drummereef's 180g in-wall build


I changed out the GFO with new BRS Pellets this evening. Hopefully this will take care of the last bit of algae that is still hanging around. I used slightly more than before, 4 cups instead of 3.5 cups. Fingers crossed... :)

From here if everything goes well and the algae is gone for good I'll start cutting back on the GFO usage. I have about 2 cups left in the container so I'll probably only use that next month and see how it goes.

I changed out the GFO with new BRS Pellets this evening. Hopefully this will take care of the last bit of algae that is still hanging around. I used slightly more than before, 4 cups instead of 3.5 cups. Fingers crossed... :)

From here if everything goes well and the algae is gone for good I'll start cutting back on the GFO usage. I have about 2 cups left in the container so I'll probably only use that next month and see how it goes.
When You say BRS pellets, do you mean you swapped in the BRS GFO pellets opposed to the GFO granules.... or the BRS Bio Pellets in place of the GFO????

So what are you running carbon, BRS GFO Pellets and WM Bio Pellets?

Also do you remember roughly what your cycle went like? About how long start to finish and where was peak?
I got my tank running and started w/ BRS dry rock like you, but followed what you learned :idea: and started dosing MB7 from day one. My tank has been running for a week now and about 3 days in the ammonia was at .25 and over the last 3-4 days has pretty much stayed there. I will check again today, but maybe the MB7 from the start has really help?? Or should I still expect an ammonia spike still, just to early??

Also hope this really keeps the algae & blooms at bay!
Thanks Brett!


amazing tank and build out thread, I'm still skimming through it!

Thanks MrGone! :)

When You say BRS pellets, do you mean you swapped in the BRS GFO pellets opposed to the GFO granules.... or the BRS Bio Pellets in place of the GFO????

So what are you running carbon, BRS GFO Pellets and WM Bio Pellets?

Also do you remember roughly what your cycle went like? About how long start to finish and where was peak?
I got my tank running and started w/ BRS dry rock like you, but followed what you learned :idea: and started dosing MB7 from day one. My tank has been running for a week now and about 3 days in the ammonia was at .25 and over the last 3-4 days has pretty much stayed there. I will check again today, but maybe the MB7 from the start has really help?? Or should I still expect an ammonia spike still, just to early??

Also hope this really keeps the algae & blooms at bay!

Yes, sorry I should have been more clear on that... :cool: All I did was replace the BRS GFO Pellets with new GFO. I am currently running BRS ROX 0.8 Carbon, BRS GFO Pellets, and Warner Marine Bio Pellets.

It took right at 4 weeks for the tank to cycle. That is 4 weeks for the tank to not show any ammonia or nitrite, after that the nitrate started to climb - which is all normal of course. I think it's probably too early to tell for your tank. I would presume you would still get a fairly good ammonia spike at some point. I think my tank sat stagnant for a couple weeks before I saw the ammonia really start to climb so I'd wait it out. What you are looking for after that is the nitrites. Make sure the nitrites are sufficiently gone before moving forward. Feeding the tank a tiny amount of frozen Mysis will help the ammonia to take off too. You need something in the tank to break down into waste for the cycle to really get going. :)
I also did add about 10# of some good live rock I had in a 29 gal tank that has been running for quite some time.


That should do it then. Just let it run and see what the tests tell you. I still think you'll get a spike at some point, just don't know when. Might not be a big one but the numbers are the true test. :)
Hey guys... I'm looking for a camcorder for under $300. I was leaning towards the new 3rd generation Flip UtraHD but then I saw the features of the Canon Vixia and the Sony Handicams and was kind of leaning towards those. They aren't HD but the optics seem better and obviously have better zoom etc...

Mostly want an easy to use camcorder that is simple/quick to download the vids to my computer, but obviously takes good shots. :)

Hey guys... I'm looking for a camcorder for under $300. I was leaning towards the new 3rd generation Flip UtraHD but then I saw the features of the Canon Vixia and the Sony Handicams and was kind of leaning towards those. They aren't HD but the optics seem better and obviously have better zoom etc...

Mostly want an easy to use camcorder that is simple/quick to download the vids to my computer, but obviously takes good shots. :)



Does your Still camera do video? for camcorder within that price range, especially Flip Cam, can't really capture the real beauty of aquarium life. You'll get better WB and DO using DSLR (if your DSLR can).


