drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I also placed the conduit box at eye level so I had a secure, convenient place to view the Apex display. I used a couple pieces of Velcro to secure the display to the box cover plate.


All fired up! :D


The bigger picture. The cardboard above the EB8 is where the 2nd EB8 will be located which will allow me to control the lights and return pump. I will post the completed project when I receive the parts to finish it up. ;)


Great project Brett.
Remind me where/how you've installed your apex base unit...
You've inspired me to design a project to re-work my messy sump room now. The wires are in the way a lot (practical) and don't look nearly as sexy as your install (aesthetic)! :artist:
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Great project Brett.
Remind me where/how you've installed your apex base unit...
You've inspired me to design a project to re-work my messy sump room now. The wires are in the way a lot (practical) and don't look nearly as sexy as your install (aesthetic)! :artist:

Thanks Mike. :D I haven't permanently mounted the base unit yet. I was waiting to see how many wires are connected to the unit and how long the pH and Temp probe wires are. Obviously it needs to be in a safe/dry place so I'm thinking I'll put it on the wall left of the display. I might make a mounting panel for it and make it big enough to house any extra modules I might add to the system. The Vortech module is making me drool... :inlove: but I have to pay off my Apex before I dive into that. :lol:

I added a couple friends for the Yellow Tang, a Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and a few Astrea snails. My LFS didn't have any Trochus but maybe next time I'm in I can pick up a couple of those too. If I get a chance I'll post a couple pics of the new guys.

Does anyone think it's a little strange I haven't seen any appreciable algae cycles yet? I'm mean nothing! :confused:
You have a pretty sterile system, so I wouldn't expect much of a cycle. Just take it slow with adding things and keep a close eye on levels and other things like diatoms:D
You have a pretty sterile system, so I wouldn't expect much of a cycle. Just take it slow with adding things and keep a close eye on levels and other things like diatoms:D

Exactly, I thought I would have at least seen a diatom bloom by now but not a thing. Crazy... Everything seems stable and is testing out OK but I'm definitely taking it slow with the fish as you can tell. :D Might add some blue/green chromis when the LFS gets them in but won't be a for another week or two.
i didn"t doubt any less than an awesome install on your ac brett! great work everything is coming together so nice to say the least!
i didn"t doubt any less than an awesome install on your ac brett! great work everything is coming together so nice to say the least!

Hehe, thanks j-dizzle. Believe me, there's plenty of loose ends. Still need to address a few things but slowly but surely it's coming together. :)

what an outstanding build, i will be stealing a few of your ideas for my current build :D

Thanks eon! Good luck with your build. :)
Exactly, I thought I would have at least seen a diatom bloom by now but not a thing. Crazy... Everything seems stable and is testing out OK but I'm definitely taking it slow with the fish as you can tell. :D Might add some blue/green chromis when the LFS gets them in but won't be a for another week or two.

It'll come...bacteria are kinda like neutrons...once you reach critical mass... :blown:

Well I spoke a day too soon. :lol: Today I woke up to the beginning of the first algae outbreak. Man that was quick... It went from absolutely nothing to what you see in the pics in less than a day. Also tried to snap a quick shot of the shrimp but I think he's taking cover from the imminent algae cycle ahead.

It's everywhere, on the rocks...


And in the overflows. What do you think it is?


It's a bad pic but just to prove there is a shrimp. :D


And one of the Astrea snails.

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nice work on the tank dude, that aquascape rocks . . .lol. . . and it'll be even better in years to come when the corals grow out, very inspirational ;)
Well, took me about 5 1/2 hours, but I am up to speed with your build. Very nice and I have learned a bunch. Looking forward to the next update.
nice work on the tank dude, that aquascape rocks . . .lol. . . and it'll be even better in years to come when the corals grow out, very inspirational ;)

:lol: Thanks for the kind works legolas100. :)

Well, took me about 5 1/2 hours, but I am up to speed with your build. Very nice and I have learned a bunch. Looking forward to the next update.

Thanks for catching up strout. Should have some more stuff to share in a bit... :)

The algae cycle continues...

Amazingly the display doesn't look very bad, just some stringy algae on the rocks and on the backs of the snails - poor little fellas. :D On the other hand it seems like all the gunk is collecting in the return section of my sump. Here's some pics, let me know what you think. :)

Skimmer seems to be pulling a little out even though it's still skimming wet. It's about as dry as I can get it but I'm sure the lack of bio load is dictating it's behavior somewhat.


Here's the layer of scum in the return section of the sump. I'll probably take a net and scoop as much out as I can. All the algae is white/clear in color and is floating on the surface. The water underneath is relatively clear.


Another angle.

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