Dogface puffer 22 gallon


New member
Ok so i have a 22 gallon tank and I will be getting a 137 gallon tank soon (we have some family issues going on right now so we can't get it right now) anyway there is a LFS near my grandparents that sells dogface puffer that are really tiny like 1 inch long was the smallest one I saw anyway I really want one so would one work temporarily in 22 gallon

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Ill Bet you would be fine if it is really that small. I once saw a dogface that was about 4'' in a 40ish gallon tank at the LFS and it looked fine. Just keep it fed well so it doesnt consider any other fish or especially crustaceans food.
I would just pick a different fish. A dogface puffer gets over a foot long, and the 137 probably won't be big enough either.
I have seen tons of people keep dogface in 125 gallons fine the opinion on tank size for this fish varies greatly some say 70 gallons overs say 150 I believe anything above 100 should be good for an adult unless it's extra large for some reason look up dogface puffer 125 gallon lots of places say it's fine and there are tons of videos of them in that size tank there are also threads where people keep porcupine puffer in a 125 fine and my tank 137 gallons

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Those fish get over a foot long and very wide, 137 gallons is way too small. I would say at least 180 gallons, but even larger would be better
Just wondering how many tanks you're going to have after seeing multiple puffer posts?
We where changing our minds alot it was originaily going to be a 80 gallon but we had more room and my Mam loves puffers and so do I so we decided to get a 137 gallon instead so they could have a better tank

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Btw it does not have to be a dogface puffer and smaller arothron puffer would work since I love them all and I like narrow lines puffers just as much as dogfaces but I live in the UK so narrow lines are hard to come by I think narrow lines rarely reach a foot and can be kept i am sure they can be kept in a 125

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Ok so those anyone know where I could get a narrow line puffer in the UK ?

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There used to be a garden centre about a hour away from where I live that used to sell narrow lines but they shut down the marine fish section a while ago

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That's what the puffer forum says about dogface and narrow lines

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Those sources look pretty outdated (they are 6 years old). I strongly recommend not getting a dogface puffer, it's just not fair to the fish
I might try a 160 gallon instead since that's ten gallons over what live aquaria recommends (also in the description on live aquaria it says 100 gallons and over) or I will just get a narrow line

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