weeks. Now I empty the skimmer cup every 4 or 5 days. But at least it's pulling some good stuff out.
Well the 115 is starting to settle in, I lost most my colonies, in fact all but one after the Transfer, I've been just trying to get my zeovit dosing down, still battling some Algae in the tank, but I was expecting this since it's a new system...
I'm really sad to hear of your losses. But your old tank was amazing, and I'm sure this one will be as well.
Ah man that's too bad. Zeovit can be very hard on corals during the initial startup phase.

Hope your tank becomes stable soon. Keep us posted.
Here is a lil update, I need to get more pics of SPS for this thread, Just a copy and paste from my build thread at my local club...

well things are starting to turn around in the tank.. SPS are looking alot better, unwanted algae is starting to go away, SPS are starting to grow like crazy now, I think I'm ready for more.. :D
Here is a shot of A.Tort the tip is new growth in the last WEEK.. which IMO is pretty good since this coral is a slow grower....
the plan was just to move over a few corals today but one thing lead to the other and Bam... all coral's are in the 115 now, just need to mount them in place, which in it self is another mission......


Classic I know exactly how that is.