Early Regal Tang troubles?

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Speaking of money down the drain, http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1487147 I DO NOT want to lose my pride & joy.

I love my Blue Regal Tang. (aka Palette Surgeonfish, blue tang, hippo tang, flagtail surgeonfish, blue surgeonfish, etc.)

She’s happy & growing (about 4-1/2” now), eating great(!) and getting “plump”, but check out the trailing edge of her Tail.

Is this normal, or is that the start of some kind of Tail Rot?


Also, is “Tang against Rock rubbing” typical behavior? I thought it was. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1486653

If this is bad: What’s a good treatment?
If this is normal, How ‘bout them Titan’s, eh?

Help me Obiwan Kenobi. You're my only hope!
The tail looks like something is picking on it.My kole tang will rub up against a rock every once in awhile.Is it a constantly rubbing.
I have a Hippo Tang that rubs against the rocks quite a bit also, its never been a problem. Not sure about the tail though, I would go along with the other guesses on that one.

This is presumably safe stuff. Well, mostly:

Blue Green Chromis (4)
False Percs (2)
Blue Damsels (2)
Black Damsels (hmmm) (1+1) ....one's in "Time-out" in the overflow box. He's an idiot.
Lyretail Anthias (2)
Orange spot Sleeper Goby (1)
Neon Goby

Then there's the Crabs:
Sally Lightfoot
Blue knuckle Hermit
Halloween Hermit

Okay, the Blue Damsels are laying eggs like crazy... and the Black Damsel might have a "tood", but really, fairly safe stuff. Right?

Thoughts?? (Thanks!)
i've seen sally lightfoots grab after a fish swimming close by, some of them can get quite large...... and creepy.... :)
Do you have any koralia power heads? i have a clownfish who keeps his tail torn by getting to close to the powerheads.
Looks like someones nipping at the tail. Probably when she or he goes in the rocks at night to sleep would be my guess. And it is normal for them to rub against the rocks. Mine is over 5 yrs old and she has tons of scars from her wedging herself in the rocks at night to sleep.
Special On Chrysiptera parasema and Neoglyphidodon melas in Aisle Three!!!


(Actually, I love the Yellow-tails. They're laying eggs these days, but the Black ones........Now they're Sharkbait. But FREE to You!)

Seriously. WTMRAC guys: Any takers?