I consider myself a patient man but 65 pages and not one coral, this has got to be a record. Glad to hear the turbos are doing their thing. Always on the edge of my seat with this build, cant wait to see it mature.
that tank is gonna look real good!
Looks like the only one that moves anywhere is your tang... one of the snails and Anthias have changed directions but are basically in the same spot. Looks like your algae will be gone within a week.
Snails are working. Cool!
The whole enchilada. I'm a neat and clean freak. This is just awesome! Love how it's clean and simple. I've been reading your post and just realized your in STL to. I would love to come see your set up some day.
I smell a pizza night...plane tickets on standby.![]()
:lol2: You buying? :rollface:
I'll start saving Peso's right away!!!
I've got the Nattie!!
Mine seems to like the red. Yellow tangs are kinda crazy, it gets its self all stressed out over its own reflection on a daily basis. You would think he'd get over it after three years.
My tangs dont like the Red Selects for some reason. Maybe its the garlic additive on it. I went to the asian market and picked up a huge package of green nori for $10. My yellow and Kole tang cant get enough of it. Believe it or not, but one of my clarkii's and a melanuraus wrasse eats it too. All 4 of them will be start eating it the minute I get it in the tank.
I feed my tank Rods and PE mysis so its not like they arent getting enough food. Im going to take a video after work for the nay sayers. I couldnt believe it when I saw it either.
Hey drummer kinda off topic but wanted to ask anyway. How long was each cycle phase and how long after it was completely cycled
im amazed you never had a major diatom breakout or trouble with keeping the glass clean
The whole enchilada. I'm a neat and clean freak. This is just awesome! Love how it's clean and simple. I've been reading your post and just realized your in STL to. I would love to come see your set up some day.