drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Hay Brett

Could be from dipping and new tank stress. the brown parts are a goner but most likely will recover.

I would use turkey baster on it, to keep any unseen pest off the coral's dead tissue.

Big fan of your tank and thread. Thank you for sharing with us.


Thanks Ethan. I actually never dipped this frag since it came directly from Nook's tank. Could also be that my system was completely nutrient deficient for weeks as I was dialing in a proper feeding regimen too. Could have been from malnutrition. The blue parts are still showing a small amount of polyp extension as well as the tips. Not huge extension but some, hopefully it will recover. :hmm2:
Hey Bret, maybe I missed it but how many times per week are you feeding the corals and what was the best product in your experience ?

Total livestock ?
Hey Bret, maybe I missed it but how many times per week are you feeding the corals and what was the best product in your experience ?

Total livestock ?

Right now I have a little more than 30 corals/frags in the tank, a mixture of SPS and LPS and a gorgonian. A couple are duplicate species. I also have a Yellow Tang, Cleaner Wrasse, Lawnmower Blenny, Cleaner Shrimp, and a bunch of snails.

I've been feeding Reef Nutrition products Roti-Feast and Oyster Feast regularly, sometimes daily. I also occasionally feed frozen Cyclop-eeze and Rod's Food as well. Fish are mainly feed Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef and Formula Two Flake soaked in Selcon along with green, brown, or red Nori.

I don't know there's a best food yet but I've really noticed a difference since feeding Roti and Oyster Feast. The corals seem to love it and it's small enough where the fish don't know it's there. :)
I hope the blue acro recovers. It is a beautiful coral.

Quick unrelated question...I couldn't find the answer looking back: I went with the shrimp method to cycle my dry rock - started about 3 days ago. No ammonia yet. Would you recommend waiting to start with the MB7 until after the ammonia spike?
I hope the blue acro recovers. It is a beautiful coral.

Quick unrelated question...I couldn't find the answer looking back: I went with the shrimp method to cycle my dry rock - started about 3 days ago. No ammonia yet. Would you recommend wing to start with the MB7 until after the ammonia spike?

I know the ? Is not directed to me but...IME
when u use the shrimp you also spike everything else...meaning your po4+no2+no3. I did this a couple of times and everytime it took me a few month to completly flush everything out. IMO it's not worth it start with mb7 or drtims bacteria.
I hope the blue acro recovers. It is a beautiful coral.

Quick unrelated question...I couldn't find the answer looking back: I went with the shrimp method to cycle my dry rock - started about 3 days ago. No ammonia yet. Would you recommend waiting to start with the MB7 until after the ammonia spike?

I do too, it's one of my largest and most colorful frags. I would start dosing a bacteria source, MB7 is a good one, anytime now. There's different bacterias out there - MB7, Special Blend, Bio-Mate, etc... Any of these would work great. My personal feeling is it's best to get your bacterial cultures going from the start cycle or not. That way you won't have to backtrack down the road. There's still going to be quite a bit of stored PO4 in the rock so the more bacteria working to get rid of it, the better. ;)

Hey Brett I hope your happy!
I'm ordering my kz products this week. :D

p.s thanks

:lol: Good luck with the supplements! What are you going to order?
Update from me to you on the lawnmower. Mine seems to have died yesterday or the night before. Had a large group of crabs congregated under rockwork & a starfish nearby. Also my skimmer has been skimming alot of wet skimmate last 2 days as well. Plus everything & everyone else seems fine & is spoken for.

Again I had him all of 4 months. He made quick work of whatever HA i had in the first 2 weeks in the tank. Got very fat!. Never ate prepared food or seaweed sheets attached to rockwork, yet was mucnhig on rock, of which was FREE of algae. He did seem skinny lately, but not super skinny. He was swimming about and seemed fine.

So just a note for you....if you don't see yours eating prepared food, and algae is gone, plus you will probaly never have any more with your ULNS.....try to catch him and trade him in!

Sad mine is gone as he was so cool to watch
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I do too, it's one of my largest and most colorful frags. I would start dosing a bacteria source, MB7 is a good one, anytime now. There's different bacterias out there - MB7, Special Blend, Bio-Mate, etc... Any of these would work great. My personal feeling is it's best to get your bacterial cultures going from the start cycle or not. That way you won't have to backtrack down the road. There's still going to be quite a bit of stored PO4 in the rock so the more bacteria working to get rid of it, the better. ;)

Ok, I'll get on that this evening! Thank you.
Hey Tony, the Hanna Alk Checker is awesome you'll love it. There's been some controversy about the syringe and pipette tip included in the kit. What I'm doing, which has been tested and verified by some hard core reef guys is this... Ditch the pipette tip altogether. Just use the syringe to draw 1ml of the reagent. 1ml is 1ml whether the pipette tip is used or not. I actually replaced the syringe with a higher quality one as well. Seems like I get a more accurate "plunge" with the new syringe, but probably not necessary. ;)

So here's my process.

