Time for a much-needed update!
So far, all the tangs I got just before I left for vacation are doing just fine. They all eat voraciously, and only bicker minimally with each other.
The corals I got were all Acros, my first try at them... Sadly, my parameters have been close to being perfect, but not enough. I lost the Staghorn Acro, and the giant Table is showing some burnt tips, but extending its polyps nicely. This is due to my Alkalinity being on the low end and calcium being up near 500... Nitrates crept up to 20 while I was gone, but now they're down to zero after having brought the skimmer online. So far the ORA, I think it's a Purple Nana, is only just not extending its polyps to a full extent.
Other than that, things are doing wonderfully! I'll get some top-down shots of some stuff later today when the Halides come on...
I filled the refugium this week. The 125g tank has around 400lbs of sand in it, about 75lbs of rock, and I'm waiting to see how dead the sand was... It's not connected to the display, but I have pumps circulating the water. It is naturally lit with LED supplementation. I currently only have Prolifera....
I also acquired a 1/4HP SeaClear chiller for free from a friend. I've been running it the last few days. It gets the tank down to 77 overnight and it doesn't break 80 all day. That beats the 86 it would hit on hot days without it!
Enough updating, picture time!
Fuge (excuse the terrible pic):
Broken-in and skimming like a beast SRO-XP5000e:
Full equipment shot (less the fuge, which is off on the right):
And the display: