A pictures worth a thousand words. I love thinking of your setup, you have so much ROOM to play around with:
Personally I would put the unions on the inside (on the fish room side) and not the opposing wall.
That was my first thought too, but with the size of the stock tank i thought it might be hard to get a hand back there and attach any unions while the tank was in place. On the other hand if you make the holes in the wall slightly bigger then the smallest part of the union you could just slide the tank into the right place with all the plumbing attached, and then go to the other side of the wall to attach the big part of the unions and have much more room.
A pictures worth a thousand words. I love thinking of your setup, you have so much ROOM to play around with:
That was my first thought too, but with the size of the stock tank i thought it might be hard to get a hand back there and attach any unions while the tank was in place. On the other hand if you make the holes in the wall slightly bigger then the smallest part of the union you could just slide the tank into the right place with all the plumbing attached, and then go to the other side of the wall to attach the big part of the unions and have much more room.
I see where your coming from, but wouldn't the unions go in first, then from there attach to the bulkheads on the trough?
Quick couple questions...
1. Will 2 inches of drop be plenty over 6 feet for the drains on the stock tank? Just making sure there will be enough flow without creating Niagara Falls when the drains terminate in the sump.
2. How high over the upturned elbow will the water level be as it flows over the elbows? Like 1/4" or more? Obviously depends on flow rates but what's a good guesstimate? I guess this would also effect the overall water level in the tank?
1.) 2" drop should be fine. But if you can do an extra inch or 2 i would. You going to have it empty into a sock or bubble buster anyway right?
2.) The water should be about 1/4-abouve the top of the elbows, just enuf to overcome the surface tension of the water.
True. Ignore the sock. Flow should be slow Enuf and at a very small slope so splashing should be very little.
I have faith Ull make it work perfectly!
I've tried several slow refugium flow return designs on my 300g and found a horizontal tee placed with the center line at the water level and the return coming in from the top (side of tee turned up) worked the best.
That looks awesome! I think if you just use a bubble trap as opposed to a filter sock you wouldn't get rid of any 'pods, but I also think you are not going to be getting enough flow/bubbles to even really worry about it. Especially if you have the pipes terminate into the sump decently far away from the return pump inlet.
Hey drummer....good to see you still have this thread going. Tanks looks great. I have to say its got to be one of the cleanest setups ive ever seen. You might actually be more OCD than me lol
I dont think u can do it with one piece especially if you want slip x slip.
Get 1" elbow and then add a 1" x 3/4" reducer.....
Sometimes I think you can find a 1" slip x 3/4" thread elbow?
Or as shown above!
Do you need to do it in one fitting? In that case I'm sure specialty plumbing stores have "reducing elbows" that are 1" on one side and 3/4" on the other. Otherwise just buy a normal 1" to 3/4" reducer at a hardware store and a normal 3/4" elbow.