Ecosystem and lateral line


New member
I know that the lateral line debate can vary from nutrional to water quality. Has anyone used the Ecosystem for LL other than the article written by a DVM? My Queen angel has it. I am ready to call it quits with tangs and angels. A local store quoted me the Eco for 1200.00 bucks for my 135. I know there isn't a cure all for this disease & its' a combination of things. I am willing to spend the money if its'a benefit to the fish and overall health of the tank. (I have Selcon, Zoe, & huge variety of foods. Water changes done often). Could you make the eco yourself?
Thanks reef junkies :)
You could easily make the Eco sump yourself, if you can make sumps...its a pretty straightforward design. The least according to the Miracle Mud. I have no idea what's in it, or what effect it has on HLLE that is missing from any other refugium substrate, but its pricey mud. However, since I don't know, I will be buying it for my new homebrew "Eco" sump (I'm forced into not using theirs on my new tank due to a narrower stand compartment).

That mud stuff is quite price and PITA. I'd exhaust other treaments first, for example have your grounded the tank? In some cases HLLD is thought to be a virus or a bacterium - adding a UV might help.?

I have seen LLD cured, but really only when the cause was clearly nutritional or stress related, I have not seen first hand many total cures with the "other" causes.
If you want the ECOSYSTEM type refugium, break down and buy the miracle mud. I used the Kent Biosediment( generic knockoff) and it didnt work for the HLLE. Great for raising macroalgea and mangrove though. Do as mad scientist said and ground your tank, then add garlic to your fishes diet. this sounds simple, but works wonders.