(Edit) First post: 55 gal to 32 Bio Cube Too drastic?


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Hey everyone. So I have had a 55g aquarium: Fluval 404 canister a two Powerheads 802 with filter attachments running. I have lava rock and no live coral or anemones.

When I started I had various damsels and hardy fish. that came and gone. I got a pair of tank raised clowns at the LFS the first year. 4 yrs in I added a Black Domino which became highly aggressive towards the clowns. (The female especially). After about 2 weeks I finally removed the Domino. My female clown died shortly after. Fearing the worst I picked up a new tank raised clown hoping my original would pair up. THEY DID and to my surprise my established male turned female and grew twice in size. I have had this pair of clowns now for 21 YEARS!! Yes I said 21 yrs this Oct. There have not been any other tank mates now for about 6-7 yrs. I still see them lay eggs and tend to them but my tank isn’t exactly pristine for hatching and tank breeding. But I feel my clown pair are HEALTHY living this long.

My question. I’ve wanted to downgrade to a smaller tank. I was in a random pet store & a new JBJ Namo 12 w/ stand was on clearance (closing their fish room). I bought it. I want some advice here since I really have not had to do much anything with my 55g besides water changes and cleaning the power head filters mostly.

Will the JBJ nano12 stock tank/ equip be suitable for a tank swap for my clowns? They practically have lived in a part of the 55 gal that is no larger than the 12 gal. I see smaller Nanos with clown fish on counters all the time at offices and in pet stores. I’m so afraid of reducing their tank space and throwing them into a shock or something and breaking my LONG TIME success with them. They are literally my pets for almost 1/2 my life. I was considering moving their rock apartment as-is so to create a similar set up hoping to keep things familiar.
I also want to perhaps add an anemone or bubble tip for the clowns since they will be reduced in overall space.

I was thinking if the stock equip was not sufficient if I could even ditch my powerheads and just run my Fluval canister hose through the Nano compartment set up just to slow the water flow to the smaller tank. I Love my Fluval canister and know that probably sounds ridiculous to do. Or maybe I just buy a smaller Fluval canister?

I’m looking up videos about the NANO 12 and these new little tanks “appear” to be more advanced to handle a mini salt aquarium and clown pair pretty well right out of the box. Back when I started I was told minimal 55 gals is what I need for a fish salt aquarium.

I’m also thinking of moving from my current larger ground substrate to a sand. I would probably move a couple lbs of my current ground material to the new Nano with new Live sand to establish the tank for cycling.
Thanks for any advice Pics are of my clowns and the lava rock home they pretty much hang in.


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Welcome to RC!

So back in the day, the “at least 55 gallons” was the norm. Nowadays, it’s not unusual to see nanos and smaller tanks.

That said, the important thing is to make sure the smaller tank is cycled. As for substrate, I can’t tell what you currently have, almost looks like gravel, I would just ensure it gets rinsed well if you plan on adding any of it.

I do believe no matter which way you do it, you may end up with a little bit of fighting as territory is restablished.

As for an anemone, there’s no gurantee the clowns will host it. My other concern, is lava rock tends to have other contaminants (metals, excess silicates, etc) that may adversely affect anemone health.

As for the filter, in my experience the all in one design is generally sufficient without the need for additional filtration but adding a powerhead or wavemaker to the display is not unusual either
Welcome to RC!

So back in the day, the “at least 55 gallons” was the norm. Nowadays, it’s not unusual to see nanos and smaller tanks.

That said, the important thing is to make sure the smaller tank is cycled. As for substrate, I can’t tell what you currently have, almost looks like gravel, I would just ensure it gets rinsed well if you plan on adding any of it.

I do believe no matter which way you do it, you may end up with a little bit of fighting as territory is restablished.

As for an anemone, there’s no gurantee the clowns will host it. My other concern, is lava rock tends to have other contaminants (metals, excess silicates, etc) that may adversely affect anemone health.

As for the filter, in my experience the all in one design is generally sufficient without the need for additional filtration but adding a powerhead or wavemaker to the display is not unusual either
Thanks gives me stuff to think about.
Wish I had got to my LFS about a week earlier. They sold off all their coral rock for $1/lb.

