Drinking DI Water

If there is still any scientific discussion needed, I'll be happy to continue the debate, but right now I'm laughing to hard to think straight

Well, don't be drinking any DI or RO water them Randy, as your eyes will fall out and roll around the floor for sure, as laughing will furher increase the Osmotic Pressure Graident. When your daugther find them they will think they are "cat-eye marbles" and go outside and play with them:D Then you will be a blind chemist
well thats nasty...

Hey Randy I am not going to debate about it but do you have any comments based on the chemistry aspect of it?
RODI kills and I have proof !!!

I went to petsmart, bought a fish, added RODI. Then a few days later the fish died !

So i went to Petco, bought a fish, and added some RODI. Then a few days later the fish also died.

So then I went a Megalo Petmart, bought a fish, added RODI and that fish also died !!

So i tested the RODI on myself. I poured me a few drinks of Jack Daniels and RODI, and my speech became slurred, my confidence soared and i lost all cooridination.

So the next day I tried Vodka and RODI, and again headaches, clumsiness, grogginess, missing pants etc......

So the 3rd day Scotch and RODI. Same ill effects.

So from here on out I am forever swearing off RODI.
:lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin: :lolspin:


Is this about the hydronium ion?

Yes, they are so confused now that teaching them somethig new will just make them more :confused:
Oink oink

Oink oink

My wife and I would serve well. In 1984 I had our old home plumbing replaced with pvc. Now free from the worry of agressive water and metal plumbing I hooked up a 200 psi ( 800 ) gallon per day reverse osmsis sytem to our home .
The TDS of the well was only 300 and the product of the R.O. system was ( 15-17 ) p.p.m. Pretty awesome water to live in.
However since I suffer with water on the brain ( HA HA ) I went ahead and hooked up an in-line carbon and a D.I. cartridge to the Ice and drinking water systems. My wife and I drank it for two years.
It may have driven me crazy I mean I am still in the water business.

Sincerely ,

Walter The H2O Guru

azwhippinboy said:

Who has any reliable info on anyone who died from drinking DI water??? I say we pick one guinea pig (myself excluded of course...) who has to drink their ro/di water for one week. If they die then the urban legends were right:hmm2: If they live then its all bunk.
Seriously now, does anyone have any 'credible' info that ro/di is toxic? I understand that maybe if you had only ro/di for your only liquid source that maybe you could have some electrolyte issues but given any normal diet, you would be fine as their are numerous trace elements in all of our foods.
Before the flames fire up, understand that I am a physician and not some wanker with no understanding of the human body's physiologic needs. I also have a degree in molecular biology. And honestly, if i had my ro/di installed and fired up, i would drink it and see what happened. I have drank the stuff from the lfs and i am still here to talk about it. No gastric liquidation, no electrolytle abnormalities. Of course I attribute this to my large beer consumption and all of its essential trace nutrients.....:fun4:

aquaman_68 said:
I think this post has become non constructive.

Naw, Urban Legends die hard and I'm sure this one will resurface.

It does need closure however. I think it all adds up to the fact that there is no known evidence of any health risks associated with the consumption of DI water. Since water is such a vital part of our lives, if there were risks, you would see tons of information on the web. Do a search; there is none,

As was pointed out. The water produced by DI, and for that matter RO, is stripped of disinfectants so it can become re-contaminated with possible pathogens. One needs to be careful to avoid contamination if either is consumed.

To me DI tastes flat but taste is subjective and others, I am sure, think it tastes fine. It does, to me at least, make good coffee and tea.

The bottom line I think is that DI costs money. More than RO and much more than tap. That, more than anything else, will restrict its consumption by any large part of the population. Of course, I said that years ago about bottled water and look what happened with it.

Cheers :beer:<------------DI, not been beer used in this animated icon
It's funny though you can't find any info when a search is done I don't think that warrants that drinking di water is recommended. Plus since most people have become so worried about their water supply they are starting to purchase high end filtration units for drinking (as we have been using for aquaria for years.) I think that Tap water purifier that is on the market also has a disclaimer about human consumption & that is a di unit. I'm going to call spectrapure & see what they have to say on this subject. I'm so tired of people bashing kent because they don't mfg the products they sell. (boomer) That doesn't mean they are stupid in the tech aspects.
Farming out mfg is the only way business in the us can survive with all the imported products being produced outside the us & being sold here. But that is for another debate post!!! By the way...If you want me to toast ya I will only lift my glass with ale not di water!!!!:)
aquaman_68 said:
It's funny though you can't find any info when a search is done I don't think that warrants that drinking di water is recommended.

