drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I love urchins and have always had at least one in my tank. The pincushion and tuxedo urchins stay small, eat lots of algae, and come in a lot of very cool colors. Both are said to eat coraline algae, which I like since I like keeping my glass completely free of the stuff. I would recommend getting one of each kind, as my tuxedo has always had more affinity for the glass and my pincushion has always had more affinity for the rocks and hides a lot.

I've also heard lawnmower blennies can get very mean, particularly towards similarly shaped fish (other blennies and gobies). That being said, I've always thought that starry blennies were gorgeous and were not supposed to get as mean as other varieties.
I love urchins and have always had at least one in my tank. The pincushion and tuxedo urchins stay small, eat lots of algae, and come in a lot of very cool colors. Both are said to eat coraline algae, which I like since I like keeping my glass completely free of the stuff. I would recommend getting one of each kind, as my tuxedo has always had more affinity for the glass and my pincushion has always had more affinity for the rocks and hides a lot.

I've also heard lawnmower blennies can get very mean, particularly towards similarly shaped fish (other blennies and gobies). That being said, I've always thought that starry blennies were gorgeous and were not supposed to get as mean as other varieties.

Thanks for the info Alex. I agree, the Starry Blenny is a great looking fish. I will probably get a Lawnmower just to add to the clean up crew. I've never been big into blennys and gobies so I don't think it will be a problem down the road. I plan on adding some wrasses and a few other fish and inverts so hopefully they'll all get along. :)

The new addition... :D



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Nice new addition to the tank. I see he is already eyeballing the algae on the snail :)

Thanks Green. Yeah he was nipping at that snail's shell right before the pic. :)

Nice fish you got there. How long are you going to wait till you add your next fish?

:lol: Who knows? :D I'm so paranoid about adding fish. I just want to make sure my new additions will be with me for a long time. ;)

gotta love the algae blennies, such personality.

He's definitely a character. :)

Agreed, they are one of my favorites. Only problem for me was about a year later when my tank was Algae free I couldn't get him to eat and he starved to death.......Too afraid to try another one.....

That's no good... :( I saw him go after a little flake last night so hopefully this one can be trained.

awesome, i bet you see him chowing away & getting a little fat at first!

Oh yeah, as soon as he found his new home he was out looking for dinner. He was eying the bigger pieces of algae but no takers yet, but plenty of nipping at the rocks. :)

Some pics for you. :)

Came home and saw some Cerith Snail eggs on the glass.


Closeup of the eggs.


And a couple coral closeups...


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great pictures Brett

love the LMB and those corals are looking awesome, nice encrusting growth and great colors

Thanks Pete. He's quite the character. He's already eating the nuisance algae/cyano I want gone so that's a good thing. :)

Do you QT your fish or not?

The 3 fish I currently have in the tank, no. I've had the Yellow Tang for years, transferred him from the old system once this one was up and running. The other two were at the LFS in hypo and copper for a few weeks so it's not to say they are completely safe but it's a better shot I suppose. I tried QT'ing 5 Blue-Green Chromis and lost all of them within 3 days. Don't know exactly what happened but that QT experience wasn't the most pleasant. ;)
Great pictures - I hope you don't ever get tired of taking (and posting) them as your tank evolves! It's really hard not love the personality of the lawnmowers. Grinchy-looking little things... :)

Are you getting coralline growth lately on the Marco Rock?
The 3 fish I currently have in the tank, no. I've had the Yellow Tang for years, transferred him from the old system once this one was up and running. The other two were at the LFS in hypo and copper for a few weeks so it's not to say they are completely safe but it's a better shot I suppose. I tried QT'ing 5 Blue-Green Chromis and lost all of them within 3 days. Don't know exactly what happened but that QT experience wasn't the most pleasant.

Funny you mentioned that experience, well not funny that they all died, but I had the very same experience last month Qt-ing a shippment of fish I received. All four died within 5-days and this was after I setup a nice QT system.

What do you feel was the cause? I reviewed my entire QT process with the LFS that I purchased and they felt there was too much flow in my setup for the fish the acclimate properly??? I have since made minor adjustments to my setup to assure better success. Wish I had a better answer and/or cause and interested in your experience.