drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Well done Brett..... looking very nice, tank is looking much more clean.... I don't know it's my vision or something else, why red algae on your bumps is still there?
Wow, I know I've posted this before but, excellent job!

Every time I catch up on this thread I get inspired, then overwhelmed as I'm positive I wont be able to do such a great job. I've got my 180 sitting dry in my basement waiting for some time and money to start. I'm trying to exert this "patience" thing that is the underlying theme of this thread.

One quick question as I'm lazy, but did you go with the Apex Lite or Standard? I'm trying to figure out which one I want. Thanks.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Well done Brett..... looking very nice, tank is looking much more clean.... I don't know it's my vision or something else, why red algae on your bumps is still there?

Thank you S.J.! I don't know if you meant pumps instead of bumps , but there was a little algae growing on the Vortechs and Tunzes. I took the video before I cleaned the tank again so I gave all the pumps a good vinegar bath to get rid of the remaining algae. :)

Wow, I know I've posted this before but, excellent job!

Every time I catch up on this thread I get inspired, then overwhelmed as I'm positive I wont be able to do such a great job. I've got my 180 sitting dry in my basement waiting for some time and money to start. I'm trying to exert this "patience" thing that is the underlying theme of this thread.

One quick question as I'm lazy, but did you go with the Apex Lite or Standard? I'm trying to figure out which one I want. Thanks.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Thanks for the kind words Dave. :) I'm sure you're build will be fantastic in it's own right. ;) I went with the Apex Lite for a variety of reasons. Mostly budget and I wasn't planning on measuring ORP and the like. If I end up incorporating a Ca Reactor it will probably be a separate system just for backup redundancy, rather than have the Apex control it. Haven't completely decided what's better there, but if you go with the Apex Lite there's always the option of adding "modules" to complete the system as the needs arise. It's a great system in that regard, many options to upgrade as needed. :)

Doing some plumbing on mine. I have the dart and am using 2x 1" overflows. Did you have to turn your valve coming off the output of the dart down at all? 1" overflows gives you about 1200gph I believe.

The dart pushes considerably more. Also do you have your returns valved down at all?

Did you have to order any extra stuff for your Apex?
I'd hate to get it this week only to find out I need a special cable or some other interface device


Doing some plumbing on mine. I have the dart and am using 2x 1" overflows. Did you have to turn your valve coming off the output of the dart down at all? 1" overflows gives you about 1200gph I believe.

The dart pushes considerably more. Also do you have your returns valved down at all?

Yes, the main return valve I have just above the Dart is valved down quite a bit. If you leave it fully open I don't think your 1" drains will handle that amount of flow. I have 1.5" drain pipe and it still would risk an overflow situation when fully open. I would start with it valved down by 1/2 and see where you are at, then adjust as necessary. The other 2 return valves are fully open. I only placed them on the system as to adjust any imbalance of flow left/right, but found the system is fairly balanced wide open. Hope this helps. :)


Did you have to order any extra stuff for your Apex?
I'd hate to get it this week only to find out I need a special cable or some other interface device


Everything you need is in the box Pete. No worries. You'll need a Cat5 ethernet cable if you want to get it set up on your home network but other than that it should be all there. :) Download the "Unofficial New User Guide" PDF on KenArgo's site. It's a great reference for the first time user. I used it frequently when setting up my Apex.

Thanks Brett,

I ended up getting the hybrid dart. I think it goes from a dart to a snapper which may be a better option for me.

Also I'm using a slightly different version of your manifold. Did you use 1" for the manifold?
Hey Brett , just finish reading thru your thread and I must say top quality work on the setup , looks like you're almost ready to start stocking it up now. I recently just decided to switch out my AQ3 for Apex and was wondering if you have any pics of yours fully installed yet , trying to get some good ideas for mounting my system , I plan to have the monitor on the outside of the fish room for ease of checking in , and control everything inside the room on my net book , but still trying to find the optimal mounting setup, from what I've seen from your setup so far you seemed like a great place to start.
Awesome - thanks Brett

:thumbsup: Let me know how it goes!

