drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Congrats Brett! :thumbsup: I have also watched from the beginning and have used a lot of your ideas and concepts in my current tank build. That's the great thing about your thread and RC "“ sharing of ideas, knowledge and information!! Thanks! :)



Dang it! You beat me!

:lol: Thanks Alex! I think it was a tie. :D

Brett congrats on the 100 pages

and something tells me you have too much time for this
great stuff

Haha, thanks Pete, and you are probably right about this. :D

Been with you since the teens......my eyes hurt...lol. Congrates on an awesome build and helping the RC community along the way learn some great stuff!

Thanks tegee, much appreciated. Don't try using tank water in place of saline drops. It burns. lol

Thanks for the index. Makes lurking much easier.

You are welcome resplendantreef. Lurkers always welcome here. :)

Great idea on the index and should keep you from having to answer the same questions over and over again.

Thanks Gary! :)

Except when you get to 1000 pages and have to start making an index of indices... "Page 100 - Index 1, Page 200 - Index 2..."

:lol: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. :D

Congrats Brett! :thumbsup: I have also watched from the beginning and have used a lot of your ideas and concepts in my current tank build. That's the great thing about your thread and RC "“ sharing of ideas, knowledge and information!! Thanks!


Thank you for being a part of the discussion Jay!! :)

I'm finding more life as the tank progresses... Tiny bristleworms, tube worms, and this little guy, an Asterina Starfish. If it's the same one I saw last night, this starfish moves fast! All the way across the tank from the rock to the glass in less than 24 hours. Impressive. :)

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I'm finding more life as the tank progresses... Tiny bristleworms, tube worms, and this little guy, an Asterina Starfish. If it's the same one I saw last night, this starfish moves fast! All the way across the tank from the rock to the glass in less than 24 hours. Impressive. :)


No way this is the same one. You probably have many many more. First you see one then the next thing you know there are hundreds. Have you tried looking at night with a red light. You might be amazed at all the life that's in your tank.
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No way this is the same one. You probably have many many more. First you see one then the next thing you know there are hundreds. Have you tried looking at night with a red light. You might be amazed at all the life that's in your tank.

Ha! You're probably right. I was going to say this little guy has marathon legs. :D

How many pounds of rocks you got there? That's some nice minimalist aquascaping :)

Thanks duncantse. :) Rough estimate is about 80-100lb (dry) Marco Rock. I bought 3x 50lb boxes but only used about 2 in total volume.
Hey drummereef,

I've been following your build here for a while. Mine is an in-wall as well. Could you post a shot of your display with the viewing room lights on? Great job by the way...

Nice build, I will be modeling my plumbing after yours, espically the cleanliness. Unfortunately models don't always go together as planned
Hey drummereef,

I've been following your build here for a while. Mine is an in-wall as well. Could you post a shot of your display with the viewing room lights on? Great job by the way...

Yes I will try and get an updated shot of the room but in the mean time check out Pg 30. It has some shots of the basement shortly after remodeling where the display is located. Trim still not finished... :crazy1: Hopefully when we get a good stretch of weather I can finish that project up. ;)


Nice build, I will be modeling my plumbing after yours, espically the cleanliness. Unfortunately models don't always go together as planned

Thanks justin_g. :) I'm sure it will be great.
That basement looks outstanding! I'll need to update my thread as well...all that's left is the bathroom.

Again, great job.
Your gonna need a Harlequin Shrimp soon with those starfish. They populate fast. When I see those starfish in my tank I pluck them out.
Hey Brett - I have been following your thread from early on and find myself coming back to different pieces of it over and over as I continue to plan my own 300G in wall build. Thanks for the page by page reference - that makes it so much easier :fun4: Again, awesome build thread!!!

I do have a question. I am ordering a Marineland 300G DD tank and was wondering your opinion on the Marineland corner overflows on your tank. Do you find the two dursos provide enough flow? Also how quiet is the water in the overflows as it drains out to the sump??

I have thought about using the Beananimal system to keep it quiet and failsafe from flooding but the Marineland setup isn't very conducive to that. So thinking I might just go with the standard setup as you have but wanted to hear your experience with it.

Thanks, Chris
That basement looks outstanding! I'll need to update my thread as well...all that's left is the bathroom.

Again, great job.

Thanks again T Ditty. The basement is a work in progress but getting there... I'll have to check out your thread too. :)

Your gonna need a Harlequin Shrimp soon with those starfish. They populate fast. When I see those starfish in my tank I pluck them out.

Thanks Henry, I'll look into that if they become a problem. :)

Question. Do you have a floor drain in your fish room?

No I don't but there is one directly adjacent to the pump wall, next to my HVAC. I'm thinking of plumbing a PVC riser in the sump room and have it drain to the floor drain to make water changes easier. Currently I run some tubing to the utility sink which is also near the HVAC (same unfinished area of the basement) when I do water changes.

Hey Brett - I have been following your thread from early on and find myself coming back to different pieces of it over and over as I continue to plan my own 300G in wall build. Thanks for the page by page reference - that makes it so much easier :fun4: Again, awesome build thread!!!

I do have a question. I am ordering a Marineland 300G DD tank and was wondering your opinion on the Marineland corner overflows on your tank. Do you find the two dursos provide enough flow? Also how quiet is the water in the overflows as it drains out to the sump??

I have thought about using the Beananimal system to keep it quiet and failsafe from flooding but the Marineland setup isn't very conducive to that. So thinking I might just go with the standard setup as you have but wanted to hear your experience with it.

Thanks, Chris

Thanks for the kind words Chris! :) The durso drians will obviously be louder than a continuous siphon drain but they aren't bad, at least in my situation where all the plumbing is in the sump room. I think my Vortechs and Dart Return pump is louder than the water noise but the room also has a concrete floor which causes some noise reflection. If you end up going with a Marineland they do custom work so you can add an external Bean overflow if you want. Prop-frags had a custom 300DD Marineland tank build. Reinforced bottom panel with a center overflow, pretty sweet. Link below... Melev also had a large custom Marineland tank built but you'll have to google that one. ;)

Thanks for the input - I have actually followed both of the threads you mentioned. I did think about doing custom order with them especially after seeing what happened to Mike's first tank from them - makes the extra eurobracing sound like a good idea!!! From everything I have read and in my efforts to get a custom quote from them it is difficult and a very long process.

To your point, my drains will be behind a wall and 3 feet back from the front display. My LFS said his distributor has 50+ starphire 300g dd tanks in his warehouse and is pricing it for me at under $1,500 because they are so overstocked.

Think I will give it a shot - can always convert to bean animal system if necessary.

Thanks again and grats on hitting 100 pages - your build has been a real inspiration.