drummereef's 180g in-wall build


Today was a big day for the tank. Picked up a couple corals, a pink and a green Pocillopora which are currently acclimating. I'll get a couple pics of the new additions tonight. :bounce2:

Today my tank has become a reef. Thank you to everyone here, I greatly appreciate your willingness to help and your advice has been priceless. :thumbsup:

Currently I have both Pocilloporas acclimating down on the sand. They were under T5's relatively high up in the tank. I was advised to leave them down low for a week to let them acclimate to the new lighting. Sound like a good plan?

Each frag is about a golf ball sized piece to give you an idea of scale. Here's the pics. :)

Pink Pocillopora


Green Pocillopora

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New videos for you guys. First time doing any "macro" shooting so go easy. :D

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Good start with your sps corals nice colors. I am having a hard time deciding on equipment for additional flow in the tank I am setting up it is 96*30*27,I am down to a 6215 Tunze wavebox or the mp60w. I have no experience with ether one the tank will be in my dining room and I want to reduce the noise has much as possible. I have read that the mp40 is loud but loud can be different to two people so I was hoping you could give me some idea has to how loud your mps are. If we say your return pump is a 5 on a loud scale of 1 to 10 what number would you give for the mps? Thanks for the help. Mike:idea:
If we say your return pump is a 5 on a loud scale of 1 to 10 what number would you give for the mps?

Thanks Mike. :) I would say, based upon your scale, my mp40s to be a 1 or maybe a 2. They are extremely quiet. One is slightly louder than the other but they are pretty quiet. Depending on what mode you have them running you can hear them ramping up and down but they aren't loud by any means. Your skimmer will probably make more noise than the pumps you use. Me personally, I would go for the mp60s. ;)

Frags look sweet!

Thanks 110. :)

Impressive clarity at the focal point in the videos. Fish flying over the green at 0:28?

Haha, yes that my big fat tang getting in the way. I had to shoo him away a couple times just to get a 1 min clip, camera hog. :D I'm trying to get a wider focal point with the camcorder too. I was shooting on a macro setting but next time I'll adjust the focus a little more. I don't think there's an aperture setting on this one so it's all focus, white balance, exposure, etc... :)

Love your additions!

Thank you zmckenzie. :)

I have to give a HUGE shout out to Nanook, one of our friendly mods here on RC. :) Last night I went over to his place to check out how his 1000g+ system was doing and frag a few things. Well, needless to say Nanook was unbelievably generous to me. His tanks were looking amazing and I was able to sneak out with some great looking frags. Thanks again Nook!!! :thumbsup:

And 24 Zip-Lock bags later... :rollface:



Next post I will show you a short fragging demo... :fish1:
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So after much debate I decided to mount the frags on rock rubble. I had originally planned on mounting them on frag plugs but I had a ton of rubble left over and found they were relatively easy to place on the rocks in the display, since I hadn't previously drilled for plugs. So here's how I went about giving the frags their new home.

Rock Rubble. Some of this was left over from when I purchased the Marco Rock that's in the display. There was quite a bit of rubble I saved from the bottom of the boxes.


I used Loctite "Goof Proof" Super Glue. It has a slightly longer working time. I'm not sure if it's a true gel type but was definitely easier to work with than regular liquid super glue.


I see why they call it a Green Slimer. :D


I lightly blotted the end I wanted to mount the frag with some paper towels.


I then placed a few drops of the super glue on the rock rubble and also to the bottom of the frag itself (not pictured). It was difficult to take pictures and be quick about mounting the frags but you get the idea. :)


And finally I placed the frag into position, held for a couple seconds and voila! The finished frag. :D

I had also set up a couple small plastic containers which you can see in the background of the pics. I put a small amount of tank water in the container so after I was done mounting the frag I could submerge it to keep the coral wet and it also helps to speed up the super glue curing time. The whole process only takes a minute or two depending on the working time of your super glue.

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