Emperor Angelfish- Yes or No?


New member
Hello All-
Just reaching out to a few groups to get your opinion. I have a growing 320 mixed reef and I have an opportunity to get a small juvenile Emperor Angelfish. I had one 20-ish years ago in a FOWLR but never risked it in a reef.
Any experience either direction, bad or good?
I know all fish are individuals, looking for some direction.
I absolutely love all my current fish, but I've always had a soft spot for Emperors.
Currently, DT contains zoanthids, softies, LPS, SPS, clams, gorgonians, RBTAs, shrimp, cleanup crew, and 9 fish. Not concerned about the fish, just the inverts.
Let me know your thoughts!
Imp's love Zoo's, questionable with the clam. If you have meaty LPS like brains, then sorry no Imp.
Emperors are fast-growing juveniles. I had one go from quarter size to nine inches in about three years. Its dietary habits changed many times along the way. It is now the biggest and meanest fish in my fish only tank. It used to be a thriving reef. The emperor damaged or killed every type of coral there was, sps and lps. It then injured almost every fish in there. If I got rid of it I would have a tank full of damaged fish. It is beautiful and a stand out centerpiece fish.