Down sizing. My new 240 rimless.

Thoughts . . .

Thoughts . . .

I posted my question in the DIY forum as well, but haven't gotten any response yet so I thought I'd ad some info here as well.

My original idea was to beef up the "weakest link". I was working under the assumption that the side panels which are supported by the shear strength of the silicone bond were the weakest link, and that by siliconing 1 inch glass bars to the outside corners I would be adding a bond that is supported by tensile strength for the side panels and thereby significantly improving the strength.

Any thoughts?

Thanks a bunch,



2 months in.

2 months in.

Not really sure what is going on, but 2 months into my new tank, and I have to say I am blown away by the results so far. I am getting phenomenal growth, color, polyp extension, mating fish, and just plain enjoyment from the new set up. My tri-color is purpling up like mad. My yellow tort is changing from yellow polyps to blue polyps, and what's really wierd is I'm getting some of that paler pastel effect on some corals like the Zeovit boys. Not in a bad way mind you, but rather in a really cool way. I changed so many aspects of my reef and reef keeping routine so I'm not sure I can point my finger towards any one reason for my success so far but here's a list of changes that come to mind so far:

1) maintaining higher Mg levels, was 1150 now 1350
2) maintaining higher pH was 7.8 now 8.1
3) Tunze's now cycle every 3 seconds from high to low
4) removed my DSB and now I clean the shallow sand bed weekly
5) basement grow out tank is barebottom and cleaned weekly as well
6) reduced amount of Rowaphos but now I change it every 2 weeks
7) changed from three 400 watt 10k MH to four 250 watt MH with 2 x 10k and 2 x 20k
8) reduced my calcium reactor output and began using some B-Ionic 2 part.

I'm still waiting for Christmas to get a new digital SLR so I can take some decent macro photos, but here's a couple I took today that came out o.k. Hope you likee! :D


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Very nice

Jarhead are you talking about GQJeff ? If so his tank came out great yet I know some that hate theres its a doubleedge sword
Yellow Tort w/ blue polyps.

Yellow Tort w/ blue polyps.

Thought of more changes worth mentioning:

9) significantly reduced the number of corals I am keeping
10) increased the overall open space hopefully increasing the flow around individual corals
11) reduced my 10k MHs from 10 hours per day to 6
12) removed 1 Iwaki 100 from my system and halved the flow from sump to tank
* note - I had 2 Iwaki 100s, but now I think my Tunze is enough

and here's a shot I posted in the SPS forum of the yellow w/ blue polyp stag. When I brought it home from the LFS the polyps were all yellow, but now the new growth has blue polyps. They don't show as well in the photo as I hoped, but I think its visible :)


New photo

New photo

Even my venerable Oregon Tort seems to be doing better! Something I would never have thought possible. This colony started from a tiny 1/2 inch frag I bought from Rick Souta of Souta's Saltwater (who I belive got it from the owner of Waves in Oswego, OR which was the "original" colony - or so I've been told) Anyways, its still my favorite :)

Some sad news to accompany my great photo. I am experiencing one of the major draw backs to an open topped tank. I have lost 3 fish and a melatremus eel to over the top suicide. Looks like some form of sliding canopy will now be in my springtime plans. I knew it was a possibility; I just never expected my critters of 3 years or more to be the ones.

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Thanks for the compliment Joe :) I will upgrade to a similar sized tank in April.

I really like your tank. Corals are looking great.

Looking good. As for the jumpers, sorry to hear. I would look into a garden netting top to put on it, they seem to do the trick and let plenty of light pass through.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11401698#post11401698 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Flint&Eric
mag clone? care to elaborate :D

the tank is looking great. the tort and mag really make it unique.

My original anemone split twice this summer. I took a couple photos and posted a short thread:

Herteractis Magnifica Anemone Split

Then when I did my new setup this September, I decided to move the mother colony downstairs to my prop tank and keep a clone in my display tank. Mostly because the mother H. Mag is simply huge and would eat up a lot of real estate in my display tank. Although truth is I'm leaving about the same space around the clone because I know how big it will get in the coming years. I took a photo of the mother colony in my basement prop tank. Its a crappy photo since I haven't cleaned the prop tank in a week or so, but you can see how big the anemone is even after splitting off 2 clones :eek2:

Thanks for asking :)


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11401296#post11401296 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Leonardo's Reef
Thanks for the compliment Joe :) I will upgrade to a similar sized tank in April.
Can't wait Leonardo! I'm sure it will be spectacular!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11402380#post11402380 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
I would look into a garden netting top to put on it.
I was thinking the same thing as a temporary stop gap. Maybe even some kind of mosquito netting to go around. We'll see . . .

And of course many thanks to all for the nice comments! :p

Latest editions.

Latest editions.

Been working all morning to squeeze a decent photo out of my camera, and here's the only good one so far, but I'd say Bill my right hand man hit the jackpot with this one cuz' it looks an awful lot like a Pink Smoothie to me. Now I just gotta convinvce Bill to not setup his tank too soon so's I can keep it in mine for awhile :D :

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looking great... getting me more and more excited for my reef... Now that your tank is where it is, anything you could have changed? Would you aquascape differently?

I'm asking because I"m planning on doing the same kinda rock work, a nice channel in the middle.
Things I'd do differently.

Things I'd do differently.

Changes I'd make:

1) 36 inch hoods. The bulbs on my 48 inch hood were too far from most of the corals so I ended up cutting up the reflector and moving the bulbs closer.
2) Tunze 6100s. I have Tunze 6200's and they are simply too much for a 48 x 48 tank. I would back off to 6100s if I could afford the cost of changing.
3) Eurobracing. I'd go with 2 or 3 inch eurobracing. The water splashes over the lip too easily when cleaning.
4) Larger overflow. I'd have enlarged my overflow to allow two 3/4 inch returns so I could bury return lines under both sides, and put in a 2 inch drain line.
5) Bare bottom. I would have painted the bottom a sand color and given bare bottom a shot. Its easy to add sand. Its a pain to remove, and I really like the way I can keep the bare bottom grow tank in my basement absolutely clean.

On the other hand, in terms of aquascape I couldn't be happier, and having an open top that is low enough to allow reaching every corner of the tank from a regular standing position has greatly reduced the drudgery of maintaining the tank, and enhanced my enjoyment. I still get a big kick out of hitting the pump off switch and looking down from the top.

Thanks for looking, and good luck with your project. ;)

