Elton's reef tank in Taiwan

Fantastic Reef!! Usually what was you nitrate and phosphate levels? And what is the method to have this values? Thanks

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nitrate and phosphate levels....cannot see any color. almost 0

what is the method to have this values...Korallen-Zucht(KZ)
But I have 5 step motors control Bak, start3, AA, Coral snow, CV. And I will have 10 step motors coming in this month to control rest of KZ items.
Just set up the live camera at Youtube.
Quality...very good!


It is really coming soon.
I am building the molds now.
After we get UL certification we will public it in the market.
If you have friends also need this you can make pre-order then we will put you order in the first run.
But we decided that we only offer 220 units in first lot all over the world.
I'm sure it's been mentioned and I probably missed it but your thoughts on bare bottom? I'm really leaning that way in a new build. Would you go back to sand for any reason besides looks? Is that bacteria media in bags in the sump to make up for the lack of sand?
I'm sure it's been mentioned and I probably missed it but your thoughts on bare bottom? I'm really leaning that way in a new build. Would you go back to sand for any reason besides looks? Is that bacteria media in bags in the sump to make up for the lack of sand?

I was using sand bed just because for my extended leaving. The sand bed for me only for keeping the Nutrients and as a buffer for my corals, nothing else.

But after I have KHG for controlling my ALK and step motor dosing device for adding food and Nutrients. I really do not think I will use the sand bed again beside looks.

In fact bare bottom is more easy to maintain then any other system.
Above are update in June.
Due to I am preparing for my 62 days summer vacation again I was stating adjust my tank since middle May. All color become dark by accident due to KNO3 and K3PO4 made some problem. So I put 8kgs live rocks to make environment as " honey moon " so my tank has many algae now.