Glad to see the algae decreasing! Do my eyes deceive me or is your rock starting to color up?
Even if the colors aren't perfect it looks great to me! I would add a small army of snails to mow down the rest of that fuzzy algae and then I think you're ready to start thinking about some corals!
Is that still the temporary background? I like the reflections of your rock islands in it.
Hey Brett...I was just catching up. Looking good.
Clean...very...very...clean. What do we do now? Is the struggle over? It can't be over, not now. What will I do?
All kidding aside, Phenomenal build my friend.:thumbsup:
Thanks for the sump idea also. If my wife asks you "We" got the hookup and paid $49.99 at Costo.:fun2:
Great work on your build and in documenting the process for all of us to learn from. I love the clean openness of your aquascape. I hope you can the pics and progress coming as you begin to stock your tank. I have learned a lot from this thread as well as many others I know who are in my local club. Again my hats off to you and your work.
Brett - have you got your fuge going yet?
Is it just me or can you see shadows cast by your two braces? I worry about that happening with my 120 and was thinking about cutting it out and installing a thick acrylic brace.
:Not yet Pete. I didn't know if I was going to go that route from the reading I've done on bio pellet users. Most of them have difficulty keeping macro algae since the nutrient levels are kept so low. I might keep a reservoir for live rock and for a nice place for pods to multiply. Thoughts?
that does make some sense for a macro algae as it consumes excess nutrients that been broken down to some extent. I look at nutrient consumption / filtration happening at several levels starting with and in order of breakdown form upper to lower;
1) the CuC (food chunks)
2) skimming (DOC's)
3) filter feeders and detritus consumers (more DOC's and smaller chunks)
4) macro algae, phyto planktons and bacterias. (micro particles or at a cellular / chemical level)
it's the level 3 stuff I would target in a fuge or live rock supplemental sump chamber - things like sponges, dusters, micro stars, pods, mysis, worms. This is the stuff you get with good live rock but you can also get pests so seeding from a known source or keeping the live rock isolated and light free for several months is a benefit to purge of any pests that may show up.
For example I used the live rock from my 300g in my 100g but it sat in a large tub for 6 months with a skimmer, but no supplemental heat or light and no food source. All the majanos died off, no red bugs, no AEFW's, nudis etc. I still have all of the above listed beneficial critters including coralmorphs (orange ball nems), clams, and a flurry of other filter & detritus feeders that I couldn't even start to list.
My compliments on a beautiful build. I just got done browsing through all 80 pages! This thread definitely gave me my DIY fix for today. I had a few questions for you...
How often do you change the media in your reactors?
Do you have a gate or ball valve on your recirculation pipe? (after the reactor manifold) I guess what I really want to know is, do you turn down the amount of water that gets recirculated?
I started reading your thread early on and I remember that you changed your manifold at some point but I can't remember what you changed. Could you remind me or point me to the right page. I have been trying to find it for the last half hour with no luck. I can’t believe you have 80 pages of post. I feel bad for anyone who just found your thread…lol