drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I have to say... even the algae outbreaks are neat and clean... Talk about a top notch system.

:lol: I wish I saw it that way. :D

You probably won't believe me but the algae has all but disappeared! No joke. Literally overnight it came and within 48 hours it's gone. The overflows have a tiny bit hanging around but no big stringy mess like yesterday. Crazy! :crazy1:
We occasionally get that kind of clear gelatinous "stuff" (that's a technical term :lol:) in our sump and refugium. We notice it a day or so after water changes or maintenance - possibly a minor bacteria outbreak as a result of stuff on our arms or hands maybe?
Ya as I said... clean and neat come in and go without any mess...

It was the weirdest thing for sure. One day it came the next day it went. :)

We occasionally get that kind of clear gelatinous "stuff" (that's a technical term :lol:) in our sump and refugium. We notice it a day or so after water changes or maintenance - possibly a minor bacteria outbreak as a result of stuff on our arms or hands maybe?

Very interesting. It also happened to me about 2 days after a water change. I don't know what it would be caused from but perhaps it is a bacteria bloom or something. I literally scooped it out of my sump with a fish net. Pretty gross. :lol:
Nice set up. I would guess bacteria as well. The speed that stuff multiplies is crazy. Good thing is that is usually burns out just aobut as quickly.
any more thought to a fish list? or even a short term list of things you want to add soon? we're setting up a 120 at the moment (me and my younger brother) and have 2 perc babies and a yellow clown goby, wanting some inspiration for our future choices haha
Nice set up. I would guess bacteria as well. The speed that stuff multiplies is crazy. Good thing is that is usually burns out just aobut as quickly.

Yep, thank goodness for that! :D Thanks for posting Poriferan. ;)

any more thought to a fish list? or even a short term list of things you want to add soon? we're setting up a 120 at the moment (me and my younger brother) and have 2 perc babies and a yellow clown goby, wanting some inspiration for our future choices haha

I'm waiting for my LFS to get in a shipment of Blue/Green Chromis and some Orange Anthias. That's my list so far... :lol: I'm waiting for my other EB8 to arrive so I can get my lights controlled by my Apex. I'm fighting the urge to buy some corals until I know for sure the tank is stable and the nitrates are under control. Last time I tested they were running below 10ppm but trying to get them even lower through water changes.
what salt mix are you using

I started geting that clear slime when I switched brands, but only in my mixing containers. I haven't seen it in the tank, but I also usually have it made up for at least a couple days.
what salt mix are you using

I started geting that clear slime when I switched brands, but only in my mixing containers. I haven't seen it in the tank, but I also usually have it made up for at least a couple days.

Hey Pete, I use Instant Ocean. It's weird though, never had this problem with my 40g. Just showed up for a day or two on the new system. Very strange. :confused:

Introducing Drummereef's Bubble Killer! :rollface:

I've thought about this idea for a long time but hadn't had the time to put it together. I don't want this to turn into a plumbing debate. We all know there are various ways to plumb a reef tank. For some reason when PVC and reef tanks get together arguments start, and that's the last thing I want. ;)

I originally decided to plumb my tank with a Durso style overflow system for various reasons. As we all know, bubbles are synonymous with Durso overflows. Here's what I did to battle the relentless bubbles. :)

The parts list consists of a 4" PVC Cap (modified), 4" Coupler, piece of 4" PVC, and a 1.5" piece of PVC for the drain.


I modified the 4" Cap by using a hole saw to cut the large hole in the center of the Cap, this is to accept the 1.5" drain. The hole was slightly too small so I had to sand the rest with a drum sanding attachment on my hand drill. The machining has to be precise so the 1.5" PVC fits snug inside the Cap without slipping.

I also cut 4, 3/4" holes in the Cap to allow air to escape the system.

I cut the 1.5" piece of PVC with a 45 degree angle on one end for the drain. I found that an angle on the end of the pipe helps reduce turbulence as the water drops into the sump. I measured so the top of the 45 was right at the water level of the sump so any back pressure is eliminated.


