Do fish diseases / parasites effect corals

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New member
I was wondering, do diseases / parasites that effect fish also effect corals? I understand that just about everyone suggests a quaranteen tank before adding new fish. Is this to protect the other fish in the tank or can these potential diseases / parasites also effect invert, corals, etc...)?
To my knowledge, there is no disease/parasite that effects both fish and inverts. It has been suggested, but I don't know if it's proven, that some fish infesting diseases/parasites can hitchhike on corals and/or live rock. Quarenteening can do several things. It will allow the fish to become used to eating prepared foods without competition from other fish. It gives you a chance to make sure the fish is disease free before adding it to your display tank and potentially adding a disease with it that could wipe out the tank. And, if the fish does become sick, it gives you more treatment options without having to worry about hurting your inverts.


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