I never thought I would spend so long reading 49 pages of a thread, but wow man absolutely amazing tank build and tank!
If you ever you know get the urge to setup another tank or you know get bored and want to resetup mine give me a ring
The bacteria slowly multiplies. Some do Ammonium --> Ammonia, Ammonia --> Nitrite, Nitrite --> Nitrate, Nitrate --> Nitrogen gas. The ammonium/ammonia bacteria start to turn to Nitrite but not faster then the ammonia is created so you have both, then the Nitrite to Nitrate starts to work but can't keep up with the Nitrite producing bacteria because they got a head start... because you added ammonia not ammonia and Nitrite (I don't know of a Nitrite source except from the bacteria that produce it from ammonia) your cycle is complete when your bacteria can convert every step of the way, to Nitrates at least, at the bio load you want with no noticeable nitrites/ammonia
Can you stand at your tank and take a picture of what the rest of your fish room looks like? I think we haven't seen it before and I am busy brainstorming my next fishroom.
I'm working on something better to help you out. Give me a bit and I'll post it up.![]()
I think the light blue is too light, the black is unnatural and it does highlight particulate matter, but the dark blue is just right. I have black background but that's because I have no sump and all my equipment is black so it blends well. After staring at it for months I would definitely go a blue shade if I ever get a new tank (and a sump, oh how I'd love a sump).
My vote is dark blue.
I like your new camera. I just bought a new waterproof (20ft) Pentax Optio W90 (P&S). Plan on using it snorkeling and diving on vacation in a week. Then we'll see if I can do some shooting in the tank for fun. The new pictures look good, can't wait to see more.
amazing build :thumbsup:
do you have a stocking list? fish? corals? inverts? :lol2:
i will be tagging along. i am building a 180 inwall but it doesnt compare to urs. great work. cant wait to see it stocked
no, no thread yet. i might put one together today.
Coming along nicely, Brett.
Love the new DSLR... we splurged on the Nikon D300S...but it is SOOO complicated :fun5: Terry bought a D300S for dummies book (which is like 500+ pages) :lol:
As far as your nitrates...1.0 is all but non-existent. Ours are still at 1.0 and we put water in at the end of March! They're down from around 3.0 or so at the worst point of our cycle.
Not quite yet. The first fish will be my yellow tang I'm transferring from my other tank. Probably some anthias too but will mainly be a coral driven tank.
maybe you could put a single specimen of something special. like a rare angel or a gem tang :thumbsup: would look awesome through a school of anthias :spin1: