I was thinking the same thing greenmaster. I started a thread in reef chemistry to see if anyone might have any ideas. Yea Brett I'm soory for the highjack I just knew you had alot of good peeps watching your build and thought I'd throw it out there. I love what you've done with your setup. Pretty much stole all your ideas for my plumbing!! What is that they say about imitation??? Anyway really nice work.
Wow...it took the entire work day (well "work") but I read this thread start to finish. Congratulations on patience, and OCD, definitely an inspiration to me.
I have a 180 in my basement and I'm waiting to recover financially from my new house to start almost exactly what you have started, and I plan on stealing many of your ideas. But I can't get over how you've been at it for over a year!
Anyway, wow again.
So I like blue backgrounds and I own a Nikon d90 and I absolutely love it!
There is a lot here.....wrapping up a 195g in wall too. Very helpful thread
I'm sure you posted it but did you do anything to your rock prior to putting it in the tank?
Sweet buy can't wait to see some pics!
As if you don't have enough to work on, now you are going to learn photographyYou will love that camera.
TIP: get a remote to trigger the shutter and a tripod. Shakey hands will be your worst enemy when taking pics of your tank.
dark blue or black my vote. Nice Camera...
Great looking setup. I feel I may be able to offer some advice on the talk background talk. I have always had blue and felt that it appeared more natural than the black. My most recent tank, I decided that I would paint black due to the overflow box and vortech being black. I am very happy with the choice and would never go back to a blue background. I feel that a blue background makes these necessary item in the tank stand out too much against the background. JMO At least you can change your mind easily as you can get to the back of the tank rather easily. For most of us there is no changing your mind.
Can you stand at your tank and take a picture of what the rest of your fish room looks like? I think we haven't seen it before and I am busy brainstorming my next fishroom.
congrats on the new camera!
Very nice pics. I think the dark blue background would look nice. something a little different. I had to go black because I was limited on pigment colors for the epoxy on my plywood tank. I would have liked to try something else though.
i had to go black as well. that blue looks sharp! nice camera too brett
That is a nice camera... I still say the color we can't see is the one to use... A dark blue would work to help hide components as well as help give corals and fish that look without giving the look of abyss... the perfect would be a black/dark blue that starts at the bottom slowly fades to the blue you have as you reach the top of the tank. JMO
that is the cleanest set up i have ever seen. most people wouldnt have spent that much time on a fish room like that. i personally would be spending most or my time in there!
wow this tank is looks so good and amazing
wow!! just went through the whole thread awesome build.