I put a durso inside of my HOB overflow and all seems well but ever few minutes there would be a gush of water and it gargles. What do I need to do? I have experemented with different size vent holes and still no luck. thanks
Might be an amount of flow problem. I think not enough by the sounds of it. The reason it does that is because its starting a syphon and the water rushs down fast then sucks air and breaks the syphon. So the only other reason could be that the air hole is not big enough.
I'm having the same problem. I increased the air hole to 1/8" and it is more steady. But mine will still fluctuate a couple of inches and the water level is too high. Still trying to tune it.
BTW, I'm using an extenal side overflow with two 1.5" bulkheads and 1.5" pipes for the durso.
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