1.5" PVC drain fitted into the modified Cap. My drains fit into bulkheads which are installed on the sump, thus the short length of 1.5" PVC.


Here's the underside of the Cap as you can see the angled piece of PVC.


After putting the Cap assembly together with the 4" PVC and Coupler I ended up with this. No glue was used in putting the pieces together. It's all dry fit so I can take it apart if necessary.


The final product is quite large. Here's my iPhone in reference to the Bubble Killer.


More to come..... :fish1:
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Now onto the money shots... :D

Here's my sump with only a straight piece of PVC drain into the sump. Lots of bubbles and a lot of turbulence in the drain area of the sump.


Side view of the drains.


And here's a shot of the sump with the Bubble Killer installed. :beer: Air escapes out of the 3/4" holes in the Cap and the bubbles and turbulence are eliminated inside the Bubble Killer.


Here's a side shot again with the Bubble Killer installed. Mine hangs roughly 3" off the bottom of the sump to allow the water to escape but the bubbles to become trapped inside the Bubble Killer. You might have to experiment with different lengths to come up with the right combination for your system.


Note: It doesn't eliminate 100% of the bubbles, but darn near all of them if tweaked right. The biggest bubble maker in my sump now is my skimmer. :hammer: Have to figure that one out later. :lol: Also, the Bubble Killer is rather heavy since I used 4" PVC. If you decide to incorporate a similar system make sure to support the weight of the fittings with hangers or other solution. I have bulkheads in my sump so the weight is distributed accordingly with no pressure on the display bulkheads.
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Very cool idea! I've been hanging around your thread for a little. Strong work so far, your attention to ALL details show in your setup. By chance have you seen maggie mufflers? They're simular to what you have there, good job none the less.
I like it - good job on that bubble killer. I may look at some drain fittings to see if it can be built with the lighter material, plus the corrugated drain pipe material helps break the bubbles up as the rise.
Hey Pete, I use Instant Ocean. It's weird though, never had this problem with my 40g. Just showed up for a day or two on the new system. Very strange. :confused:

ditto - same salt
I've noticed a rash of people getting that same clear goo lately on RC and I suspect it may be something it the IO salt mix. I'm surprised no one has made a connection to the salt brand.
Ha! Love it Brett!
Expect the unexpected from the innovator. Great work.

:lol: I wish I could take all the credit but it's just my take on a familiar design. :) Thanks for the kind words prop!

Very cool idea! I've been hanging around your thread for a little. Strong work so far, your attention to ALL details show in your setup. By chance have you seen maggie mufflers? They're simular to what you have there, good job none the less.

I have seen those. I think those are actually for the top of the Durso itself though, not the drain fitting. I think they are to minimize gurgling and noise associated with Durso drains. The Bubble Killer traps the excess bubbles in your sump and allows excess air to escape in a controlled manner. Thanks for posting Mr. Right. :)
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I like it - good job on that bubble killer. I may look at some drain fittings to see if it can be built with the lighter material, plus the corrugated drain pipe material helps break the bubbles up as the rise.

ditto - same salt
I've noticed a rash of people getting that same clear goo lately on RC and I suspect it may be something it the IO salt mix. I'm surprised no one has made a connection to the salt brand.

Thanks Pete. You know you are the inspiration behind the Bubble Killer right? :thumbsup: I found some lightweight fittings in the PVC isle at HD, they were exterior drainage fittings. The only issue was the I.D. wouldn't fit standard 4" pvc, they are smaller. There is a white laminated drain pipe they fit but didn't know if it was reef safe so I went the standard PVC route.

Wow, good to know about the IO. Have you had the slime issue with your IO salt too?

nice enginuaty

Thanks coraltastic. :)
Here's a shot I forgot to add. This shows the full angle of the Bubble Killer and how it hangs off the bulkhead above the sump floor. It hangs roughly 3" off the bottom of the sump.

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