Thanks Brett,

I ended up getting the hybrid dart. I think it goes from a dart to a snapper which may be a better option for me.

Also I'm using a slightly different version of your manifold. Did you use 1" for the manifold?

Cool, the Snapper adapter might work better if it's just a tank and sump, no other peripherals. But, you might want to use the Dart if you have a bunch of stuff on the manifold etc... I would look at the graphs and see what will give you the best flow vs energy usage. All Reeflo pumps get more efficient when you valve them down. I would presume the Snapper adapter would be the same as valving the Dart down since the motor assembly is the same - I'm definitely not an expert on that though... ;) Yes, the manifold is 1". It reduces down to 1" from the main 1.5" main plumbing. :)

Hey Brett , just finish reading thru your thread and I must say top quality work on the setup , looks like you're almost ready to start stocking it up now. I recently just decided to switch out my AQ3 for Apex and was wondering if you have any pics of yours fully installed yet , trying to get some good ideas for mounting my system , I plan to have the monitor on the outside of the fish room for ease of checking in , and control everything inside the room on my net book , but still trying to find the optimal mounting setup, from what I've seen from your setup so far you seemed like a great place to start.

Thanks rus. :) Since my Apex is in my sump room I mounted it to a PVC junction box that was part of the wiring setup. Don't know if it would work for your plan but here's the tutorial anyway.

Part 1 - Building the Electrical Panel (starts at post #1310)

Part 2 - Finished Panel
Thanks Brett , I did see that part of the setup , but was wondering if you had any pics of where you have the base unit setup with propes, etc ... it's always such a struggle to get this part of the fishroom looking someone neat with all the wire and such .

Thanks Again.
This is one of the best Build Threads yet! So Brett have you come to any conclusions yet about the EcoBak Bio Pellets? I'm trying to figure out which of the many NP Bio Pellets out there is the best or are they just all the same.
I love this thread!

Me too!! :D

Thanks Brett , I did see that part of the setup , but was wondering if you had any pics of where you have the base unit setup with propes, etc ... it's always such a struggle to get this part of the fishroom looking someone neat with all the wire and such .

Thanks Again.

I have the probes mounted in the last bubble trap in the middle of the sump. I still need a better way of organizing those wires, but right now they are just loosely following the conduit run around towards the sump where they drop down to water level. I'll try and get a better pic for you, or dig an old one out that shows you better. :)

This is one of the best Build Threads yet! So Brett have you come to any conclusions yet about the EcoBak Bio Pellets? I'm trying to figure out which of the many NP Bio Pellets out there is the best or are they just all the same.

Thanks Ellery. :) I think the ecoBAK is performing as advertised. My NO3 and PO4 are reading 000s, so I can't complain there. The rock definitely leached either PO4 or NO3 or both but whatever was left in the water column was obviously used up by the bacteria growing in the ecoBAK, at least that's my theory. :D Otherwise I would presume I would be seeing bigger numbers on the test kits. Most of the pellet products out there are showing decent results but from what I've seen ecoBAK has been a solid performer across the board (for the most part) with less bacteria blooms. I've seen numerous reports about bacteria blooms with other products, not that it's a terrible thing, but the ecoBAK seems like it's more "controlled" if that makes any sense. ;)
Thanks Brett , I did see that part of the setup , but was wondering if you had any pics of where you have the base unit setup with propes, etc ... it's always such a struggle to get this part of the fishroom looking someone neat with all the wire and such .

Thanks Again.

Hey Rus, forgot to get back with you on this... Currently I have the base unit in a temporary spot on the wall underneath the electric panel I built for the ballasts and EB8 modules. I need to build a mounting plate and decide on a more permanent home for it. But, at the moment like I said, I have the probe wires running around the conduit and they drop down to water level over the middle of the sump. Here's an older picture so you can get an idea of what I'm describing. Not the best solution but it works for now...

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