Elton's reef tank in Taiwan

can you explain what you meant by "honey moon"?

in past 5 years I feel every time I exchange old rocks to new rocks (about 10% of total) into my tank the sps will just get better growth and PEs are get longer.

So I call it honey moon.
I am going to take 66 days vacation from next Mon. Hope everything goes well in coming days.










It is so sucks!
I just change the wave direction about one month ago and my strawberry just turn white from middle bottom. So no choice and cut them in several parts.



Thoes large wild pieces are annoying and touchy sometimes, sad to see it cut up. Seems flow is one big factor in keeping them happy. I am just assuming it's wild by the shape and growth. This whole page is full of corals with the same hue of color, is this just your camera settings or do you like to collect red colors? Given I am half color blind it may just be me seeing it wrong :uhoh3: Good luck and have fun on vacation. (Like you need luck with all that equipment)😉
What piper said:thumbsup:
I've read(and seen in action) that flow is more important to corals for their health than light.

Don't be sad about those cuts,they'll grow big again in no time:)

Have a nice time all those 66 days of vacation man:beer:
Thoes large wild pieces are annoying and touchy sometimes, sad to see it cut up. Seems flow is one big factor in keeping them happy. I am just assuming it's wild by the shape and growth. This whole page is full of corals with the same hue of color, is this just your camera settings or do you like to collect red colors? Given I am half color blind it may just be me seeing it wrong :uhoh3: Good luck and have fun on vacation. (Like you need luck with all that equipment)😉

Large wild sps really not easy keep them in tank.

But they are really beautiful.

About color, I do think the color is from my setting. But from my eye they are not fully red. Or the problem is from computer LCD setting?
What piper said:thumbsup:
I've read(and seen in action) that flow is more important to corals for their health than light.

Don't be sad about those cuts,they'll grow big again in no time:)

Have a nice time all those 66 days of vacation man:beer:

Thanks for your warm comfort. Hope they will healthy grow in my tank.
Have a great trip....

Looks like you won't see my Finding Dory scene in tank anytime early than Sept....

Do you want me collect good coral these days for you if any available?
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Oh man, that's what makes me nervous about wild colonies! I hope the rest will do ok for you

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