Hoping the fighting is minimal since I’m not planning to add any other fish and just keep the two clowns which have always appeared to be a happy Pair for years now.

Yes, I currently have Coralite gravel. About 10 yrs ago I removed half of it and replaced it with new fresh coralite. I actually have a new bag now that I was planning to do again now that another 10yrs has passed, but with a new tank I am thinking of making the switch to Live Reef Sand to get the tank started.

My Fluval canister has the foam pads, and in the baskets I have one with activated carbon, and the other two 1-biomax media and the other is a finer ceramic media. (One is just more porous). My two powerheads have simple filter attachments that have basic floss to pick up solid particles. I alternate cleanings with those more frequent than the canister.

If I decide to go with a smaller Fluval 107 for my 12g Nano do you suggest anything I change in my compartments if I wanted to try to add a coral or anemone? (Ie the carbon or media). I know having a smaller tank will impact my testing and needing to watch the cycling process more often.

I’ve been reading up more about having any SC or anemones as well. Experts and current owners usually have better suggestions.
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So I made a trip to the giant box store of all fish stores and think I am all set to get the new tank started. I stuck to what I’ve known and got a FLUVAL 107 as my main system. I plan to feed my hoses into/through the Nano’s compartments. I got a submersible heater I can put on the back compartments as well. I’m still not opposed to upgrading to a 28g if needed.

Arag-Alive reef Sand (rather that the more course coralite I’ve been using) with a Reef Starter to jump start the cycling from scratch. Although it would be far easier to just transfer water from the 55 gal, I’ve had a green algae problem that I don’t want to bring into the new tank. I started floating a sea sponge in my old tank about a week ago but still haven’t decided if I’m going to transfer it to the new tank.

I decided not to use any of my lava rock and picked up a small custom frag rock display-piece with 2smaller pieces to add to it. It’s small but don’t want a lot to affect the PH too much in a smaller tank. I have one stone in my big tank that is like a tennis ball sized split polished Agate stone I plan to use. My clowns have mostly used its flat surface for egg laying so I will keep that.

Hoping the color change to mostly white will allow the clowns to stand out now and be the focus of their new tank. Once I get full cycled I’ll try to introduce an anemone, BTA or carpet and cross my fingers the clowns will host it.

I’ll post pics as I progress.
Sounds like a good plan. Note that any white rock will eventually change color as algaes take over. First usually to green and then into purples, pinks, reds, etc as coralline takes over. You may experience various “ugly” stages of algae such as Cyano, hair algae and even possibly Dinoflagellates. These can be overwhelming but are all part of the new tank process.
UPDATE: sooooooo, my original plan was to run my Fluval 107 to my Nano12. While doing an initial dry set up I ran into an issue figuring out how to get the Fluval 107 return to flow directly into the main tank of the Nano 12 . I went to a new LFS to look for an adapter. I should have just ordered a piece online 😂

I ended up looking at all the display tanks and that initial attraction 30 yrs ago that got me first into saltwater re-ignited. So I came home last night and started browsing more (I already knew I would be doomed)

This morning I bit the bullet and ordered a NEW •Coralife Bio-Cube 32
• while looking for a skimmer I saw this on sale (Coralife Biocube Ultraviolet Sterilizer Mini, 5 Watt UV Lamp) which attaches to the pump. Is this something I could use in replace if a skimmer? I may just use it on one of my older tanks instead since this new one will be going through it’s set up/cycle process. I still plan to use Live sand, and this new LFS specialized in corals, frags and anemones. They sell Rodi and salt water. I may go the long route and mix my own rodi/saltwater since I already have the salt. and grab a piece or two of cultured rock to put on the new dry rock I already got. (Still sticking to starting all new and not moving any of my old coralite, lava rock or water from the old 55g). JUST the fish (eventually), 1 agate I will scrub and clean and maybe the sea sponge I’ve had floating in there for about 2 weeks.