Does your Still camera do video? for camcorder within that price range, especially Flip Cam, can't really capture the real beauty of aquarium life. You'll get better WB and DO using DSLR (if your DSLR can).


Thanks for the comments Ethan, but unfortunately my Canon XSi takes only still shots. The camcorder would be used for other occasions, not just tank photography. But also to do general video documentation of my reef tank, equipment, etc... So the quality doesn't have to be the best, but I would like it to be a step up from my iPhone cam. :)


my new camcorder is on the far right, the only difference between these 3 is the lo lux (night vision) and hard drive size or no hard drive


if you dont mind using a media card the one on the far left should take the same videos / pictures as the one I just bought but for over $200 less

Awesome Pete! :) Do you ever use the "LOW LUX" setting when shooting your tank? Or do you just use general settings when filming? Also, I know you've taken still shots with the new camcorder but have you taken any videos that I can see?
Awesome Pete! :) Do you ever use the "LOW LUX" setting when shooting your tank? Or do you just use general settings when filming? Also, I know you've taken still shots with the new camcorder but have you taken any videos that I can see?

I have not used the low lux, I mostly use the general settings but found that if I film with just the actinics on and use the adjustable white ballance (one touch) it takes some great videos

this was taken of my tanks under just actinics using the "one touch" white ballance setting - you may have seen it on my post

<object width="1280" height="745"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/NiX0Ll39jMg?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/NiX0Ll39jMg?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="745"></embed></object>

pictures from the same camcorder





a non tank family video that has mixed lighting and sound (my daughter singing)
<object width="1280" height="745"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OhSBVwLm-uU?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OhSBVwLm-uU?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="745"></embed></object>

sorry to steal the thread but you asked :)
I have not used the low lux, I mostly use the general settings but found that if I film with just the actinics on and use the adjustable white ballance (one touch) it takes some great videos

this was taken of my tanks under just actinics using the "one touch" white ballance setting - you may have seen it on my post

sorry to steal the thread but you asked :)

You are the man Pete! :) These clips are really getting me excited about this camera. Still researching but you've definitely narrowed it down for me. :)

Getting ready to order a controller. I know you went with the Apex. I'm assuming you went through the same process I'm going through as to wether or not you wanted the Apex or RKE or something similar.

Do you still enjoy the Apex? Anything differently you wish it could do? I have some trouble putting the entire tanks well-being in the faith of a controller. Any thoughts?

Getting ready to order a controller. I know you went with the Apex. I'm assuming you went through the same process I'm going through as to wether or not you wanted the Apex or RKE or something similar.

Do you still enjoy the Apex? Anything differently you wish it could do? I have some trouble putting the entire tanks well-being in the faith of a controller. Any thoughts?

Hey Josh, I had the same fears about controllers until I started using Neptune products. I have no issues whatsoever with the Apex controller. In fact, I have MORE peace of mind using this on my system then when the tank was running without it. There's some back up features built in this one that takes the worry out of running it. Such as the option to revert back to ON or OFF after a power outage. This is priceless imo. It's a great controller with a multitude of benefits, I think you'll really like it. :)
how was the learning curve for the Apex Neptune. I bought one a month or so back. Tank is now cycleing and have yet to hook it up...will do shortly. I did power it up and it does seem a bit overwhelming.
how was the learning curve for the Apex Neptune. I bought one a month or so back. Tank is now cycleing and have yet to hook it up...will do shortly. I did power it up and it does seem a bit overwhelming.

I found it to be way easier to program than my previous ACjr. Albeit, I had some prior experience programming a Neptune device but it's a lot more intuitive than previous models. I started by copying some programs from the "Unofficial New User Guide" then tweaking until I got what I was looking for. The Unofficial New User Guide is a great tutorial on how to set up the Apex and for general and advanced programming skill. Here's the link! (also in the Neptune Forum - sticky)

excellent choice

I checked that guys other reef video on youtube he has some excellent close ups in it where he zoomed prior to recording so the corals are always in focus unlike mine where I'm moving the camera around the tank and zooming in and out while recording.