Amazing information as always Pete. The biggest hurdle I'm dealing with is two-fold... Regulating the drip rate like you mentioned. The drip seems to slow throughout the day because of bubbles and/or precipitate. not a big deal but means more maintenance.
And secondly, the other issue is raising the pH significantly without raising Alk. I thought Kalk dosing does more for Ca but it seems the harder I push the pH the more Alk is added as well. I understand it's a balanced additive but I was under the impression it maintains levels, not raises them. I may be mistaken here...
Just seems like I can't push my pH higher than about 8.25 without significantly raising the Alk. I'm wondering how guys who deal with Dinos get their Alk up in the 8.4-8.5 range with Kalk safely. Unless they have a huge uptake demand from their corals etc...