A 30ish was the “ORIGINAL plan” anyway I had when I first wanted to downsize my 55 gallon anyway. I feel that really is the bare minimal to have a decent centerpiece with a couple soft corals or anemone with my aged clownfish. I think I will keep the small Nano12 and put in a large

Here are my 21 yr old clowns. (Don’t overjudge the dirty tank, 🙈I’ve been lazy cleaning this year when I first started considering a new tank for them)

I’ll post an update when I get the new bio-cube 32 set up.


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A Biocube is a great set up. My wife’s anemone tank is a Biocube. The stock light should be sufficient for BTAs but not sure about higher light (not sure what the par is).

A UV sterilizer and protein skimmer are two different items. The sterilizer is designed to remove parasites and algaes from the water column. A protein skimmer removes extra organics.

Hope that helps!
A Biocube is a great set up. My wife’s anemone tank is a Biocube. The stock light should be sufficient for BTAs but not sure about higher light (not sure what the par is).

A UV sterilizer and protein skimmer are two different items. The sterilizer is designed to remove parasites and algaes from the water column. A protein skimmer removes extra organics.

Hope that helps!
Thanks for the clarification. Reading the fine print of the UV description afterwards I realized it was pushing the water through it which is not what a skimmer does. At first glance, I thought it was pulling water through it somewhat like filter attached to a powerhead….. but I see it clearly now.
The New 32 Bio cube will be here in a couple days. Now I need to start thinking about my existing 55 breakdown because I plan to put the 32 in its place. I STILL have the nano 12.

I am hoping to move existing water from the 55 to the Nano12 and maybe the couple lava rocks that form my clowns little set up and the Clownfish.
Maybe even just turn down the flow on the Fluval and move the hoses to hang right over the 12. So essentially just use the 12 as a holding tank until the 32 Biocube is ready for the clowns to move in.

1- Can I move some Coralite bedding as well?
If YES, Should I rinse it first? I’m thinking Yes.
I would probably just move enough to keep the lava rock stable. Will disrupting the gravel that much cause a bigger problem in the 12Nano. It is the original bedding from 26 yrs ago with one partial change out about 10-12 yrs ago.

Then I can set my 12 gal aside in order to clear out the big tank and prep the area. I want to get the wall repainted since I have access to that wall now after 20+ yrs.
Ok what a long day. I started my process today so I figured I would just keep a documentation here as I go. I’ll be doing this in stages and today was a big one for the fish.

THE GOAL: transition from 55 gal to Coralife LED Biocube 32 slowly over next couple weeks. The 55 has been stunning for 26 yrs. It has had several fish come and go, but my clownfish pair are approaching 21 yrs in Oct. They have had the fill 55 to themselves for about 5-6 yrs. They are happy but have been informed they are moving to a new place. LOL

8/1/2023 STAGE 1
Move Clownfish from 55 gal to Nano12
- Unpacked Nano 12, remove filter kit.
- move 2/3 existing water from 55 to 12
- remaining clean fresh saltwater change
- high power hosed 3pcs lava rock clean
- rinsed a few pounds of the Coralite base
- unhooked Fluval canister from 55 gal
- cleaned intake/outtake hoses
( dear god the sh1? that flushed from that)

• Put fluval skimmer in chamber 1
• ran intake hose to canister
• ran return flow hose into chamber 3
• put heater in chamber 2
—the flow in the main tank seamed non existent? even though it’s a 407 Fluval running in a 12g nano.
So, I flushed one of my 802 powerheads for about an hour in a dilutes bleach bucket bath. Then after a good scrub ran it for a couple hours in plain cold water changing it every 15 min or so. Added the power head with filter attachment to the 12 gal and it was crystal clear in about 15 min. I swear these fluval 802’s are great. I ran 2 of them in my 55 for flow and to collect solid waste. The canister was more like a reserve cleanse next to the powerheads.

Eventually I shut off the powerhead because it would be too strong for the fish. I pulled my return flow hose out of chamber 3 and over into the main tank. It seems to be creating a wave movement now and
Circulating through the skimmer pretty well.

