drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Indeed. I think I'm going to hold out for the Christmas Wrasse. They had one at the LFS a few weeks ago that was jaw dropping but I didn't have my lids made yet so I forced myself to pass. I'm working on getting them to eat the pellets. A couple of them like them but I've seen the other 2 catch them but spit them out. It's a work in progress... ;)

Who's spitting them out? At least you had the good sense to pass on them vs finding them on the floor.
Who's spitting them out? At least you had the good sense to pass on them vs finding them on the floor.

I was talking about my Dispar Anthias in regards to eating pellets. A couple of them seem to eat the pellets fine, but 1 or 2 of the four like to spit them out. I'm still trying to get them to eat them consistently. They eat Rod's, Cyclop-eeze, and Mini Mysis like pigs though. :)

The quest to find a Christmas Wrasse begins! :lol:
Beware brett. I had one(xmas wrasse) that did fine until I moved him to my 180. then he proceeded to kill 3 percs and harrass my firefish in to hiding until they mysteriously dissapeared. THen he jumped. Was not to unhappy at that point.

I have a coris wrasse now that is a pig and a model citizen. Follows my diamond gobies around and sifts through what they dig up.
Beware brett. I had one(xmas wrasse) that did fine until I moved him to my 180. then he proceeded to kill 3 percs and harrass my firefish in to hiding until they mysteriously dissapeared. THen he jumped. Was not to unhappy at that point.

I have a coris wrasse now that is a pig and a model citizen. Follows my diamond gobies around and sifts through what they dig up.

Dang Josh, that's no good. :( I like Coris Wrasses too, especially the green coris. I think any fish is relatively a crap shoot in regards to behavior. Luckily my fish seem to be getting along. My male Dispar, which is still turning I think, is showing some dominance over the 3 females. Mostly posturing etc... Hoping that subsides in time.

BTW, how's your tank doing??
Yeah I have a yellow Coris. Pretty fish. Was tiny when I got him and now it is huge. the thing grew really fast. I have found some fish to be model citizens one day and a terror the next. my xmas wrasse and a hawkfish are perfect examples. Your anthias are beautiful fish. Thinking of some myself, but at 12 or so fish I think that might over do it. Plus I need to replace my male bluethroat trigger.

Tank is up and down. I think you found my update in my tank thread. Its a work in progress. Good months, bad months. Lost all my sps about a year ago and still trying to sort out what when wrong. Getting close I think.
Yeah I have a yellow Coris. Pretty fish. Was tiny when I got him and now it is huge. the thing grew really fast. I have found some fish to be model citizens one day and a terror the next. my xmas wrasse and a hawkfish are perfect examples. Your anthias are beautiful fish. Thinking of some myself, but at 12 or so fish I think that might over do it. Plus I need to replace my male bluethroat trigger.

Tank is up and down. I think you found my update in my tank thread. Its a work in progress. Good months, bad months. Lost all my sps about a year ago and still trying to sort out what when wrong. Getting close I think.

I hear ya. It's always a work in progress and as long as it's still fun then all is good. :)

A little color tonight... :)







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Amazing Brett. I do have to say your pictures have really made me want to get my tank in order again. Motivation your tank is. :)
On tonight's episode of Drummer's Tank... CRAB WARS!! :eek2:


I tried to break up the battle but they migrated under the rock in a strangle hold. They eventually called a truce and went their separate ways. :)

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OK guys, need a little advice here. I'm thinking about adding a stock tank to house some more live rock and possibly some macros - so a "remote fuge" of sorts. It will be located to the right of the return pump which I have already TEE'd off for expansion.

My question is how to plumb one of these things to have the following...

1. Some surface skimming
2. Limit the chance of macros getting sucked into the drain
3. Drains to operate relatively quiet - or at least as quiet as the Durso drains on my display.

I see a lot of guys use a vertical stand pipe but I'm assuming that would gurgle like crazy. Here's some rough pics so you can get an idea of what I'm thinking... Let me know if you have any ideas! ;)

Here is the wall where the stock tank will be plumbed. You can see the TEE just above the return pump that will fee the tank. Sorry about the mess of tanks and food stuffs. :facepalm:


And here's a mock-up with the stock tank. The tank will be fed from the TEE off the return pump and gravity drain back to the sump. I'm assuming I'll have to raise the stock tank high enough for it to drain properly back to the sump?? I'm considering using cinder blocks to raise it up off the floor. Thoughts??

**This is just a generic pic I layered into the shot - so it's not the actual tank I will be installing.


As you can see there's plenty of width/depth to fit a decent size stock tank. The one I'm considering is 4x2x2 oval, or 100g.


I have some interesting plumbing to consider as well... Lots of stuff to plumb around to make this work. Any suggestions are welcome. ;)

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Your System has been running some time now and your latest photos show your sump as pristine and clean as the day it was commissioned !!

Can you give us a quick run-down on what your maintenance regime is to keep it like that.....my sump gets really cruddy after 1 month and never looks as clean as yours.
You always come up with great ideas...way better than what I could suggest! When do you plan on starting this?

Ha! I'm going to need some advice on this one... I plan on picking up the stock tank this weekend so I can start mapping out the plumbing, so fairly quick. Once everything is plumbed I'll get the rock. :)

Everything is so clean and neat.

Thanks goochesfish. :)

I've seen a lot of clean tanks, but this one by far exceeds most.

Good job my brother....I don't know how you do it.

Wish I had the space you have. :)

Thanks Reefahholic. :)

awesome pictures Brett
where did you get that pink digi, it looks great?

Thanks Pete. I picked that one up at the LFS. I'm almost positive it came from a reefer friend I got some of my other frags from. He sells to the stores in the area and said it looked exactly like one of his recent grow-outs. Any ideas on how to plumb the stock tank? :D I'm more interested in how to plumb the drain safely?


Your System has been running some time now and your latest photos show your sump as pristine and clean as the day it was commissioned !!

Can you give us a quick run-down on what your maintenance regime is to keep it like that.....my sump gets really cruddy after 1 month and never looks as clean as yours.

Thanks Heliman. :) Honestly I don't do much with the sump, it just runs. I occasionally siphon out a little detritus with a turkey baster but that's really all I do. It doesn't get direct light down there so there's little to no algae growth. The filter socks I've been using have really cut down on excess detritus that used to collect down as well. ;)
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