drummereef's 180g in-wall build


As promised, I made the needed changes to the manifold. This time around I upgraded to GF (Georg Fischer) Ball Valves. I also up-sized one valve to 3/4" to accommodate the SMR1 reactor that is coming. The rest of the valves are still 1/2". If you are considering a cheaper valve look no further, these are worth every cent. The action of the handles are super smooth. Way easier to adjust then the last valves I was using, especially nice for fine tuning. I purchased these through Savco Plumbing. Here's the Old and New. :)

Old Manifold


New Manifold

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Only you can make plumping look sexy, I am green with envy, all your project is so meticulous,the more I see of the sump the better the lay out looks and works.

The Mexican Turbos are still working hard. Here's a shot of some rocks they decided to work on. You can see the clean rock peeking through the forest of algae. If I could only get them to stop taking their afternoon siesta all would be good! :lol:


Cleaned the skimmer tonight and was happy to see a nice dry foam head in the cup. Still as stinky as ever... :D


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Now that the system has been up and running would you change anything with the plumbing?

I know air in the system was a concern. Are you turning off the return when you feed? Have you noticed air coming getting into the reactors?

I started tearing down sheetrock and will be framing out this weekend for my own 180 in wall.

Now that the system has been up and running would you change anything with the plumbing?

I know air in the system was a concern. Are you turning off the return when you feed? Have you noticed air coming getting into the reactors?

I started tearing down sheetrock and will be framing out this weekend for my own 180 in wall.

That's interesting you ask that cromedogg. :D Just this morning I was perusing the DIY forums again and it's like you are ostracized for using a Durso overflow these days. :lol: There's a lot of people switching to Bean style overflows, which are very nice indeed, but I really wonder what the long-term effects will be on people's reefs. Personally I like a little sloshing in the sump. To me, it hyper oxygenates the water where it seems laminar flow would have difficulty. Even the largest skimmers have a hard time oxygenating an entire tank volume as I see time and time again with pH issues. Other than that, I'm glad I have 5 valves on the manifold even though it's probably overkill. But options are good right? :D The valves on each return line are probably not necessary as I keep them wide open anyhow. I could have used a regular union there but I got a steal of a deal on the valves so it was about the same for me. :) I don't notice any appreciable flow difference, left to right, even with the way I have my system plumbed.

I leave all the flow on during feeding at this point. I am mostly direct feeding my fish though, not feeding the tank. I may decide in the future to turn the skimmer off for a few minutes once I get some corals in there. The only time my reactors burp is after a water change when I've turned off the return pump. It's not significant enough to cause a problem especially with the MR1 reactors I'm using. The sponges are fine enough to catch the fines that are suspended in the reactor. With the recirc line going back to the skimmer section, I can easily turn off my reactors for minute while the air is expelled through the recirc line then turn the reactors back on after water changes. Then I can avoid any burps.

Hope all this rambling makes sense, and none of this is meant to insight arguing of any kind. :lol:
I agree with you completely on the oxygenation of the water in your sump. I think other's may do the bean style out of a noise factor. Having a fish room you really don't have to worry about sound quite as much.

The burping of the reactors still concerns me a little bit with your design which was already discussed in earlier posts, but with your current reactors I don't see any problem with burping those, it's when you get into your CA/Pellet reactors that concerns me.

Maybe i'll just hold off on glueing my manifold plumbing into one pump and let you experience the fun :D

If I remember from earlier posts Melev talked about his manifold being on an entirely seperate external pump. I would have to weigh pro/cons on doing that in a electricity standpoint vs seperate pumps for each.
I agree with you completely on the oxygenation of the water in your sump. I think other's may do the bean style out of a noise factor. Having a fish room you really don't have to worry about sound quite as much.

The burping of the reactors still concerns me a little bit with your design which was already discussed in earlier posts, but with your current reactors I don't see any problem with burping those, it's when you get into your CA/Pellet reactors that concerns me.

Maybe i'll just hold off on glueing my manifold plumbing into one pump and let you experience the fun :D

If I remember from earlier posts Melev talked about his manifold being on an entirely seperate external pump. I would have to weigh pro/cons on doing that in a electricity standpoint vs seperate pumps for each.