After running the 12g clear for a couple hours, i did some checks. The temp was same as 55gal, salinity perfect match, all my readings were great except for high nitrates which I’m thinking was from partially my over feeding habits, and disturbing the Coralite bed when I moved it. (Even though I did a good long rinse and agitation.

I took a shot of vodka to relax and moved the clownfish from the highly disturbed 55 gal to the 12Nano. The both swam right into my transfer container as if they wanted to move. Their Rockscape Apt is reset exactly as it was in the 55 gal. Hoping to recreate some familiarity for less stress. They were swimming fast paced and breathing quick for almost an hour. My heart sank a little as I looked back at the disheveled 55gal.

I ate dinner and checked back on them. Both are swimming calmly exploring the full tank. I even watched the male picking up bed pieces and re-arranging the “rockscape area” like he always did in the 55 gal. Each time I came to the tank they both came up to the glass like they usually do at feeding time. I put 1/2 cube of cyclops and 1/4 cube of baby brine shrimp and both ate it up quickly like they haven’t eaten in days LOL.

I know that was a long read, but if you made it this far I Thank you for hanging with me.

Tomorrow: STAGE 2
CONTINUE to monitor the 12 Nano & fish

• Empty the 55 Gal, clean everything.
• pull all the rock scape and give it a good rinse with the power-wash Hose, then lay out on the back deck for Mother Nature to do her thing and dry it out.
(I may have a new owner for the 55 tank/ stand and mechanicals from work who ask what I was doing with my old tank)

I’ll check back in a couple days when the 32 gets delivered. Pics/vids are of the disheveled 55gal, 12gal once I added the clownfish, walkthrough of 12 temporary set up with fluval canister. Short vids of clownfish reaction to moving day (Not sure how to add a video?)IMG_3053.jpegIMG_3056.jpegIMG_3055.jpeg
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update this morning:
They are perfectly happy and swimming ALL OVER exploring. Greeted me at the glass just like normal. Now I can’t wait to get the larger 32 Bio-Cube process started with corals. Really made me want to plan a scuba trip for next month now.
I know they’re older but those clowns look huge in that nano cube
One of the first things I said when they went in. LOL. I was like oh yeah they need to go to the 35gal. The female is about 2.5”. They were tank raised. I think I mentioned at the top of the thread. I got a pair and one died about a year in after being harassed by a black domino. So I got a 2nd. A year later my orig went to female and this has been my pair ever since.
They’re egg layers and the male does his part tending the area all day. She has him managed as a cleaner LOL. I have never done anything to allow the
Hatch or spawn. So maybe in the new 32 I can explore the option. I know it’s a lot of work prepping brine shrimp &food.

The littler male is a nipper if I put hands in the tank. He will jump out the water to get my fingers, why I was surprised they both swam right into my transfer cup.
Still can’t figure how to post a video. So here are pics of the back chambers and what I did. I am for this transition purpose running my Fluval 407 on full. I’m surprised it’s not over bearing on this small tank.

For now it all works


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STAGE 2: empty & clean the 55
- complete
- got the tank emptied and hosed out. It’s cleaner than I thought it would be. I’ll probably do a vinegar scrub before giving it to anyone. They just don’t make solid wooden stands like they used to. The person at work has decided not to take it. Too big. I’ll probably list it on fB marketplace and see if anyone local wants to come grab it over the weekend.
I decided to skip all the extra cleaning and tossed my Coralite gravel & lava rock. It was just 2 buckets of gravel and a shoebox of rock.

The 32 Bio Cube was delivered yesterday, so going to check it for cracks/flaws and now just waiting for the stand (and my other impulse purchases)


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Cleaned up really nicely
…and that was really just a garden hose on pressure. I didn’t really get to scrub it because it was already like 930 pm and getting to dark. It was a quick once over. If it doesn’t get tossed, I may do a proper scrub and vinegar cleanse. The top glass cover and some misc stuff I did a quick scrub and left in the tub overnight in a diluted bleach bath. I have some salt residue I really need to scrape off of that stuff