Eel Freak's 205g Build

Some good news today (and bad...)

Water params as of now:
pH - 8.2
Alk - 8dKh
Calcium - ~460ppm
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0
Temp - 81F

And the bad... Phosphates: 1.0ppm :eek2: It beats the 2.0 that it was last week, but still not good. The refugium is ready to be tied in maybe tomorrow or Sunday. Lots of good old Prolifera in there to suck up the phosphates! Currently the cyano is loving it... :uzi:

Was spot feeding a Wellso that I'm rehabbing today and came across a 1/2" piece of my ORA acro on the sandbed! Grabbed some glue (EcoTech's <- that stuff WORKS) and it is now officially a frag.

Bit of info on the Wellso: It's an Indonesian one... I got it to eat a little bit of krill on Monday. Today I went to go feed and saw it had a second mouth after I had the krill already located on the original! That was a good sign, so I put another one on and it's been working on that for a while now. The original mouth has eaten this second round of krill far faster than the first time. It's also showing a bit better color. I turn off all circulation and place the krill where it needs to be. Then I carefully invert my top-down photo box filled with water over the coral so that no pesky fish can come and steal it. Once the box is on it, I turn all flow back on and everybody does their thing unnoticed. When the Wellso is done, the box comes of. Here's a pic of the operation:

*sorry about the hideous acrylic, broke my plastic cleaning scraper and haven't picked up another yet*

That's it for today!
I've noticed a little bit of ich on the Kole tang, big Sailfin, and maybe some on the Idol. None seem to be affected by it, as all are eating voraciously (4 algae sheets a day and two frozen feedings and they're still wanting more) so I'm hoping it will just run its course.

I'm also battling stupid microbubbles. I don't run any mechanical filtration on any of my tanks, so it's always a challenge to get rid of the evil things. I'll eventually get it though.

Some more pics from today! Enjoy!

One of two Wellsophyllias I'm nursing back to health:

The big sailfin, man, she's gotten much darker after being in the reef from the FOWLR...

Nice tank, love the Idol. Is he hard to take care of

Thank you!

Not at all. I was fortunate enough to acquire one that ate algae off the clip as soon as I brought it home. After that it was just a matter of time before it began to eat anything and everything. It even eats from my hand now!
It's been a rough last couple of months.... Disease took most of the fish in the display, and MAJOR heat issues took many corals and both clams. :(*

I'm on the backside of that now... I got my 125g refugium online last week and now the tank tops out around 82.5°F, from the 87°F of the last couple months.

I bought two 4' 6-lamp Tek Elite fixtures from a member here on RC that should arrive sometime next week, which should be MUCH cooler than my 1000w total of metal halides... I think I'm back to updating this!

Some pix of the sump area and the labyrinth of plumbing as well as a shot of the fuge. I'll get macro for it soon!!


I just read your thread, nice build. I have a 194g acrylic tank on the way, so I was interested to see yours. I lost my whole tank of fish except 2 clowns when I added a Kole tang with ich. I left the tank empty and now run a QT. I was hoping yours would not turn out that way when I came to the ich part of the thread. What fish lived? Any new FTS? Any solutions to the heat? Good Luck, I'll be following along!
With your pics that I have seen, I did not see a fan running in the space between your lights and your tank. IMO this would help alot with your temp spikes you get during the day. I love the 125 fug.
I just read your thread, nice build. I have a 194g acrylic tank on the way, so I was interested to see yours. I lost my whole tank of fish except 2 clowns when I added a Kole tang with ich. I left the tank empty and now run a QT. I was hoping yours would not turn out that way when I came to the ich part of the thread. What fish lived? Any new FTS? Any solutions to the heat? Good Luck, I'll be following along!

Thank you! Sadly, mine turned out similar to yours... I'm left with my big Sailfin, my sixline wrasse, Scopas tang, Yellow tang, two Chromis, Lawnmower blenny, and Shrimp goby, everything else perished. :(

I'll have to get a new FTS tomorrow, but the tank looks pretty bleak, it lacks a lot of color because I lost all SPS and most LPS...

I adjusted the photoperiod to match cooler times in the home, and shortened it up. I also ran fans over the sump but after one froze up on me and nearly caught fire, I've been afraid to since... When I tied the 125 on it dropped the system temp by about 4 degrees which has been welcomed. The new T5s next week ought to make a major difference, and, they're fan-cooled! :beachbum:
that skimmer is da bomb

I concur! I love it! It handles the system very nicely, it's quiet, and it was budget-friendly.

But after getting the opportunity to set up a ReeFlo Orca Pro II for a friend, I might end up investing in the Pro I by MRC... It's USA-made, and it uses an Orca Gold pump, one of my personal favorites.
With your pics that I have seen, I did not see a fan running in the space between your lights and your tank. IMO this would help alot with your temp spikes you get during the day. I love the 125 fug.

Correct, I don't have one. The display is in the dining are in the living room, so silence is golden. I can't have large fans cooling those halides out there because even the sound of the air is disrupting... However, the pending T5s should eliminate this issue altogether.

Thanks! Me too! I can't wait until I get it packed full of Macro!
Yep! I'm thinking so.

I'll miss the shimmer, but I will likely add stunner strips or DIY LEDs to add some back in.
I went from MH to T5 to AISol LEDs. I added some LEDs to the T5 and it did bring back some shimmer. You will have to post pics when it is all put together. I may ask you some questions down the road, I've only been in saltwater since last Jan and just getting into SPS when I get my new tank in a few more weeks.
Ahhh okay. I think I may end up in the same boat, I would have gone straight to LEDs but I don't have anywhere near the funds to do so right now... When I go LED, it'll be with the Radions to match with my VorTechs.

Definitely! I got word that the fixtures shipped out this week so hopefully by the end of the week they'll be here. I will have to redo my aluminum bracket hanging system....

I'll gladly answer anything I can to help out! I'll look forward to your 194g build thread as well! The building process is the funnest part in my opinion...
So I've essentially begun the reconstruction phase... Upgrading the old and fixing the issues...

I've borrowed some lab equipment this weekend from my Biology class and am testing my water to get some quality answers. Here's my readings so far:

Temp - 81°F
Salinity - 31.16ppt
pH - ~8.4 (full 24hr chart coming soon)
DO - ~8.0ppm (full 24hr chart coming soon)
Ammonium - negligible; zero
Nitrate - ~40ppm

So I've got some work ahead of me, but, it'll get better soon! My 125g fuge is fully operational and I'm headed to the LFS this weekend to see if I can acquire some macro algae!

And for some pics now!

Fuge FTS (probe bank atop it and to the left):

Display FTS: