Elton Wng
New member
Stunning shot!!
It is not difficult to make this kind pic for me.
Stunning shot!!
and congrats on the write up, the article was well done![]()
Fantastic Reef!! Usually what was you nitrate and phosphate levels? And what is the method to have this values? Thanks
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Just set up the live camera at Youtube.
Quality...very good!
what's the address???
I can not public it ...for my home privacy.
How long before you have the production of Alk ready?
I'm sure it's been mentioned and I probably missed it but your thoughts on bare bottom? I'm really leaning that way in a new build. Would you go back to sand for any reason besides looks? Is that bacteria media in bags in the sump to make up for the lack of sand?
So I put 8kgs live rocks to make environment as " honey moon " so my tank has many algae now.