dolphin slaughtering?

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If you want to watch a documentary on what happen to dolphin at taiji, Japan. Go rent : The Cove, but be prepare to be upset for a while ... I watch it 3 months ago and I'm still upset about it.
Wow, that is just...terrible.

I can see fishing for food, but seriously, who really eats dolphin? Something about killing a dolphin for food just doesn't sit well with me. It probably has something to do with their 'human-like' nature.
Yeah, it's pretty brutal, but it's all about cultural differences here. We slaughter cows and pigs in a similar manner. I'm sure over in India they don't appreciate us slaughtering cows very much.

Do I think dolphins should be slaughtered and eaten? No, but that's just because our culture values dolphins for their cuteness and intelligence. Most asian countries see meat as meat, at least bottlenose dolphins aren't endangered, unlike some of the whales and such they hunt.
Yeah, it's pretty brutal, but it's all about cultural differences here. We slaughter cows and pigs in a similar manner. I'm sure over in India they don't appreciate us slaughtering cows very much.

Do I think dolphins should be slaughtered and eaten? No, but that's just because our culture values dolphins for their cuteness and intelligence. Most asian countries see meat as meat, at least bottlenose dolphins aren't endangered, unlike some of the whales and such they hunt.

I agree, wouldn't I eat a dolphin, but we kill mammals in the same way, so we cant really complain about it. I feel like all sea animals can be collected and consumed, if done sustainably, which most sea life is not. Americans for years hunted whales, to the point of near extinction of the right whale.
I agree, wouldn't I eat a dolphin, but we kill mammals in the same way, so we cant really complain about it. QUOTE]

as far as i know, western civilisations dont drag live cows across assfault, or force them to be overly stressed out because it improves the quality of meat.

also in japan the quality of meet is increased in toby by massaging cows and giving them alchohol.

most of the japanese are unaware that anything ike this is going on.
p.s. i have head of them forcing mom and babies to breed because its easier to scare the retarded ones and that makes the entire group easier to catch because they wont leave each others side.
is that true?
That part seems highly doubtful to me. It's true that inbreeding can amplify genetic problems, but the problems are often physical, rather than mental. Deliberate inbreeding with the goal of creating retarded dolphins would be a gamble, not a sure thing.

I agree, wouldn't I eat a dolphin, but we kill mammals in the same way, so we cant really complain about it. I feel like all sea animals can be collected and consumed, if done sustainably, which most sea life is not. Americans for years hunted whales, to the point of near extinction of the right whale.
Really, we don't kill mammals in the same way any more. There aren't very many land-based wild food mammal species left that exist in sufficient numbers to make herding them together and slaughtering them as a group a viable strategy. I suppose you could conduct a mass deer slaughter in the US, but we don't buy enough venison to make it profitable.

It would be nice to say that in the western world we learned our lesson from right whales, passenger pigeons and buffaloes (it doesn't matter how many there are today; we can and will wipe them out if we kill them indiscriminately), but looking at the recent trends in food fish species, I'd say nobody's learned that lesson.

Edit: No, we haven't succeeded in exterminating buffaloes, but they're sure not around in sufficient numbers to be a wild food source any more.
As far as I know, western civilisations dont drag live cows across asphalt, or force them to be overly stressed out because it improves the quality of meat.

Also in Japan the quality of meat is increased in Kobe by massaging cows and giving them alchohol.

Most of the Japanese are unaware that anything ike this is going on.
If you want to be outraged at westerners, check out a few PETA videos about factory farming. We might not drag cows to death, but factory farms have been accused of routinely cutting the beaks off chickens, raising cattle in tiny pens standing knee-deep in their own feces, etc. I don't want to side-track this discussion away from dolphins, but the idea that westerners have a better track record with regard to food animal cruelty is debatable.

Note: I'm not saying PETA videos are accurate representations of the entire western farming industry, but if you want to compare videos of hideous cruelty, that's where to look.

In fact, I'd say the real biggest problem in western animal husbandry is over-use of antibiotics, which has the potential of breeding some nasty anibiotic-resistant germs. Let a few of them cross over to humans, and we could be in big trouble.
How did you know that toby=Kobe? That one eluded me. Assfault is wildly funny, and I'm going to use it every chance I get. I admire your restraint in not mentioning all missing punctuation, capitalizations, commas, and apostrophes. I certainly make occasional errors, but in this case I felt the need to reach for a red pen. I'm glad you actually did.

A friend teaches high school English, and recently showed me an essay in which a student wrote that his granny "liked toast and tolerance". It turned out that she was lactose intolerant.
as far as i know, western civilisations dont drag live cows across assfault, or force them to be overly stressed out because it improves the quality of meat.

also in japan the quality of meet is increased in toby by massaging cows and giving them alchohol.

most of the japanese are unaware that anything ike this is going on.

Have you heard of veal? While I don't think its as cruel as dragging calves across asphalt, one could argue that it is on par with the raising of Kobe beef.
The cow massages and alcohol (sake) tipped me off to the Kobe beef reference.

I try hard to muzzle my inner Grammar Nazi, but it sometimes slips the leash. People say "As long as you can decipher the meaning, grammar and spelling don't matter," but in some cases, it takes serious effort to puzzle out what is being said.

Toast and tolerance, two great things that go great together.
Have you heard of veal? While I don't think its as cruel as dragging calves across asphalt, one could argue that it is on par with the raising of Kobe beef.
I think one could argue the case for pate', too. Force-feeding a duck until its liver grows to several times its original size is not too nice, either. Unfortunately, the end result is yummy. Maybe once we perfect growing replacement human organs outside the body (yep, this is a real project), we can work on over-growing duck livers the same way.
Hey guys;

My bad with all the errors, I need to work on that. LOL I read through Karlbobs quote reply and wondered why the words were underlined. After i read the other posts and realised all my errors i couldn't stop laughing. Undoubtedly their will be errors in this one as well, but i tried to keep them at a minimum.

My Bad? My Bad? What the *&%$#@ does that mean? Bad is generally an adjective. My bad what? My bad education? To be fair, though, 'realize' is an American English spelling. In the UK it's 'realise'. Perhaps cteno attended Oxford for a while.
My bad with all the errors, I need to work on that. LOL I read through Karlbobs quote reply and wondered why the words were underlined. After i read the other posts and realised all my errors i couldn't stop laughing.
I almost deleted that reply without sending it, and I'm glad you took it in stride. Thanks for maintaining your sense of humor in the face of our grammar reminders.

My bad
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"My bad" is a popular American idiom. It usually means "my fault" or "I apologize". It was popularized by the film Clueless.

"My bad" usually associates with tweens and teens. It is a form of apologizing without actually saying "I'm sorry." Example: Mother: "Did you take out the trash?" Daughter: "Oops, my bad."
Now you know, and knowing...
Last night a friend and I were watching the Olympics. I made a joke that while the japanese were skating, someone should jump out onto the ice dressed as a dolphin with spurting blood from it's neck. Would be quite the statement. Canada would be a safe place to do it, as you would probably just spend a night in jail for disturbing the peace. Just don't do it in Nagano... you would probably never be heard of again.

But really, a lot of farms in the US are just as brutal.
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