Episode III of "The Lazy Reefkeeper" series (RO/DI for Dummies)

bassman57 said:
I may run it through the attic. That's the only way I could do it.

But I was thinking...If I got a pressure tank, and filled it up. Would i be able to detach it from the rest of the unit and make a little caddy like you did, and just roll it to the tanks and just use the pressure of the tank to do a top off. Do you think that would work?

you could, but that would be rather inconvenient, and it defeats the whole purpose of the pressure tank. Running water lines through the attic should be fine if you don't have a crawl space under your house (ideal). You should give that a try if you intend to hook it up to some sort of auto top-off device and/or float switch. If you intend to top-off manually (that will get old really fast, believe me) then just create some sort of "filling station" similar to the photos in this thread and fill a water pitcher when its needed. The pressure tank full of water is somewhat heavy and awkward to move around due to its shape, rounded bottom, etc. Even making a cart for it is challenging because of these characteristics.

Coincidentily, I've greatly improved a new, redesigned cart for the RO units (should fit most models) but I am stuck as to an appropriate caddle for the pressure tank; one that is shaped like the bottom and will hold it correctly. Still working on it
jsbzmcdaniel said:

Thanks for the link. Do you have to use a RO holding tank or can it but used without. I have a RO tank but I would prefer to use it without.

The pressure tank is a convenience item for having a certain quantity of water "on demand" such as a refrigerator, water faucet, etc.
If you only need it for a topoff device or filling a water barrel, etc. where time is not an issue...then no, you don't need to use it.

If you already have one, what reason would you "not" want to use it though? Remember to hook it up "prior" to the DI stage.
Why would I continue to get waste water with my auto shut off ? It appears connected in the same manner as your diagram, but the product water stops and the waste water continues. How do I stop it ? Great article by the way.
Coincidentily, I've greatly improved a new, redesigned cart for the RO units (should fit most models) but I am stuck as to an appropriate craddle for the pressure tank; one that is shaped like the bottom and will hold it correctly. Still working on it

Nevermind...I just figured it out:)

Why would I continue to get waste water with my auto shut off ? It appears connected in the same manner as your diagram, but the product water stops and the waste water continues. How do I stop it ? Great article by the way.

First, I would suspect the plumbing routing. The water supply should be the very first thing plugged into the auto-shutoff valve, ("in" arrow) with that then going to the RO membrane ("0ut arrow")

Second, I would suspect water pressure or temperature: 40-90psi at the RO unit...measuring a faucet or garden hose is useless, because your tap for the RO unit may be faulty; especially if you used a "piercing valve". The input water should also come from the "cold" tap (not hot water)...make sure you tapped into the correct side.

Third, I would suspect the "outputs" ...are they shutting "off" completely when not in use, so as to not to confuse the auto cutoff valve? For instance, is a float switch still allowing a trickle of water to pass through unbeknownst to you?

fourth, I would suspect a faulty auto cutoff valve...inwhich case you should replace it (about $10)

I hope this helps;)
ReefMeister2 said:

If you intend to top-off manually (that will get old really fast, believe me) then just create some sort of "filling station" similar to the photos in this thread and fill a water pitcher when its needed.

I can't belive i didn't think of that. I'm so dumb ;)

Do you have any pictures of your Pressure tank caddie?
this thread enabled me to finally reclaim my bathroom and move my 5 stage unit to the back porch (using outdroor hose). thanks! (I am a non-plumbing oriented female so i needed someone to spell it out 4 me)

is there any problem with the storage tank and unit to be exposed to the sun part of the time or should i cover it with a towel/blanket/tarp when not in use?

also, if my water softener is broken, will that cause the filters to get used up prematurely or is the gardenhose water usually not going through the softener? any advice/information is useful to me cuz like I said, I dont have a clue. :)
appellativo said:
this thread enabled me to finally reclaim my bathroom and move my 5 stage unit to the back porch (using outdroor hose). thanks! (I am a non-plumbing oriented female so i needed someone to spell it out 4 me)

is there any problem with the storage tank and unit to be exposed to the sun part of the time or should i cover it with a towel/blanket/tarp when not in use?

also, if my water softener is broken, will that cause the filters to get used up prematurely or is the gardenhose water usually not going through the softener? any advice/information is useful to me cuz like I said, I dont have a clue. :)

You'd be amazed at how damaging the sun, morning dew, critters/insects, children, and a host of other maladies can have on outdoor equipment. I would definitly cover the entire unit with some type of enclosure. It could be almost anything, but preferably something that is somewhat sturdy. Something that can even withstand ole' drunk Uncle Charlie tripping over it after he's had his third vodka tonic while prepping this year's wooden fireworks platform (for the 4th of July party) You know, the usual old plywood board that's propped up on a couple of ancient, termite-eaten sawhorses...the ones that'll REALLY light up the sky as soon as the first arrant spark hits it. Yea, those ones! :lol:

wait....what was I talking about? :confused:
oh yea,
I think a small plastic doghouse, for instance, would be perfect to enclose your outdoor RO unit. And it would be kind-of-a cute conversation piece as well. Just warn Unlce Charlie about it first so that he doesn't trip over it....well...at least not 'til after he's had his fifth vodka tonic anyway! :D
jthnhale said:
LRK, your posts are the best.

