does this make sense?


In Memoriam
All the digi's I've had in my fragtank for the past couple months are growing like hooks...aka they go up about an inch and then start to turn around and grow downward/sideways. Is it too much light? 250 watt 10k over a 30 breeder. about 10-12 inches deep. not directly under the light, but decently close? It's just funny to look at because they all hook!
lol hey that might be a good sales pitch, you never know some people may like it, but then it will probably start to grow normal in thier tanks lol
Just a guess, but do you have a substrate in your QT? Maybe the light is reflecting of the bottom glass some how. I've never heard of this in bare bottom tanks though. Maybe the coral is from china.
lol that's interesting. I guess it could be the light, or the reflection, or maybe the flow?

That's so odd. Maybe it's "rare" so it'll catch a higher price :-p