1. Fill and empty the cuvette with tank water a few times to ensure no contaminants are inside the cuvette.
2. Fill the cuvette so the bottom of the meniscus is right at the line on the vial. Screw lid on cuvette.
3. Push button to turn on Checker.
4. Place the cuvette in the Checker to zero out the unit, push button. I place the 10ml indicator forward for consistency.
5. Remove cuvette from Checker. Draw 1ml of reagent with syringe (no tip). Add reagent to the water sample, cap and invert 5 times to mix.
6. Place cuvette with 10ml mark facing forward into Checker and press the button for your result.
7. Rinse cuvette with RODI water and store back in box. :)

Just got my Alk checker and gonna follow these steps. Hope it works out good! Thanks for the info on usage...had to go back like 5 pages to find tho!:crazy1:

ONE QUESTION: When you fill the syringe w/ reagent w/o tip, do you fill till the reagent is at the 0.0ml mark or the rubber stopper edge reaches it?

DOH Question 2: Since the reading is in ppm, how does one convert to dKh?

Btw..I also just recieved my New HI 736 Ultra Low range phosporus checker to track my PO4! Tis should give me very good and accurate readings...even better than the HI 713 PO4 checker!

I'll let u know it works out!
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Update from me to you on the lawnmower. Mine seems to have died yesterday or the night before. Had a large group of crabs congregated under rockwork & a starfish nearby. Also my skimmer has been skimming alot of wet skimmate last 2 days as well. Plus everything & everyone else seems fine & is spoken for.

Again I had him all of 4 months. He made quick work of whatever HA i had in the first 2 weeks in the tank. Got very fat!. Never ate prepared food or seaweed sheets attached to rockwork, yet was mucnhig on rock, of which was FREE of algae. He did seem skinny lately, but not super skinny. He was swimming about and seemed fine.

So just a note for you....if you don't see yours eating prepared food, and algae is gone, plus you will probaly never have any more with your ULNS.....try to catch him and trade him in!

Sad mine is gone as he was so cool to watch

Dang, sorry to hear that. :( So far mine is very willing to eat the flake foods I feed the tank. He actually sees me coming and will swim up to the top of the tank to get first dibs on the food I dump in. Hopefully that behavior will last.

Ok, I'll get on that this evening! Thank you.

Good deal. :thumbsup:

Just got my Alk checker and gonna follow these steps. Hope it works out good! Thanks for the info on usage...had to go back like 5 pages to find tho!:crazy1:

ONE QUESTION: When you fill the syringe w/ reagent w/o tip, do you fill till the reagent is at the 0.0ml mark or the rubber stopper edge reaches it?

DOH Question 2: Since the reading is in ppm, how does one convert to dKh?

Btw..I also just recieved my New HI 736 Ultra Low range phosporus checker to track my PO4! Tis should give me very good and accurate readings...even better than the HI 713 PO4 checker!

I'll let u know it works out!

Yes, with the syringe pointed down as to draw in liquid, pull the plunger up to draw the reagent into the syringe so the bottom of the plunger (closest to the liquid) is at the 0.0ml mark. It's actually not marked 0.0ml on the syringe but there is a 0.1ml mark indicated. You will see 10 hash marks above 0.1ml so the last solid line, closest to the plunger handle, is 0.0ml. There will be 0.5ml of air between the bottom of the plunger and the liquid reagent. This is to account for the small tip built into the syringe. The tip end of the syringe holds 0.5ml, which is typical for most syringes.

To convert ppm to dkh, multiply the test result by 0.056. E.G. 138ppm = 7.728dkh

Let me know if this doesn't make sense, I tried to describe as detailed as I could. Oh and also let me know how the new Ultra Low Range Checker works for you! ;)
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Dang, sorry to hear that. :( So far mine is very willing to eat the flake foods I feed the tank. He actually sees me coming and will swim up to the top of the tank to get first dibs on the food I dump in. Hopefully that behavior will last.

Thats good to hear. Mine never ate anything from pellet, to flake, to seaweed?? But was happy & healthy for the 4 mos....??

