dolphin abuse

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exactly, if they were breeding and raising dolphins it would be okay to slaughter them, and ONLY if they did it in a HUMANE way.

but they are harvesting them from the wild, destroying the population, and cruely taking a life, claiming "It's part of their culture".

by the way, the phrase "it's part of our culture" was from a interview with a head of a Japenese fishing company a year ago.
Very sad to see the suffering. I don't ever care to watch that again. At least this video will help make others aware of cruelty that still goes on, even in countries that are the most technologically advanced.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9235984#post9235984 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Random Aquarist
Amen. When farm animals are slaughtered, they are slaughtered painlessly. This means shoving a bolt through a steer's skull, electrocuting a sheep, breaking a neck, or slitting a throat. These are all ways in which the animal is killed before they even know it.

There are two reasons why I disagree with this dolphin harvesting.

1. The dolphins are being stolen from nature. It'd be okay if they were breed and raised by dolphin-farmers, but these dolphins are taken from the wild, which damages their ecosystem.

2. They are slaughtered inhumanely. What part of being netted, stabbed, and pulled out of the water onto a truck sounds humane? These animals are hacked to bits, not even quickly killed. This is disgusting.

this wouldn't be right even if they were raised in captivity seeing as dolphins have been proven to be as iteligent as humans.

only canables eat other animals
The japanese have been living off the ocean for as long as they have existed, how ever with technilogical advances in the commercial fishing industry, its has become much more efficent, maybe even too efficent. this efficency translates into many more fish and ocean mammals being caught and mother nature can't keep up with the demand, hence the decline of some of the worlds most precious creatures.

And yes dolphin do eat tuna, tuna are not born weighting two hundred pound they start off as fry just like all fish, and have to survive the gauntlet just like all fish even sharks are eaten by other fish when they are small. The basic principle in the ocean is if a fish will fit in another fishes mouth it will be eaten.

As an avid fisherman i have seen first hand the damage the commercial fishing industry has had on the oceans, i've seen the thousand of dead fish floating in the ocean that where too small for them to keep, or as its called in that lexicon "by catch". Every year fishing becomes worse yet quotas go up. If you want to carry that concern to other ocean creatures consider the blight of the Bluefin tuna, the mako shark, and the sword fish , even the marlins, These creatures especially the tuna and sword fish have been over fished for years especially by the japanese, and there numbers are being desimated as we speak. and with this new fad of sushi eating growing every year because celebrities eat it, the presure will only increase, so if you are concerned about the worlds oceans try not to eat wild caught fish that are known to be in low numbers, for as long as we keep eating it the more they will keep catching it.

However the video was very disturbing and not something that i enjoyed watching, perhaps if the animals where not killed in such a horrible way it would not be as bad. I do hope that something is done about it. But I will not sign the petition Jauquin Phoenix is a known PETA spokes person and i would imagine that Peta put the video out there. And I will not in any way, shape, or form support PETA, or anyother group out there like them, because in their eyes we are all guilty of animal cruelity. Whether you like it or not.

P.S. This post is meant in any way to start an arguement, just my opinion and experiences.

Regardless of their custom or belief, the video showed us a very horrific treatment to those poor animals. Although, I do respect other traditions and practices, I really hope that the Japanese goverment need to regulate this kind of practices. Let's not forget that their ocean is our ocean too. We as humans, as a citizens of this world have responsibilities in this world...let's do the right thing for our future generations. Let's protect the vulnerables and our world.
Btw, Dolphins eat tunas!!!
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9236114#post9236114 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chillaxe123
this wouldn't be right even if they were raised in captivity seeing as dolphins have been proven to be as iteligent as humans.

only canables eat other animals

2 things wrong with this.

1. Dolphins have NOT been proven to be as smart as humans.

2. Ahem. In Webster's Dictionary it defines cannibal as quote "Any animal that survives by eating one of its own kind; a person who survives by eating the flesh of human beings."

Even if you're a vegetarian or veegan(sp?), you cannot deny that we as humans are designed to be omnivores. That means we eat meat. That's why we have sharp front teeth instead of just molars.
i don't condone how they killed the dolphins, it's wrong but it happens everywhere, even in our country.

look at this photo of a dog market in korea where eating dogs is common:

Removed. It's one thing for the poster to post a LINK to a disturbing video where you have the choice to click on it or not. It's another to embed a picture like that in a thread where it's unavoidable...mhurley

most of us are horrified but i bet koreans living there have no issues with it
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Wow. If I went to Korea, I might've eaten dog, but only if they were breed for eating, like Chow Chows. But those BBQ dogs look nasty, and those living dogs look like they just came from someone's home.:( Maybe I won't try dog.
how much of those dolphins do you actually think get used as food....defiently not all of it and i bet more then 1/2 of those dolphins die for no cause....except for the fact that they are over populating the "fishermans" seas. also, our slaughter house like said before is not anything to be proud of. the living conditions of the animals and how they methods they use are terrible just watch this of a slaughter house i wouldn't quite call slitting a throat a painless way to go random aquariust
Cattle are too expensive to raise in foreign countries. When you think of it raising dogs or smaller animals, or simply foraging from the ocean are cheaper and easier which is all the people are worried about. It is a sad state of our existence that we are designed to eat other animals but we should at least strive to do it in the least destructive way possible.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9237336#post9237336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brc0488
how much of those dolphins do you actually think get used as food....defiently not all of it and i bet more then 1/2 of those dolphins die for no cause....except for the fact that they are over populating the "fishermans" seas. also, our slaughter house like said before is not anything to be proud of. the living conditions of the animals and how they methods they use are terrible just watch this of a slaughter house i wouldn't quite call slitting a throat a painless way to go random aquariust
This was just as aweful, these types of practices should be stopped as well
It's a way of life in Japan, just like the native Alaskans still hunt whales and seals for food. And for the farm raised debate, most if not all of your seafood is harvested from the wild just like these dolphins.

Yes it looks inhumane, and it is, but it’s their culture.

I have eaten dolphin and horsemeat while in Japan and to tell the truth they weren’t bad.

And you all do know what PETA stands for right?

People Eating Tasty Animals.
I signed. That was just as bad as watching human beings getting there throat slit. Poor things....
i did my part....everyone on this site should do the same...this should be put up when new members sign up, do you part before you become a member
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