drummereef's 180g in-wall build

WOW! That's all I can say... wish I had the patience to do the detail you do but I have a hard time concentrating... Nice dog Eric... I'm doing a 320G build but ya... not near the detail or... beauty that you have... I just quickly put together what I can then get back to work or spending time with the family. I'm just in start-up phase... waiting on a call back from the glass retailer. Ya I'm gonna be watching this and looking at it for ideas...
I feel like you should add it into the sand. Bacteria will probably release into the water and recolonize your sand, but any of the bigger beasties (that you want!) like copepods will probably not leave their perfectly nice home unless you make them.

I see your point Alex. Hopefully the little buggers will make it through the rough ride on the truck. :)

When your cycle is under way I would also drop a few bags of pods to see the population before your fish.

Where would you suggest I get the pods Eric?

WOW! That's all I can say... wish I had the patience to do the detail you do but I have a hard time concentrating... Nice dog Eric... I'm doing a 320G build but ya... not near the detail or... beauty that you have... I just quickly put together what I can then get back to work or spending time with the family. I'm just in start-up phase... waiting on a call back from the glass retailer. Ya I'm gonna be watching this and looking at it for ideas...

Thanks Greenmaster! Looking forward to your build too. :)

drum, what sand did you go with again ?

I used Caribsea Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand (dry aragonite) for the tank. I'm seeding it with a couple pounds of aquacultured live sand from Premium Aquatics.
Good deal. I still don't know if I should pick up some of Carib's sugar sand or their Special Grade. I was scared of the size of the special grade, but in your tank it looks relatively uniform and actually pretty tiny to a degree.
Good deal. I still don't know if I should pick up some of Carib's sugar sand or their Special Grade. I was scared of the size of the special grade, but in your tank it looks relatively uniform and actually pretty tiny to a degree.


The special grade is what I've used in the past. It is pretty fine & looks great. The sugar stuff seems to get blown around & suspended in the water column easier...especially w/ a decent amount of flow.
If you have friends tanks that are pest free you can get a little bit of there sand and add it to your system too. Maybe you can find a few guys kind enough to give you some of there coraline algae to see your tank. The addition of different colors will help give you added diversity.

Some macro from other will also have cool pods and little star fish too. Not sure what your thought are on bristle worms. A good wrasse will keep them out of your display and just in fuge to feed on the poop. Or if you don't want them pull them out and just drop in the cheato.

You can get some damsels to drop in your fuge to help with your cycle. If one dies just pus it down in the sand if you have any in your fuge. When your done just take them back to your lfs for credit. I have kept one now for about 8 years and he is actually in my current tank. I think his time has come he is a little mean bugger but just been with me for a long time.

As long as no more Manjo's .ahhahahah
I feel like you should add it into the sand. Bacteria will probably release into the water and recolonize your sand, but any of the bigger beasties (that you want!) like copepods will probably not leave their perfectly nice home unless you make them.

When the pod population blows up they will be everywhere. It wont matter if they started in the display or fuge. If you have any mechanical filtration you will probally be pulling out of there too. I would still put bags in both display and fuge.

have you thought of what kind of fish you want yet?
Good deal. I still don't know if I should pick up some of Carib's sugar sand or their Special Grade. I was scared of the size of the special grade, but in your tank it looks relatively uniform and actually pretty tiny to a degree.

No more sugar sand for me. It really is what you like, but beside the sand storm and fish blowing sand everywhere whenever a frag would drop with the sugar size sand and I didn't catch it fast enough it would cover up an die. That was another big reason fro me to get rid of it. That might have been also because my lack of time to devote to my tank. The good thing is if you don't like the small sand you can always put the bigger grain size over it. The sugar size sand does look nice though...
How much of that sand are you going to use? What depth are you shooting for? Will it be the only kind besides the stuff from PA.

You can pick pods at your LFS or



When you do pop them in a little phyto for foos is also a good idea.

Thanks for the links! I remember a while back researching livecopepods.com but didn't know how reliable pods in a bottle were. Might be able to put a sponge in a HOB filter on my 40 for a couple weeks and literally pick them off. I have tons of them in there. :)

How much of that sand are you going to use? What depth are you shooting for? Will it be the only kind besides the stuff from PA.


As little as possible. :lol: No really, probably less than an inch. Just enough to cover the bottom of the tank but not enough to become a nutrient sink. I plan on vacuuming the sand bed at water changes. ;)

The live sand from Premium Aquatics came today. Overall I'm pleased with it (as far as sand goes :lol:). It seems to be really clean although there are some interesting colors in it, maybe bits of coralline... dunno. Its much finer than the Special Grade I have in my tank, more of a sugar sized sand. I went ahead and dumped it into the tank behind the rocks. I mixed it up a little but I figured my sand would eventually make it's way to the top anyhow. Here's a couple pics. :)


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On another note.... I have a small leak coming from the right side drain bulkhead. :furious: After attempting to tighten it, draining the overflow and re-seating the bulkhead, then finally re-tightening it - I found the leak to be coming out at the vertical seam in the threads, not the gasket seal!!! Looks like there's a small pinhole in the seam where the nut threads on. :mad2: It drips every 10 seconds or so.

I've got an incredibly busy 2 days ahead part of which I will be out of town for half of Saturday. Do you think I should stop the return pump and drain the overflow just to be on the safe side? I'd leave the Vortechs and heater on in the display to keep it happy. The rest of the water will just sit in the sump for a couple days.

Thoughts??? :confused:
I don't install any more bulkheads with out silicone. I just don't have time for the leak game. I use the common GE silicone.

Let her run, but fix all leaks and test what happens with out power so you don't have any puddles. You can't get anymore real world test than that.
I don't install any more bulkheads with out silicone. I just don't have time for the leak game. I use the common GE silicone.

Let her run, but fix all leaks and test what happens with out power so you don't have any puddles. You can't get anymore real world test than that.

Yeah but the problem isn't with the gasket. It's actually splitting at the seam in the threads. :thumbdown There's a seam that goes top to bottom on these bulkheads where the plastic was formed together. That's where it's leaking from.
Crap... did you use the good bulkheads. Wait sorry I asked that...Hope you have a spare.Silicone might get you buy for a little until you can order one.
Crap... did you use the good bulkheads. Wait sorry I asked that...Hope you have a spare.Silicone might get you buy for a little until you can order one.

I used the ones that came with my Marineland kit. They aren't the "heavy duty" bulkheads because they don't fit the hole placement. They are the "lightweight" black ones. I ran down to a LFS nearby and bought two new bulkheads. One is the same as the original, the other is like one I bought from Savco a while back (black gasket). So I have options but won't be able to work on it until Sunday.

That's why I'm considering shutting down the return and just let the display run. :sad2:
the cheap ones crack with a little pressure. cant really tighten them to much. If the other one is not leaking you should be cool.