Electronic or magnetic Ballast with xm 250 10k


Premium Member
Wanting to upgrade my lighting from 175 to 250 XM 10K for my 75 gal.

I want to get growth from my corals rather than have the blue color that the 14k and 20k puts out.

I have read that the magnetics put out more heat than the electrics, and they run the MH bulbs differently. But I feel thats not a big issue.

My question is who runs a 250 MH 10k XM with a Magnetic PFO dual pulse start ballast and if you are happy with it. I am supplementing with actinics as well.

I'm looking at the PFO Dual Ballast Pulse start from Marine Depot.

Are you happy with the setup? Need some pics.
Magnetic ballast wont' give you much more PAR than the ICE Cap E ballast. Eballast will give you great PAR on XMs.
Is it true that the XM 250 run better on Mag than Electrics. Seems I read somewhere that they run more yellow on the electronics than the mags.

Looking for some pics running on Mag ballasts 250 xm
Look up "JBNY" and chekc out his study on 250 watt bulbs he has pics on his site of every bulb running on all kinds of ballast.