Epic Reef Grand Opening Saturday September 3rd.


Premium Member
The Tampa Bay Reef Club has a brand new sponsor and it is a brand new store located in Sarasota. The name is Epic Reef. Russ and I will be out there Saturday, not sure exactly what time but we will be bringing a nice big cake to celebrate their grand opening. Come out and join us and see the wonderful reef world of Epic Reef!

Saturday September 3rd. will be their GRAND OPENING. The store will open at 10:00 am and close at 9:00 pm. Everything in the store will be 20% off their everyday low prices. Reef Club members (TBRC, SWFMAS, FMAS and ORCA) will recieve an additional 5% off!!!! Make sure to wear your badge!

Epic Reef
4559 Bee Ridge Rd.
Sarasota, Florida

wow another reef store opening up,i guess the economy isnt so bad after all.good luck to the new store and its owner.ill have to take a trip down one day and check it out at some point.
Looking foward to Epic Reef opening, I will be there Saturaday to enjoy the finished store. Corals, fish, and dry goods in stock at one store CAN'T WAIT.
Cant make it on Sat but I've allready visited a few times. picked up this wrasse there earlier this week.

I made the trip down to Sarasota. It was worth the drive. They have a neat set up with lagoons and look down boxes. I like the lighting because you can see honest colors in the corals. The fish prices were so good...I came home with 3 Perculas:fun4: I give them a :thumbsup:
I will give it a try but I don't have a macro lens. Gotta charge up the Nikon and hope the automatic setting works :)
Great pix, Boatguy! Not to burst your bubble on trio of percs purchase, but I hope you have an exit strategy if 2 of them pair up, start spawning & 'disown' the 3rd...The scenario usually doesn't end well for one....:( Good luck, tho!
Exit strategy= setting up the 50 something bow front hanging out in a spare room. You guys and gals are going to meet my better half at the meeting. So..................try to stick to the plus side :) She loves the little clowns and that is why we drove to Sarasota. I must admit that clowns are the well "clowns" of my tank and I enjoy them.