drummereef's 180g in-wall build

the cheap ones crack with a little pressure. cant really tighten them to much. If the other one is not leaking you should be cool.

Its the only one that's leaking (or cracked in this case). I think it might have applied too much solvent to the joint when gluing it up and it expanded and started a hairline crack at the seam. It's just unfortunately show up now... Argh....
yeah I guess even with all your hard work still some will pop up. I have been plumbing my system for 3 1/2 years hahhahah
Keep the pics coming too. Don't be like some of us who want to wait until things look like....I was gona say perfect but can say like yours. Anyway pics pics pics....LOL
Awesome build! Had the same problem with the bulkhead...I used plumbers tape. It hadn't split just had a gap at the seam. Worked like a charm!
As little as possible. :lol: No really, probably less than an inch. Just enough to cover the bottom of the tank but not enough to become a nutrient sink. I plan on vacuuming the sand bed at water changes. ;)

That is exactly what i do with my tanks.....Just enough to cover the bottom and keep it looking sweet, then a quick vacuum and stirring w/ water changes! Keeps it bright white and healthy for all!

So this evening wasn't quite as busy as I anticipated so I got to work on the leaky bulkhead. Turns out the bulkhead was actually cracked from about halfway up the threads all the way down to the pvc transition. I replaced the cracked bulkhead and the attached plumbing all the way to the sump. Not fun, but seeing I don't really care for water on the floor, it was necessary. :)

Here's the culprit. :uzi: STUPID BULKHEAD!!! :hammer:


When I hit the LFS to pick up a replacement bulkhead one of the guys asked me if I had a "bulkhead wrench". I said NO BUT OBVIOUSLY I NEED ONE! :lol: Honestly I'd never seen one of these before but it worked great! I have a very tight space to work under the stand so a little persuasion really helps. ;) Doesn't chew up the nut like channel locks either. BTW, I have no idea where to actually buy these things. He sold me this wrench from his spare tools for the shop. He said he had more so I didn't feel too bad. :D

Bulkhead Wrench.


When I was at Lowe's picking up the remaining pvc parts I needed for the project, I also bought this, "Magic Wrap Emergency Repair Kit". It's an adhesive rubber wrap that forms a seal around a leak and is water tight up to 100 PSI. Even if it's just a temporary fix I figured what the heck, something for the repair tool kit. And only 3 bucks! :)

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That's why I only use Sch80 BH fittings. I know you were tied to the hole size from the stock tank you purchased so your only option. Glad it worked out for you. Leaks suck to deal with and yours seemed pretty straightforward. I am surprised since your tank came with the stock bulkheads and supplies it did not come with one of those wrenches? When I bought my Oceanic it came with a couple thrown in the plastic bag of parts?

BTW: Just curious, with your AWESOME built thread and tank setup, why did you decided on a stock tank rather then a custom build? Again, just curious not a critique.
I've used those bulkhead wrenches, but on my last tank the access to the bulkheads was so tight those didnt even fit. That was the one thing I really didnt like about the stand I built. I'll be certain to leave myself more clearance next time.
That's why I only use Sch80 BH fittings. I know you were tied to the hole size from the stock tank you purchased so your only option. Glad it worked out for you. Leaks suck to deal with and yours seemed pretty straightforward. I am surprised since your tank came with the stock bulkheads and supplies it did not come with one of those wrenches? When I bought my Oceanic it came with a couple thrown in the plastic bag of parts?

BTW: Just curious, with your AWESOME built thread and tank setup, why did you decided on a stock tank rather then a custom build? Again, just curious not a critique.

What do you mean stock, I customized with Starfire glass you know. :D Haha. No seriously, there were a couple of reasons which were $$$, local availability, and it is my first large tank. I got quotes from Miracles and AGE but the freight was going to kill the budget since I live in the midwest. Also, my last tank was a sump-less 40g. I figured this tank would be a nice transition to a bigger tank with a sump and some extra toys. And I'd be able to set it up within 2 years vs 5. :lol:

Nice built.

After Completion of every thing, leakage is looks like thrill in Love story.

:D You are correct sir. :)

I've used those bulkhead wrenches, but on my last tank the access to the bulkheads was so tight those didnt even fit. That was the one thing I really didnt like about the stand I built. I'll be certain to leave myself more clearance next time.

They were even tight under my stand. I agree the more access you can have the better it will be down the road in case there's an issue like this. :)

Testing still shows some ammonia as the tank cycles. It has remained steady at .25ppm since I first tested on Thursday, same day the live sand was added. 0 nitrites or nitrates at this point so I know I'm still at the beginning of the cycle. I've been feeding one cube of mysis shrimp (melted and excess water drained) daily to keep the bacteria happy. Skimmer isn't doing much of anything either at this point. Here's where I'm at...

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How long have you ran the skimmer? I'm pretty sure it needs some time to "break in".

How do you like the SWC250A? A guy who has done a lot of testing of SWC skimmers tols me he thinks the 250A is an absolute beast of a skimmer and he would see no problem with me running the same skimmer on my soon to be 220, even with me planning to stock it very heavily. Even still, I am considering going with the 300A.
I would turn the skimmer off. Kinda defeating the purpose with it on. May speed up the process a little.

Why? The skimmer isn't taking anything out of the water at this point. Nothing is collecting in the cup, just foaming a little. Even then I don't know if I really subscribe to the idea that a cycle is drawn out due to skimming. Seems to me bacteria will continue to colonize the rock and sand and the nitrogen cycle will continue as it should either way. If anything, at some point I might benefit from the skimmer pulling excess proteins/nutrients from the water as to not allow it to build up in the system. Then I'm stuck on the back end trying to get rid of that junk. ;)

Randy Holmes-Farley on skimming during a cycle...


How long have you ran the skimmer? I'm pretty sure it needs some time to "break in".

How do you like the SWC250A? A guy who has done a lot of testing of SWC skimmers tols me he thinks the 250A is an absolute beast of a skimmer and he would see no problem with me running the same skimmer on my soon to be 220, even with me planning to stock it very heavily. Even still, I am considering going with the 300A.

I've been running it for just about 7 days now. I didn't give this one a vinegar bath, just put it in the sump and turned it on. I think the vinegar bath might have precipitated some of the crazing on the old 250 even though in theory it shouldn't have. ;) I really like this skimmer btw. The Askoll is extremely quiet, the Sicce pumps were not! It needs to be run in slightly lower water level, 6-8", ideally to be most efficient. I'm running in around 9-9.5" at the moment but could get it up to around 8" with how my stand is built. I'm going to see how it skims as is and decide if it's too wet once it starts actually skimming. If so I'll need to raise it a bit. Right now it ain't doing anything but foaming a little up the neck. Hasn't dumped into the collection cup yet. I wouldn't hesitate putting this skimmer on a larger system. I think it might be a little much for mine but I also don't really subscribe to over-skimmer either. :lol:

I agree I wouldn't tun your skimmer at least for the first couple months.

See above. :D
Good Link..:thumbsup:

No prob, Randy usually knows what he's talking about. :lol:

Side note: I have the overflow tubing attached to the collection cup just in case it decides to freak out and over skim for some reason. I have it diverted back to the sump.
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