Original DMx
Awesome, I'm so jealous.
That is a heck of a transformation. I am blown away everytime I see your sump room. It is amazing.
I have had that happen before also when I dose too heavy with my TechM.
Thanks for posting the updated project guides at page 200! I need to update my bookmarks. This thread has been a constant reference for my build.
Wow - I've been reading this thread slowly over the last few weeks. Fantastic work! I'm really impressed by the dedication and slow improvements over time. It has been said many times before, but I'll say it again. Awesome setup, fantastic attention to detail and absolutely impeccable cable management.
With your new Ocean Revive S026 LED fixture, it is too bad that the Apex can't control it.
My guess is to much light over it. I suspect it to keep getting lighter in color if it is to much light. Careful with LEDs they r mor powerful then u realize.
The elegance may just be re-aclimating to the tank after the stress from the crab removal.
Wow! It took me awhile, but I just finished all 200 pages of this thread!! Amazing build, I'm so jealous of your sump room lol Glad to see you're back on track with it, I can't wait to see what you do next!
Little basterd. Nuke him now!!!
Regarding you elegance, it sounds to me like he's still needing to adapt to the lighting. I would suggest shortening the duration of the halide on his side for a while and adding some screening or glass to shade him a bit. Then slowly ramp up. Nice work on the build btw.