drummereef's 180g in-wall build

:eek: 3.5! HAHA, thats like Hydrochloric acid! hehehe
you mean 8.5:lmao:

Anyway, hopefully you pull thru this nasty dino ordeal!

Ehhh whoops! Dumb thumbs over here... :lol: What I meant to say was it's hard to get the pH above 8.35. Still trying to hit that 8.4 mark but it's a struggle... :hammer:

My 120 Gs tank has been up for almost two years now. I have been fighting Dinos since day one. I also did the 3 + days of total darkness. it went away and came back with a vengeance. I never have this same problem with my last tank. Best of luck.

Love your setup and your dedication.

Ethan M

My 120 Gs tank has been up for almost two years now. I have been fighting Dinos since day one. I also did the 3 + days of total darkness. it went away and came back with a vengeance. I never have this same problem with my last tank. Best of luck.

Love your setup and your dedication.

Ethan M

Wow Ethan, sorry you've been struggling with them for that long! What other things have you tried along with the light out technique?

Here's what I've done and seen positive results.

1. No water changes
2. Dosed 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, 1ml/10g water volume
3. Light out 3 Days
4. Raise pH with Kalkwasser drip
5. Siphon out excess dinos
6. Baste rocks and corals frequently

They aren't totally gone but I'd say I'm at 90% now. The only part that ticks me off is a couple of my corals have receded because of them. Other than that it's more of a visual nuisance than anything at this point. That and I want my white sand back. :hmm2:
Brett - did the dinos actually attach to the corals or did they irritate them from a distance?

I've had dinos before but don't recall them bothering my corals so just wondering
Brett - did the dinos actually attach to the corals or did they irritate them from a distance?

I've had dinos before but don't recall them bothering my corals so just wondering

As far as I can tell they attach themselves to the corals. I have to take a turkey baster and blow them off every day. It's not all the corals, just a couple of the more smooth skinned sps. Maybe they are easy targets...? But where they do attach it basically eats away at the outer tissue/skeleton until it's raw. Then that part of the coral recedes and dies off. Very strange. :hmm2:
Hi Brett - I have a favor to ask. I have been following your thread from the beginning and have found numerous inspirations for my own build which I am currently in the middle of. It is a 300DD in wall. I am currently at the point of selecting a sump and was planning to blatantly steal your design!!!:lolspin:

I was wondering if you had any thoughts about what you might have done differently in hind sight?

I am planning either an SRO XP 5000 or Vertex Alpha 300 skimmer as well MR1 carbon reactor and possibly in the future a bio pellet reactor (watching and waiting at this point :twitch:) in the sump along with dosing pump for 2 part solution
It is a 300DD in wall.

I am planning either an SRO XP 5000 or Vertex Alpha 300 skimmer as well MR1 carbon reactor and possibly in the future a bio pellet reactor (watching and waiting at this point :twitch:) in the sump along with dosing pump for 2 part solution

As for skimmers....The SRO XP 5000 maybe a bit much depending on stock.
I have a 250g DT & 40g Frag Tank & ~ 65g sump. I am running the XP 3000E .... I think skims a bit more than the internal version and it is still plenty of skimmer for my setup. I am running mixed reef with SPS primarily, have med stock thus far with about 16 fish, and PO4 has stayed consistently under .02 and nitrates are 0.

The vertex 300 may not skim consistently as it is probably WAY overkill for your setup as well.

Just a thought! The SWC, Vertex & SRO's are all nice options tho! I'd personally save the $$ on the Vertex tho & use for livestock or other goodies! The SWC and SRO's are very well built and really rock. Looks at the SWC 250 or 300's depending on which exact model or recirc design
Hi Brett - I have a favor to ask. I have been following your thread from the beginning and have found numerous inspirations for my own build which I am currently in the middle of. It is a 300DD in wall. I am currently at the point of selecting a sump and was planning to blatantly steal your design!!!:lolspin:

I was wondering if you had any thoughts about what you might have done differently in hind sight?

I am planning either an SRO XP 5000 or Vertex Alpha 300 skimmer as well MR1 carbon reactor and possibly in the future a bio pellet reactor (watching and waiting at this point :twitch:) in the sump along with dosing pump for 2 part solution

I'd listen to 110g on this one. I'm not an authority on bigger system equipment. But I can tell you the Askoll pump on my skimmer is great. The Bubble Blaster pumps are supposed to be excellent pumps as well. I've heard mixed reviews about the Red Dragon pumps. Great pumps but hard to get parts when they break. Again, no personal experience there... just read some similar reviews. I would go for equipment that is readily available and inexpensive to maintain when things go wrong imo. ;)

As far as my sump design, I'm quite happy with it at this point. Lots of room to expand and/or add reactors etc... Good luck with your new build! :)

Brett, may i know how many ml of special blend do you dose & how many times a week? Thanks

I was dosing 60ml once a week. I haven't dosed it for probably a good 3-4 weeks now since the bio pellets are off line and thinking the excess bacteria may be feeding the Dinos. I don't think it would but it was just another variable to eliminate. I may start dosing again now that the Dino problem is almost gone and see if it helps/hurts in any way. ;)

Just a quick update as I haven't talked to you guys in a while. Not a lot happening here, just maintaining. Still dosing Kalk and was doing pretty good with keeping the pH up until I had to button up the house again as the weather is back in the 90's. So the pH has dropped a bit and is hanging around 8.18 again. I'm starting another 3 days lights off period and see if I can't completely kill off the rest of the Dinos. There's just a tiny bit left that is hanging around on some of the corals and gorgonian, a little on the glass and overflows too.

I might try dosing some Tech-M to raise the mag upwards of 1600 in the off chance it's not Dinos but something else unknown. Haven't decided on that front yet as I'm pretty convinced it is dinos but we'll see...

What magnesium test kit do you like? I've always used Salifert Mag tests but wondering if there's a better/easier kit out there?
Great guys, I'll stick with the Salifert kit. Thanks! :)

Pete - Are you saying once I've emptied the first syringe, then fill another syringe and continue to titrate until the color change. Then I can add the numbers of both syringes together for a cumulative value? Just making sure I don't screw something up. :D
Great guys, I'll stick with the Salifert kit. Thanks! :)

Pete - Are you saying once I've emptied the first syringe, then fill another syringe and continue to titrate until the color change. Then I can add the numbers of both syringes together for a cumulative value? Just making sure I don't screw something up. :D

correct :)

the first syringe completely emptied will be result in 1500, I was probably jumping the gun and may have been misleading by just saying add the value of the second syringe to 1500

Well, for the first time since I set up my tank over a year ago I have phosphates! :dance: Never thought I'd be so happy about something that is the bane of many's existence... :lol: But I tested tonight with my Hanna Checker and they are 0.08.

I've been holding off on water changes to see if the lack of trace elements would help the Dinos but I'm going to need to do one soon because my salinity is slowly dropping. Probably from skimming really wet for the Dino issue. So hopefully I won't see a Dino spike like I was before when I get to that...

Haven't ordered the Tech-M yet but I might do that this week since I have a little free time... kinda. :D

Tank is looking good, most of the remaining Dinos are gone since the second lights out period. The lights are scheduled to come on for 4 hours tonight so I'll see how that goes. Corals are looking better and all the fish are doing well. I'll try and get the monthly FTS up as soon as I can, either tonight or tomorrow. ;)