And I agree. There is not much pro or con. I think what I've been trying to imply is that if there were a danger you would see it in a multitude of documents. In general, bad things get a lot more notoriety than safe things.

I think that Tap water purifier that is on the market also has a disclaimer about human consumption & that is a di unit.

Puzzling, what on earth would one use a tap water purifier for if it wasn't for drinking?

By the way...If you want me to toast ya I will only lift my glass with ale not di water!!!!

It does appear that the animation glasses do have a head of foam on them. Maybe it's skimmate!!!:D
This thread is some good entertainment. I'm posting again just to keep this thing going.

I've tested this 'uraban legend' on myself, my fiance, her family, and our cat. My system at home is a $6,000 di unit hooked up to an 8 stage RO system. 250 ppm water coming in and < 1 ppb, 18+ mohm coming out (so pure, it doesn't register on the di unit). Why do I have such a system...well...why the hell not, it was free!

Everyone, including the cat, drank this water for 6 months. Of course we drank other stuff during this period, but the cat didn't. Nothing but DI water for him. No one got sick. No problems, except the $550 di replacement cartridges and the cat ****ing on the rug. For everyone but the fish/corals, it's back to the 2 ppm RO water for drinking.

Similar to most of Dr. Ron's experiments, there is a hole in this data. The cat has 9 lives. :lol:

its simple really.
YES very safe...that is unless you use color changing resin in the di.....then no dont drink it....it uses dyes. not great to use in tank either but not life theatening

I was reading thru this old thread and was wondering about this statement. Is there issues with using DI cartridges with the color changing resin for your reef tank? Not about drinking the stuff.
ramtheory said:
I was reading thru this old thread and was wondering about this statement. Is there issues with using DI cartridges with the color changing resin for your reef tank? Not about drinking the stuff.

I kind of doubt it. I think that it is a chemical reaction that changes the color of the resin. Not a dye. Otherwise it would not be 99.5% pure water.
tstone said:
I kind of doubt it. I think that it is a chemical reaction that changes the color of the resin. Not a dye. Otherwise it would not be 99.5% pure water.

Thanks for the reply sounds about right considering you are looking for pure water so why would they use dye.
<<< I kind of doubt it. I think that it is a chemical reaction that changes the color of the resin. Not a dye. Otherwise it would not be 99.5% pure water. >>>

No, I think it is a dye, but will only register a miniscule parts per BILLION on the final product.
I've been driinking RO/DI for about 2 year. The only thing I've heard is that since the flouride removed, young children should take flouride tablets for their teeth. I believe most public water sources add flouride for this reason. Again, this is only what I've heard.
I admire all you brave souls who are taking part in the Great DI experiment :)

I am pretty sure back in 1920 somebody asked if cigarettes are safe and someone else replied "Oh yeah the Indian chiefs have been smokin Tobacky for 100s of years and there fine".

My point being, who knows what DI water is doing to your body, it could be harmless or you could find out in 30 years that it destroys the cells of your body.

For all those who wan't to experiment, have fun. My guess is that it will definitely remove and cleanse your body much more than regular water, is that a good thing? hopefully I live long enough to see the great experiments outcome.
A little extreme comparing RO/DI to cigarettes.

No rocket science here just pure water with nothing else added.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9703265#post9703265 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tstone
A little extreme comparing RO/DI to cigarettes.
No rocket science here just pure water with nothing else added.

It might be worst! We have no idea how De-Ionized water is messing with the cells of your body. Try cleaning something with DI water, put some metal in DI water. It's ability to dissolve things is pretty impressive.

Drinking DI water when no long term studies have been done, Makes it risky and a total crap shoot. If I sound like I'm going overboard it's because I am worried about the casual attitude being displayed about something that is totally unknown and possibly dangerous.

It Reminds me of a friend of mine who in 2000 kept on telling me about the Atkinson diet and how great it was. I made the same kind of statement that I just made about DI water, it's totally untested and sounds like a bad idea to be eating all this meat.

Well in 2006 Chris had a massive heart attack, one so big he actually died sitting down at work with his eyes wide open, not even time to clutch his chest. He used the Atkinson diet all the way to the end and thought he was in great shape because of it. Now after so many deaths, in 2007 we know it's a very dangerous diet. Unfortunately that's only after so many early adopters died.