drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I like the light blue. Every tank I have had in the past has always had a black background. I am noticing now that the blue actually makes the tank look more natural. Coral colors are gonna pop in any tank due to the lighting, but the dark backgrounds are kinda over for me...

light blue I say.
Question? How are you attaching it to the tank?
The background I've been most happy with on any of my tanks is the tank where I painted the back glass. I used two coats of a dark bluish indigo latex. Since it was paint, I could have any color I wanted. It's held up very well over ten years or so. In your case, Brett, it would be really easy to touch up in case of damage... or even to take it off and change the color. Cheap, too. An added bonus is that with a painted back there is no color variation where the background isn't held quite as tightly to the glass as in other areas.

Downside, of course, is that you can't remove the background to look into the tank from the back side...
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1 more thing. Once your frags start to grow they will throw shade onto the blue back ground giving more of a natural look. No shade with a black background. Shimmer is noticed more with the blue...
Ive had both.....Really can't go wrong w/ either. Plus yours are removable....you can always change your mind. I think the blue is the way to go....

One KEY NOTE on black......it definitly shows any suspended material/sand WAY more than a blue background does. So note this since you will have lots of flow and sand. Especially to if you end up w/ any sand sifting gobies as they always add to the suspended stuff!

My vote is a deep blue......The blue just really appears to be looking into the depths of the ocean!
I think dark blue with white strip lighting across the top of the background would be ideal. Like this (this guy airbrushed some corals onto the acrylic to give it more depth, I personally feel that might be a little cheesy).


Here's the link: http://glassbox-design.com/2008/the-illusion-of-depth-uwe-breuers-reef/
WOW, thanks to everyone who posted their views on backgrounds! :) I'm now heavily leaning towards the Dark Blue. It's almost a midnight blue or very dark ocean blue if that makes sense, so very dark. After looking at the Light Blue a while it doesn't look natural or give a good sense of depth, which is really what I'm after. And it really doesn't go with my decor. :lol: I think the dark blue will really bring out the color in the coral and also give that sense of depth I'm after which is fairly difficult to achieve in a 2' tank (front to back).

The above pic is amazing, imo. If I had some airbrush skills I would definitely try it but I'm afraid I'd completely screw that one up. Definitely gives the illusion the tank is deeper than what it actually is. Great! :)
I personally prefer blue, in your case I would lean towards black because it will help the overflows blend better
Hey Brett, did you have any trouble with your drain pluming after you put salt in your tank? I just started to add salt to my system and it turned my sump into a giant skimmer collection cup (bubbles everywhere). I thought since I based my pluming off of yours I would ask if you had problems. I think I'm getting way to much air and turbulance in my drains causing a down draft effect. The only real difference in our drain pluming is that I'm using Glass Holes overflow boxes. Anyone got any ideas????
Hey Brett, did you have any trouble with your drain pluming after you put salt in your tank? I just started to add salt to my system and it turned my sump into a giant skimmer collection cup (bubbles everywhere). I thought since I based my pluming off of yours I would ask if you had problems. I think I'm getting way to much air and turbulance in my drains causing a down draft effect. The only real difference in our drain pluming is that I'm using Glass Holes overflow boxes. Anyone got any ideas????

You'll definitely see an increase of bubbles after you salt the water. Fresh water doesn't bubble like saltwater does so if you remember what your freshwater testing looked like it won't be anything like that. I have a baffle in the drain section of my sump to isolate bubbles as far left as possible. There's a little that creeps over into the skimmer section but only at the water surface. By the time the water gets to the return section it is crystal clear. Depending how your sump is set up you might consider socks but I would presume it would settle down a little as everything breaks in. Seems like mine has over the past week or so since it's been cycling.
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The cycle is cruising right along guys. Ammonia is right at 1.0ppm and the nitrites are creeping up around .25ppm. Colors are a bit off in the pic but hopefully that will end soon since my XSi is coming tomorrow. Woohoo! :D

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I should have said foam instead of bubbles. My sump is overflowing with foam! But I can tell by your reply that you haven't had any problems like this.
Thanks for the reply.:spin3:
Fishreef1 IMO... It sounds to me like you have something else in your water...(or your salt) Maybe if you hook up your skimmer and have it skim for a while and maybe run your main pump at half speed (so as not to have too much foam developing) that should clear it up. If it doesn't clear up after a week I would probably empty then tank rinse the sand and rocks and refill with water again. (and sorry Drummereef for hijacking your thread)

My 320g tank build http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1840581
If you don't like what you are looking at you are looking at it the wrong way.
I was thinking the same thing greenmaster. I started a thread in reef chemistry to see if anyone might have any ideas. Yea Brett I'm soory for the highjack I just knew you had alot of good peeps watching your build and thought I'd throw it out there. I love what you've done with your setup. Pretty much stole all your ideas for my plumbing!! What is that they say about imitation??? Anyway really nice work.

Wow...it took the entire work day (well "work") but I read this thread start to finish. Congratulations on patience, and OCD, definitely an inspiration to me.

I have a 180 in my basement and I'm waiting to recover financially from my new house to start almost exactly what you have started, and I plan on stealing many of your ideas. But I can't get over how you've been at it for over a year!

Anyway, wow again.

So I like blue backgrounds and I own a Nikon d90 and I absolutely love it!