This is true, the Bean overflows are definitely quiet. Although I swear the loudest part of my tank is my Vortechs. I can hear them ramping up and down even upstairs if I listen close enough. :) If you can run the manifold off a separate pump it would probably be ideal. That way you can keep it running even during water changes if you plumb it right. I don't see a huge concern overall though, but like you said I'll be the guinea pig here. :D I can tell you my Dart only draws 1.2 amps throughout the day so it's almost nothing in terms of $$, at least here in the midwest. A smaller pump would be even better.
I had 1 vortech on my 75g and will be running two on my 180. My vortech took about a month and some fine tuning on the setting with the spacer and getting it 100% inline with the wetside and I can't even hear it at all now. I know vortech and some others say "dont shorten the spacer" but I did by 1/8" I believe and it went dead silent with no ill effects.

Long term I can't comment but noise > long term took precidence. I think ecotech was a bit liberal on the spacer.

Still trying to get a decent FTS. The background is temporary so try not to look at the shadows. I don't know if it's because I took the shot with the pumps on or shooting in JPEG mode but I can't get the grain out of the pics. Just not the clarity of what I see in person. They always come out dark so I end up having to brighten them up later. Using Manual Mode on the Canon XSI. Hmmmm.....


When this thing is filled with corals, it will have incredible growth area. Love the space you left. So I'm assuming the bio pellets is for the algae growth. Gl with that as this will be awesome when filled. Got my eye on this tank.
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When this thing is filled with corals, it will have incredible growth area. Love the space you left. So I'm assuming the bio pellets is for the algae growth. Gl with that as this will be awesome when filled. Got my eye on this tank.

Thanks for the kind words firereef. It's a work in progress but getting there. :) Yes, the pellets are to keep nuisance algae at bay by limiting the nutrient levels that feed it. The algae in the pic is undoubtedly from the initial cycle. But the plan is once it's gone to keep it that way for good. :)

awesome. this is a longterm goal for me

Thanks Myvirtue. What kind of setup do you have currently?
nice. Hope it clears soon. Cant wait to see the growth in there. I had my gf look over your whole thread and she gave me the ok to upgrade!! Hahahaha.

After my island project im going for something around 500g(shallow).

Need to plan things with my acrylic builder:)
nice. Hope it clears soon. Cant wait to see the growth in there. I had my gf look over your whole thread and she gave me the ok to upgrade!! Hahahaha.

After my island project im going for something around 500g(shallow).

Need to plan things with my acrylic builder:)

I'd say you got a keeper there firereef. :D
UPDATE:As promised, I made the needed changes to the manifold. This time around I upgraded to GF (Georg Fischer) Ball Valves. I also up-sized one valve to 3/4" to accommodate the SMR1 reactor that is coming. The rest of the valves are still 1/2".

Looking good, Brett.
Interesting idea to have the reactors mounted in-sump. I need to think about that. Problem for us is now our sump is full of rock. Need a bigger sump, me thinks. :hammer:
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Looking good, Brett.
Interesting idea to have the reactors mounted in-sump. I need to think about that. Problem for us is now our sump is full of rock. Need a bigger sump, me thinks. :hammer:

Haha, who doesn't need a bigger sump? :D I decided to place the reactors inside the sump because reactors are notorious for leaking. I have more faith in these NextReef reactors than some others but it's better to be safe then sorry. ;) Maybe you can plumb a cryptic fuge and put all that rock in there instead. Then you'd have space for all your equipment in the main sump.

Here's a FTS from tonight. I think I've found some settings on the XSI that is closer to what I'm seeing in the room. There's still a shimmer that I haven't capture on camera but it's closer to the color and brightness of the tank. Again, the background is temporary so disregard the shadows. I think it's the angle I have it leaning against the tank or something. :o In any event, you can see how much the Mexican Turbos have been chowing down. Very nice little buddies, now get back to work! :D

FTS 8-22-2010


Here's the FTS from a couple days ago for comparison.

FTS 8-17-2010

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