Eshopps HOB psk 75 skimmer for sale.


New member
I have a 6 month old eshopps psk75 HOB skimmer for sale. The only reason I am getting rid of it. Is I have upgraded tanks, and I had to get a bigger one.
I had to send the body back 2 times to sandy at eshopps, for the stupid black screw holder that pulls the skimmer up close to the tank. Very easy to break. and has broke twice. I gave up on it , cause it doesn't do anything except. pull the skimmer in up on the tank. $ 100.00

the lil white screw is the part that broke.. this was right when I got it . 6 months ago, and still skimms like a mutha...


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no one looking for a almost new hob skimmer. save 50.00 from buying new. and this is broke in and ready to skim the crud out of your tank.