Yes, with the syringe pointed down as to draw in liquid, pull the plunger up to draw the reagent into the syringe so the bottom of the plunger (closest to the liquid) is at the 0.0ml mark. It's actually not marked 0.0ml on the syringe but there is a 0.1ml mark indicated. You will see 10 hash marks above 0.1ml so the last solid line, closest to the plunger handle, is 0.0ml. There will be 0.5ml of air between the bottom of the plunger and the liquid reagent. This is to account for the small tip built into the syringe. The tip end of the syringe holds 0.5ml, which is typical for most syringes.

Let me know if this doesn't make sense, I tried to describe as detailed as I could. Oh and also let me know how the new Ultra Low Range Checker works for you! ;)

Makes total sense.....I assumed that's how it was, but wanted to be sure. Kind of like the way you fill the salifert liquid reagents.

What about my question 2 above?? :spin3: Haha...you edited to quick!:wildone:

I'll report back on the new phosporus checker!!
Oh and also let me know how the new Ultra Low Range Checker works for you! ;)

Drum Roll.....Drummereef!........

HI 736 ultra low checker numbers:

Tank 1 test..................................... 5ppb = .0153ppm PO4 :D
RO/DI water from the line................ 11ppb = .0337ppm PO4 :confused:
Tap water out of faucet...................179ppb = .549ppm PO4:eek2:
Tank 2 test ~ 30mins after test 1...... 4ppb = .0123ppm PO4 :beer:

-Well the tests confirm accurate readings between 2 different tests on the tank!!

-I am shocked to see that high of PO4 straight from my RO/DI. What were you testing, i remember you said you were testing PO4 in you RO/Di water.

-This definitly shows why not to use TAP water!

This is a sweet checker and more effective reading than the 713, plus since it is reading in ppb it should be more accurate!!
Drum Roll.....Drummereef!........

HI 736 ultra low checker numbers:

Tank 1 test..................................... 5ppb = .0153ppm PO4 :D
RO/DI water from the line................ 11ppb = .0337ppm PO4 :confused:
Tap water out of faucet...................179ppb = .549ppm PO4:eek2:
Tank 2 test ~ 30mins after test 1...... 4ppb = .0123ppm PO4 :beer:

-Well the tests confirm accurate readings between 2 different tests on the tank!!

-I am shocked to see that high of PO4 straight from my RO/DI. What were you testing, i remember you said you were testing PO4 in you RO/Di water.

-This definitly shows why not to use TAP water!

This is a sweet checker and more effective reading than the 713, plus since it is reading in ppb it should be more accurate!!

I also have both the alkality and phosphorus checkers. My tank has ranged from 8 ppb to 14 ppb over the past month or so. I haven't checked my RO/DI water or tap water but I did check my water I made up for my last water change and it was 17 ppb. It was Reef Crystals salt heated and mixed(at 1.026 sg) for 24 hours. I was a bit concerned about this at first but saw Randy or someone in the chemistry forum say that it was normal and just 1 normal feeding raised the phosphate level more than doing a water change with that amount of phosphate.

Thanks for posting these interesting results you got for your RO/DI and tap water. I wonder now if that 17 ppb was mostly from the RO/DI water and not the salt mix like I assumed. I'll have to check mine and see what I find out.
I was a bit concerned about this at first but saw Randy or someone in the chemistry forum say that it was normal and just 1 normal feeding raised the phosphate level more than doing a water change with that amount of phosphate.

Had to go find that thread to make sure I wasn't spreading misinformation:spin3:
It can be found HERE
Thanks for posting these interesting results you got for your RO/DI and tap water. I wonder now if that 17 ppb was mostly from the RO/DI water and not the salt mix like I assumed. I'll have to check mine and see what I find out.
Well I am making RO/DI water right now for a WC, so I can measure PO4 after the water is mixed & se if it goes up for me from the 11ppb out ot the RO/DI.

IO is supposedly PO4 FREE! :worried:

Our tank must be similar. I am dealing with the exact same problem. :( Here is my piece. You can't see the stuff on the tips but it's there. Just super small that my camera can't capture them. Slowly it will turn into like your picture (one of frag already die from it):


I suspect this is dino and it attack acros which are weak or bleached. I wish I have a good solution but I don't. I am doing a 3 days lights off (today is second day) to see if this helps. A couple things I can assure you which are NOT the cause:

1. Flow. Mine isn't in a high direct flow area.
2. Alk swing. Mine has been very consistent at 7.7 to 7.8.

2 things that I notice which help:

1. Dark. It goes away when there is no light.
2. Feeding. When I feed, it tend to disappear but only momentarily.
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