Do I need a larger Ca reactor?


New member
I've been working for months trying to optimize the output of my Ca reactor. No matter what I try, the reactor is falling behind my usage.

I probably have close to 500 gallons of water and a 400 gallon display that is becoming fairly full of SPS.

I'm running a PM622 with 2nd stage. The reactor is 6"D x 18"H. large a reactor are some of you folks running on your systems of similar size?
GEO 1218 should take care of it for you ;)


From what I've seen, most with the larger tanks go to bigger units with 8" chambers. I'm running a 618 successfully, but you have more gallons.
I have a large MRC dual 10" x 24" and it doesn't even come close to the demands by my system. I supplement Kalk at night and DKH, calcium chloride during the day. These are dosed out of 50 gallon garbage cans around 4-5 cups in each. I match the 5 gallons a day evaporation, just to keep up...

You can serious under estimate the demands of a large system...



Happy Reefing