Dose more than 8 times a day?


Active member
Is there anyway to dose a certian liquid more than 8 times a day with the profilux, and salve doser? :confused:

I am using BRS two part, and their alk solution has an insanely high ph. I have diluted the solution by half to help with the rise in ph, but I still get significant increases in ph of about .2ph each time the profilux doses my alk solution.

I diluted the solution, not knowing that I can only set 8 points during the day, so it does not help me at all.

In a perfect world, I woul dlike to be able to dose it every hour, but I don't see that happening.

I am dosing 64ml per day.
I am using automatic dosing to do 20 doses per day, not sure why you can only do 8 times per day. Are you doing manual dosing so you can set exactly when dosing happens?
you can use the OR in programable logic to combine 2 timers... it would be nice if the would extend that to more entries...
you can use the OR in programable logic to combine 2 timers... it would be nice if the would extend that to more entries...

Yeah, I'm just not sure why they would even limit that :confused:

I'll play with it later and see what I come up with.
OK, I changed it to automatic dosing 24 times a day. Do these ever overlap?

Also, with manual dosing I was not able to do precise dosing I.E. 8.6 ml per dose, but with auto dosing it let me set my calcium to 2.75 ml per dose. Does it actually dose that amount, or does it round it up.

I have calibrated my doser to 50ml/minute to get it to dose the exact amount I input during manual dosing. I just want to make sure I do not accidentally overdose my tank with alk solution...
OK, I changed it to automatic dosing 24 times a day. Do these ever overlap?

Also, with manual dosing I was not able to do precise dosing I.E. 8.6 ml per dose, but with auto dosing it let me set my calcium to 2.75 ml per dose. Does it actually dose that amount, or does it round it up.

I have calibrated my doser to 50ml/minute to get it to dose the exact amount I input during manual dosing. I just want to make sure I do not accidentally overdose my tank with alk solution...

the doses will not overlap. thats the beauty of auto dosing. it will stager the two(or how ever many pumps) so that they are about 5 mins apart from one another. if you calibrated your pump in manual dosing that setting will stand true
Man 5 minutes is not all that much when your dealing with alk, and cal. I will have to keep an eye on it to make sure I am not getting any calcium build up in my sump. I am only dosing 3 ml 24 times a day of each, so maybe it will have time to distribute the alk before the calcium is dosed.

I wish it would spread them out at least 30 minutes.
Ok, so I have tried using the automatic dosing for a while, and I don;t like it. It doses Alk, and calcium way to close together, and I am getting a buildup of calcium carbonate around my dosing area.

I have never had to use the programmable logic. How would I go about setting up each doser to run off of 3 different timers? I need to spread out this dose 24 different times to keep my PH steady, so I need my alk to run off of timers 1, 2, and 3.

Then I need calcium to run off of timers 4, 5, and 6.

Thanks for the help in advance.
You dont need ca to run off various timers you need it to run off one timer with multiple events as below

I understand that. But manual dosing will only let me dose 8 times in a 24 hour period. With auto dosing I can go 24 times which is great, but it doses each one only 1 minute apart. I thought it was five, but I was cleaning my skimmer today, and both my calcium, and alk dosed within 1 minute of each other. I am gettign a huge buildup of calcium carbonate in my sump because of this, and consequently, am having to dose more than needed.

My PH will jump way to high if I only dose 8 times a day like manual dosing allows, so I need to spread my alk dose out considerably to keep the PH stable.

So, my thought was to use the programmable logic to make my alk dose use 3 timers. this way I can make 24 doses in one 24 hour period, and my PH will keep steady.
Hmm not quite sure why your alk would jump in a 45 Gallon tank the dosing would be minimal.

In my 70 gal I dose as shown above and zero issues.

Maybe your ph probe is on top of the outlet so giving false reading. As I cant see any other reason.

How much you dosing of alk in a 45 gal tank?
My tank is packed with corals, and a clam...

As of right now I need 60ml per 24 hours. I am using Bulk Reef Supply's 2 part solution, and it has a crazy high PH. This is good for me because my house is very tightly sealed and I usually have problem keeping my PH over 7.7. By using this solution I can stay right at about 8.34 if dosed evenly throughout the day.

The problem is that 8 doses of about 8-9ml of alk solution a day will make my PH jump about .40 after each dose, and I don't like that.
Change to FM salt I think your issues I am sure will go away! There is a reason why FM is not cheap compared to others.

I am now dosing 15ml 6 x a day and zero issues using FM salt.

Dose 3 part also including the MG for stability.
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Change to FM salt I think your issues I am sure will go away! There is a reason why FM is not cheap compared to others ;)

I am now dosing 15ml 6 x a day and zero issues using FM salt.

Dose 3 part also including the MG for stability.

No offense, but I am more than happy with the BRS products. I dose MG also, but don't need very much to keep up with the system.

I guess I'll ask over on the profilux forum to see if this logic is possible.

Not saying BRS is bad far from it I think 90% of the USA use it, but on personal experience (my tank build thread) I find FM to be less concentrated and so "possibly" dont get the pH spikes when dosing ;)

on the new software you will have more event options ;)
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I usually have problem keeping my PH over 7.7. By using this solution I can stay right at about 8.34 if dosed evenly throughout the day.
So why does the ph have to be so high?
My tank ranges from 7.8 -8.20. pretty normal for most tanks.
Interesting point.

My tank does exactly the same and I used to try also to stabilize it but after taking two trips to the Maldives I stopped concerning myself.

The natural reef pH rythm matched my tank ;)

However i am aware lots of people with captive reefs do try and keep a constant pH stability although I am not educated enough to know if there any benefits.
I just want to keep it stable. My house is so tightly sealed that my tanks have gotten as low as 7.2 during a long cold stretch in the winter. The Co2 levels in my house get pretty elevated, and lower the PH of my tanks. I chose BRS's alk solution because of this.

My goal is to at least keep the PH at 8.0 as a minimum. Anything after that makes me feel better. I honestly don't care what number its at, as long as it is stable. It's been proven that crazy PH swings in the water will stress out inverts like shrimps, and anemones. And by dosing only 8 times daily, I get crazy PH swings.

The normal day/night swings are slow, and rhythmic, I don't care about those.
Got it taken care of thanks to wirus over on the profilux forum.

Here is how to do it.

It´s not very difficult:
•program the the tree timer as you need it (further called 1,2,3)
•open a gate of programmable logic (further called G1)
•select OR as function
•select timer 1 for input 1
•select timer 2 for input 2
•save & close gate G1
•open an other gate of programmable logic (further called G2)
•select OR as function
•select Programmable logic 1 for input 1
•select timer 3 for input 2
•save & close gate G2
•assign the gate G2 to your dosing pump

Now I have it set up to run 30 minutes apart, and shouldn't have the build up problems anymore.