I have one question on splitting the tank output.
I have a six stage unit and a tank. the RO water sits in the tank, then goes through the DI filter. How do you split the water from the tank for drinking use and DI filter reef tank use?

I love the tap on your headboard it made me laugh :)

Remember that the storage tank is plumbed "before" the DI stage, in other words, it is always full of RO-only water. Therefore, simply "T" off of the storage tank to wherever you want drinking water. Then use the DI outlet for fish-related uses only.

Coincidentily, this is exactly what I need to do for my RO/DI system as well. However LRK Protocol requires a 60-day "cooling off period" before making any rash decisions...such as actually "working". :eek: So, I'll bring up the proposal to the next LRK steering committee meeting and see if it is officially approved or not. Only then can the LRK engineering staff take over the helm and see if the proposal is worthy of LRK initiation.
Gotta do it by the book ya know! :p
johnlewis said:
Why would I continue to get waste water with my auto shut off ? It appears connected in the same manner as your diagram, but the product water stops and the waste water continues. How do I stop it ?

Assuming the ASO is plumbed in correctly, the most common problem with these units are:
1. Faulty check valve
2. Valves at the system output that leak slightly and therefore don't allow pressure to build up in the system. It is this pressure that makes the ASO work.
appellativo said:
is there any problem with the storage tank and unit to be exposed to the sun part of the time or should i cover it with a towel/blanket/tarp when not in use?

also, if my water softener is broken, will that cause the filters to get used up prematurely or is the gardenhose water usually not going through the softener? any advice/information is useful to me cuz like I said, I dont have a clue. :)

Don't place the system in the sun. UV will degrade the plastics, and the sunlight will encourage biological activity in the system.

Re your water softener - most systems are run without the benefit of a water softener.
bassman57 said:
So, how's Episode IV commin along??? ;);)

Do you have any pics of the caddy you made for your pressure tank?

Episode IV has not been started yet, but it will most likely be about my custom-made electrical control panel w/satelite power outlets. The only reservations I have about the issue is that I am not an electrician by any stretch of the imagination. I basically built my system for my specific needs, with what I "think" is logical and reasonably safe. BUT, you know how everything changes once you are addressing the general public, especially with something as serious as electricity. So, I suppose about three full pages of disclaimer language will have to be included in that thread in order to protect the LRK from them evil Imperial Lawyers. :strooper:

I havn't decided if I want to post pics of the new cart yet. I am going to let airwaterice.com have first look at my design. I did finish a complete prototype over the weekend that I think is pretty darn good. I am almost finished with the RO unit caddy too; it will support the entire assembly and prevent the unit from toppling over. (talking about the standard "single-row" versions)
I do intend to make both commercially available soon.
ReefMeister2 said:
Remember that the storage tank is plumbed "before" the DI stage, in other words, it is always full of RO-only water. Therefore, simply "T" off of the storage tank to wherever you want drinking water. Then use the DI outlet for fish-related uses only.

Coincidentily, this is exactly what I need to do for my RO/DI system as well. However LRK Protocol requires a 60-day "cooling off period" before making any rash decisions...such as actually "working". :eek: So, I'll bring up the proposal to the next LRK steering committee meeting and see if it is officially approved or not. Only then can the LRK engineering staff take over the helm and see if the proposal is worthy of LRK initiation.
Gotta do it by the book ya know! :p

thanks, it's easy to picture now that I read the answer.

now I just have to figure out the reservoir system for the reef.

I'm going to read your parts 1 & 2 again and see what you did.

Do you have any pics of the caddy you made for your pressure tank?

If anyone is REALLY interested in buying a rolling caddy for their RO system and/or pressure tank, just contact me via e-mail and we'll work something out. I am in the prototype stage right now, but I think I can manage to build some custom orders on the side. I have some pretty darn good working models already. :)
TANGBOY5000 said:
Watch out, that sounds like a commercial post to me.

Yea, I know how touchy that subject is around here.
At this point I am nothing more than a hobbiest. However, some people have shown an interest in something that I had custom-made for personal use. So, who knows, I just may become one of those villainous "commercial" guys someday! :p

At any rate, I don't want to break any rules on RC, so....back to the main subject:

Update: I decided to change out the DI outlet to a plastic fitting. The braided hoses look like they have small brass inserts in the very end where the threads are, but I doubt that it is big enough of an issue to worry about...the remainder of the hose is rubber-lined on the inside. I am also going to divert RO-only water to Zone II as soon as I find the appropriate fittings. It is pretty darn difficult to find plastic fittings that are adaptable to 3/8" compression. :(
You, my friend, are a god.

Really nice article, easy read and very informative.

I am looking forward to the electrical system article.

You, my friend, are a god.

Oh me oh my, I do aim to please! :)

Hmmmmmm, I wonder...
Now that I've reached God-like status, do you suppose that I could qualify for the ultimate level??? Yep, you guessed it: ReefCentral Moderator???? :D

Oh, what am I thinking? ....that's crazy talk! :p