Dripping Limewater


New member
I know that it is preferrable to drip limewater at night, but can I cause myself alot of grief by dripping into my sump at a much slower rate around the clock? I work shift work and getting into a routine of starting and stopping the drip poses a problem. I would like to put it on a timer, but currently haven't found a DIY project(valves, solenoids etc) that falls within my budget. My pH is always a touch on the low side to begin with( 8.1-8.2).
You can do it. I drip kalk using a kangaroo dosing pump 24 hours a day. You will have to watch your PH since it may start to rise over time. I haven't had any trouble dosing 190ml/hr, but that's not that much in 500 gallons of water. How big is you tank and how low is your calcium?
I drip kalk 24/7 as make up water---no problems---i also run a Ca reactor so pH is still low--Ca is 500ppm, alk is 3.6 meq/L.
Dripping around the clock is fine. The main reason for night time only dripping is if your Ph is dropping to much at night. I drip around the clock and the Ph is 8.2 daytime and 8.1 at night, I can live with this. I still need extra calcium and alkalinity added though to keep up with demand. When alk gets to low the Ph will drop to 7.9 or 8.0 in my tank. Plenty of fresh air helps keep the Ph stable too.