drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I consider myself a patient man but 65 pages and not one coral, this has got to be a record. Glad to hear the turbos are doing their thing. Always on the edge of my seat with this build, cant wait to see it mature.
Looks like the only one that moves anywhere is your tang... one of the snails and Anthias have changed directions but are basically in the same spot. Looks like your algae will be gone within a week.
The whole enchilada. I'm a neat and clean freak. This is just awesome! Love how it's clean and simple. I've been reading your post and just realized your in STL to. I would love to come see your set up some day.

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I consider myself a patient man but 65 pages and not one coral, this has got to be a record. Glad to hear the turbos are doing their thing. Always on the edge of my seat with this build, cant wait to see it mature.

Patience friend, patience. :lol: Thanks for the kind words aquaph8. :)

that tank is gonna look real good!

I sure hope so clend13. :)

Looks like the only one that moves anywhere is your tang... one of the snails and Anthias have changed directions but are basically in the same spot. Looks like your algae will be gone within a week.

:lol: It's funny how the anthias poses for pics. I think he sees the red-eye light on the camera and moves towards the center of the tank. He's always swimming about which makes it funny. It is strange how it also seems the snails are in the same place, but I assure you they are moving as fast as snails can go. :D

Snails are working. Cool!

:thumbsup: Hooray!

The whole enchilada. I'm a neat and clean freak. This is just awesome! Love how it's clean and simple. I've been reading your post and just realized your in STL to. I would love to come see your set up some day.

Very cool reefslugs, didn't know you were in St. Chuck either? I'm about 30 min south of you but still in the metro. Thanks for the kind words and once I start adding corals and it actually starts looking like a reef I might have some people over. :) Your 200g sounds and looks like from your profile pic a beast of a tank. I'd love to check it out sometime as well. :)
In other news.... My yellow tang hasn't eaten his normal Nori fare for at least a week now. He's acting a little different but hard to explain. Is there anything else I can feed him to entice feeding? Thinking about picking up some Red Seaweed Selects or something else. I can't tell if he's snacking on the brown hair algae on the rocks or not. He's still fat but just not interested in the Nori. Any ideas?

Side note: He never eats meaty foods that I feed the tank with. Never seen him eat Rod's or plain Mysis or anything. He's always been partial to just Nori.

I'm going to change my Carbon out tonight too and see if that cleans anything up that might be going on in the water. My tests seem OK and the Anthias, shrimp, and snails are acting normal.
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Mine seems to like the red. Yellow tangs are kinda crazy, it gets its self all stressed out over its own reflection on a daily basis. You would think he'd get over it after three years.
My tangs dont like the Red Selects for some reason. Maybe its the garlic additive on it. I went to the asian market and picked up a huge package of green nori for $10. My yellow and Kole tang cant get enough of it. Believe it or not, but one of my clarkii's and a melanuraus wrasse eats it too. All 4 of them will be start eating it the minute I get it in the tank.

I feed my tank Rods and PE mysis so its not like they arent getting enough food. Im going to take a video after work for the nay sayers. I couldnt believe it when I saw it either.
Hey drummer kinda off topic but wanted to ask anyway. How long was each cycle phase and how long after it was completely cycled
Mine seems to like the red. Yellow tangs are kinda crazy, it gets its self all stressed out over its own reflection on a daily basis. You would think he'd get over it after three years.

Got some Red Nori and Garlic Guard too. We'll see if that works. It's strange, he's been totally fine since I moved him from my old tank and also get's along fine with the Anthias too. Weird...

My tangs dont like the Red Selects for some reason. Maybe its the garlic additive on it. I went to the asian market and picked up a huge package of green nori for $10. My yellow and Kole tang cant get enough of it. Believe it or not, but one of my clarkii's and a melanuraus wrasse eats it too. All 4 of them will be start eating it the minute I get it in the tank.

I feed my tank Rods and PE mysis so its not like they arent getting enough food. Im going to take a video after work for the nay sayers. I couldnt believe it when I saw it either.

Yeah it's weird. I get my green Nori from the Asian Market down the street and he normally LOVES it. Sometimes he'll take a 2-3 day break but goes right back to it. This time I think something else is up. I bought some red tonight so we'll see how that goes. He's never taken to anything floating in the water like Rod's or PE Mysis. I have both and feed it to the Anthias daily. I'll keep trying.

Hey drummer kinda off topic but wanted to ask anyway. How long was each cycle phase and how long after it was completely cycled

The initial cycle from when I added the live sand was right at 4 weeks. There was a small bacteria bloom shortly after the cycle finished but only lasted a day. Other than that, I'm still in the middle of this algae bloom. It's the first major algae bloom since the tank started. I first noticed it on 7-16-2010, so little over a month ago. If I had been more proactive I would have implemented a cleanup crew sooner but didn't think it would get quite as bad as it did. ;)

OK, took a couple shots of the Yellow Tang tonight. Overall he looks alright. No Ich spots or fin damage and his color is bright yellow. He swims fine and is fat as ever, even though I haven't seen him eat in days. My biggest concern are his gills and mouth. I've noticed a whiteness to his gills the last couple days. Almost like they are irritated inside. It seems like his breathing is slightly heavier than normal and he keeps his mouth more open too. Don't know what to think at this point. Here's a couple pics to help with the description.

He's always had what looked like a mild case of MHLLE, so maybe it has something to do with it. Possibly irritated from using a lower-grade carbon. Just throwing ideas out... :confused:


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im amazed you never had a major diatom breakout or trouble with keeping the glass clean

There's definitely some diatoms and the glass does get some film/hair algae on it but not major. Mostly just hair algae at this point. The diatoms seem to be more in the sump than anything.
The whole enchilada. I'm a neat and clean freak. This is just awesome! Love how it's clean and simple. I've been reading your post and just realized your in STL to. I would love to come see your set up some day.


Can you do a quick rundown on flow (left to right) & baffles & how wide each compartment is roughly, etc of your sump. I don't need exact (but I know you will give me them) :beer:..... What's the total flow thru it (guesstimate)
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